Dragon Hermit

Chapter 382: Terribly strong

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Chapter 382

The blood clan uses the scroll of holy light to themselves. If it is a baron level blood clan, it is undoubtedly a suicide. Even the Viscount is still dead nine.

Alex is an earl, and he is too strong. Although he was injured, it is not a big deal. It just looks awkward. The light energy left on him can make him immune to darkness for a period of time energy.

The power of the blood is also within the scope of immunity, so in the next battle, Count Alex does not have to worry about the magic of the opposite lich, but at the same time, he cannot use magic himself, but can only rely on his own body to fight.

The blood of the blood is naturally strong, and Count Alex believes that he can easily kill the lich.

"The vampire just used it, it seems to be a scroll?" Said the iron tiger on the top of the mountain in surprise.

"It looks a lot. I didn't expect other people besides the kid to scroll!" Yuan Tianfeng also said in surprise.

"Magic Scroll!" Xia Yan was also surprised, thinking that she was the only magician on earth, but did not expect there to be other magicians.

Earl Alex was full of burns all over his body. This was the restraint of the Holy Light on the power of darkness. However, he had hidden his dark power in the deepest part of the body in advance, otherwise he would be seriously injured even if he was the blood count.

He was still flying in the air, watching the ghost general and ghost tiger approaching again, he opened his mouth and gave a silent roar!

In an instant, the movement of the two headed gods slowed down. The two skeleton soldiers on the ground also seemed to have lost their targets and began to spin around. The clay puppets stood still and motionless.

Xia Yan only felt that his head was "buzzing", as if it was knocked by a sledgehammer. The headache was unbearable and the mana was somewhat uncontrolled.

How is this going? He was shocked.

"It is the sonic attack of the blood race!" On the top of the mountain, the Iron Tiger looks a little ugly.

"It is said that the sonic attack of the advanced blood race can directly destroy the organs in the human body, and even the brain can be stirred into a pot of porridge. The lich is in danger!" Yuan Tianfeng said anxiously.

"Look again!" Tiehu said with a cold face.

"It's a sound wave!" Xia Yan also reacted, shit, it's a bat!

This sound wave cut off almost all of Xia Yan and the younger brothers. If it weren't for a trace, I am afraid that the ghosts and skeleton soldiers would both defect, and then they would change from domestic to wild.

If the clay puppet is lost, it won't run around, it will only become a statue.

This old ghost actually has this hand! Xia Yan felt the magic tower glowing slightly in his head, blocking the invisible sound waves. He suddenly felt his head awake. Although there was still a little pain, it was no longer a problem, but it was still difficult to chant magic.

He took out a magic scroll, activated three in one breath, and several bone spears immediately shot at Count Alex, and beside Xia Yan, the four-sided bone shield spun quickly, making a whine, will Sound waves blocked.

Earl Alex flicked his flesh and flicked two bone spears, but did not escape the third and was stuck in the abdomen. But the bone spear just shot an inch into his body, and was purified by the energy of the Holy Light remaining in his body, turned into pure energy, and shattered and dissipated.

The sonic attack of the old vampire was suspended, and Xia Yan immediately regained control of the five younger brothers. The ghost and the ghost tiger rushed towards the old ghost again.

The Snake Kiss Skeleton lifted his bone and pulled the trigger. A fire of soul accurately hit the old ghost's wings. His wings suddenly burned blue flames. The old ghost screamed and fell from the air while spinning. Fortunately, he finally controlled his body in time before he landed steadily, otherwise he would be afraid of falling into a halo.

The fire of the soul is the foundation of the Necromancer, and is the purest energy. Although it is partial to the dark system, it is never lower in energy level than the Holy Light. Even if it is naturally restrained, the Holy Light cannot be dispelled quickly.

So the blue flame burned on the flesh wings of the old vampire. The old ghost screamed in pain, but could not put out the fire.

Since the old ghost was knocked off the ground, Xia Yan will naturally not miss the opportunity, the skeleton soldier and the clay puppet immediately rushed over. The ghost general and the ghost tiger had already rushed to Count Alex, but they were blocked by the energy of the Holy Light and could not get close to the old vampire.

Although there is also dark energy in the skeleton soldier, it is essentially a physical attack. It wields a bone blade and greets the old vampire.

The clay puppets are too slow and are still rushing to the old vampire.

Earl Alex, with a strong pain in his wings, desperately used his sword to resist the bone blade, and was forced to dodge nonstop, embarrassed.

The Snake Kiss Skeleton soldier raised his bones and aimed at Count Alex, which made him frightened. If he was shot by this **** skeleton again, the consequences would be disastrous.

Under the influence of the Holy Light energy, the blue flame gradually weakened and soon extinguished, but the remaining Holy Light energy also consumed a lot.

Xia Yan began to sing magic again, still cursed, a black air appeared above Count Alex, and was immediately dispelled by the energy of the Holy Light. But immediately the second group of black qi appeared again and was still dispelled, followed by the third group of black qi ...

Every magic consumes a part of the Holy Light energy. When Xia Yan released the fifth curse, the Holy Light energy could not dispel it again, and the black gas poured down into the body of Count Alex. The curse took effect. His Slowed down.

At this time, the fire of the soul on the wings of the old vampire was finally completely extinguished. He only felt that the wing seemed to be separated from the body, and he could no longer feel it.

The first curse hit, followed by two more curses. Earl Alex's power was lost, and he slowed down completely, and his face appeared desperate.

"Old ghost is about to finish!" Tiehu sighed.

Yuan Tianfeng's eyes widened and was shocked by Xia Yan's strange means.

Paul was constantly screaming "god", that was a blood Count, a number of supernatural powers in the world, actually raged by the lich, and it was about to fall, this is incredible!

He knew that the lich was very strong, but he did not think he could defeat a blood Count, but now it seems that this incredible thing is about to happen.

Chapter 382

Huang Zunshou and Zhang Daoxian were also shocked.

Qi Ziyu and Zhang Shufen had been worrying about Xia Yan for fear that he would be injured by the Blood Count, but now seeing the incomparable Blood Count being suppressed by Xia Yan, he was embarrassed and both were filled with shock.

When saving Anna, Xia Yan's strength was far worse than it is now. How long did it take for this guy to become so strong!

Hell traveler John looked at Xia Yan's hand with interest, a mysterious smile appeared on his face, and whispered to himself: "Sure enough, you will also be a space magic, and on your body, there should be an entrance to an independent space! "

Others were attracted by the fierce battle, and did not pay attention to where Xia Yan pulled out the magic scroll, but John noticed it, and also felt the imperceptible spatial fluctuations.

Earl Alex screamed loudly, and the bone blade chopped deep into his body to the bone. The fists of the clay puppet also fell on him, making his movements slower.

The ghost stabbed the long knife from under his ribs, and there was no wound on his body, but he screamed louder, this knife can directly hurt the soul.

The ghost tiger's claws also fell on the old vampire, which also caused damage to the soul.

"Lich, please stop!" When the mouth of the Snake Kiss Skeleton was on Count Alex's forehead, the sound of the Iron Tiger came from the top of the mountain.


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