Dragon Hermit

Chapter 381: Holy Light

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381 Holy Light

Earl Alex is famous, even in front of the sanitation group, he has always remained strong. This is naturally because the blood force behind him is too large, but his strength is indeed top.

Such a supernatural ability makes it to the finals.

But the lich is different. Before that, except for a few people who were local to Rongdu, others did not know his name. But it was such a sudden emergence of supernatural abilities who advanced to the finals and had to compete with Count Alex to fight for the crystal skull.

Such a battle is very promising!

Xia Yan is not as good as the competition field. This time, he summoned all the younger brothers in advance. Clay puppets and bone blade skeleton soldiers are at the forefront. The ghost will guard with the ghost tiger. The snake kiss skeleton soldier stands behind him.

Anyone who has seen the battle in front of him knows the power of these summons. Before that, he has never summoned all these younger brothers, and he can always reach the finals. The strength at this time is undoubtedly the strongest.

Earl Alex also felt great pressure. He fluttered his wings and flew in the air. There was a slender western sword in his right hand, and a black air in his left hand, which looked very stylish.

The positions of both sides are very cool, very in line with the atmosphere of the finals.

Now that he has stepped into the competition field, the battle has begun. Xia Yan and Earl Alex stared at each other for two seconds, and then began to chant magic. The ghost and the tiger flew up to the sky and pounced on Count Alex.

Most of the opponents in front of Alex do not have the ability to fly and lack the means of attacking the air. They can only passively defend in front of him. It is normal to be defeated.

But Xia Yan's two gods will be able to fly, and their combat effectiveness is obvious to all.

The ghost will wield a knife, and the ghost tiger will pounce up, and his claws will come out.

"Huh, all ghosts, dare to use it against me?" Count Alex sneered. He was an ancient man from the dark Middle Ages. At that time, there were not too many haunted legends in European castles, and most blood races were Living in the old castle, I usually raise the ghost like a dog, and when I am bored, I am funny.

Although the ghosts and tigers in front of them looked very strong, they were even more powerful ghosts in the eyes of Count Alex.

By the way, these two ghosts are Eastern ghosts, but who cares, they are ghosts.

Earl Alex's right hand lifted the black sword of the ghost general with a thin sword. This black sword was invisible, hurting the soul, and replacing other people, it was impossible to block it with a sword. But Alex blocked it, the light on the sword flickered, and the ghost would bounce off.

The black gas in the other hand splits into a tower shield and bounces off the ghost tiger.

"Different ghosts ... Why is my power draining so fast?" Count Alex was trying to ridicule. Suddenly, there was a shock on his face. The two insignificant ghosts consumed their power much more than expected.

This means that these two ghosts are very powerful!

The two heads of God will be blocked, and they immediately rushed up again. For a while, Count Alex could not get rid of their entanglement.

Finally, Xia Yan's magic was completed. This is a curse. For the Necromancer, the curse is always the first magic to consider. Without blessing the younger brother and the enemy, the Necromancer will never be relieved.

"Weak!" A burst of black gas appeared above Count Alex's head, and he soon enveloped him.

"My body is weak?" Count Alex instantly noticed the abnormality, his physical strength was losing quickly, and it became more difficult to cope with the two ghosts.

"It's a curse!" Earl Alex responded quickly. "Black magic! He's a devil!"

Xia Yan continued to sing, and soon another curse was completed: "Aging!"

The curse's hit rate was so high that Count Alex made another move, and he felt his body organs seem to be aging.

The Necromancer's curse of air ban is too high-end, Xia Yan is only an intermediate Necromancer, and has no ability to use it. Otherwise, a summon of the underworld can be used, even the dragon can be pulled to the ground, not to mention the blood count.

If you can't use the air forbidden magic, you can only retreat second. Weakness and aging can make the enemy's physical strength lose a lot, it is difficult to maintain the flight state, and it is also a disguised air forbidden.

Seeing that Count Alex moved a lot slower, and his moves became weak, Xia Yan was unreasonable, no longer wasting time to sing, pulled out a scroll from the space ring, and activated one of them to throw it together. The bone spear flew at Count Alex.

Then he activated a second reel, and hundreds of teeth were shot simultaneously, covering a large space centered on Count Alex.

"Damn!" Count Alex groaned loudly, his wings flapping fast, pulling up sharply, retreating backwards, and at the same time there were two black gas forming tower shields appearing in front of him, completely blocking the entire body behind .

Almost at the same time, the ghost's black sword, ghost tiger's claws, bone spears and teeth all hit the tower shield. In an instant, the three shields collapsed, and at this moment.

After delaying this, Count Alex also had a scroll in his hand. He did not hesitate to tear it, and a holy white light fell from the sky, covering him as a whole, and he made a scream of sorrow.

The ghost general and the ghost tiger rushed too fiercely, and were swept by the edge of the white light, and they all uttered a silent wailing, and were thrown away from afar. The white flame ignited on their bodies, and the undead element was quickly consumed.

What light is this? Xia Yan was shocked. From this white light he felt the breath of the Provincial Hospital Red Cross.

"Holy Light !?" Paul exclaimed in disbelief, "This old vampire is so great. Although the Holy Light can dispel all curses, it does a great deal of harm to the blood!"

Okay, Paul shouted too much in detail. He clearly told Xia Yan.

Xia Yan understood that Count Alex was trapped by two curses and was suppressed at the beginning. If this continues, he may be suppressed until he loses. This is absolutely impossible for him to accept.

But Count Alex was unable to dispel magic from another world, so he decisively chose the Holy Light, which would also cause great harm to himself!

This root

381 Holy Light

The scroll was found in his family's treasure house, and is said to be the spoils of blood ancestors fighting the Holy See. I thought this scroll would not be used. Who knows it must be used now.

Xia Yan did not hesitate to take the ghost general and the ghost tiger back to the refining rune, otherwise the white light would not be extinguished. This is a force of natural restraint that cannot be resisted, and only the Rune of Refinement can slowly eliminate this power.

In the white beam of light, Count Alex landed and stood on the ground. After the Holy Light finally disappeared, he appeared in front of everyone again.

At this time, the blood count was very embarrassed, as if he had just experienced a fire, all traces of burnt body, and high-priced custom-made clothes were worn out and seriously injured.

But the curse on him has been dispelled.

"Weak!" Xia Yan chanted magic, and the black energy appeared again on the head of Count Alex, but just appeared, and was dispelled by an invisible force.

This is the power of the Holy Light remaining on Count Alex. For a period of time, he will be immune to all dark forces.


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