Dragon Hermit

Chapter 412: Bronze bells

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"Since it's a teacher's ceremony, I'll accept it!" Xia Yan was also polite and took the box and asked, "Can it be opened?"

In case something supernatural is in the box, it would be bad for ordinary people to see it, so he asked.

"Yes." Tiehu said.

Xia Yan opened the box and saw two bronze skulls placed quietly in the box, both of which were the size of dates, rugged in workmanship, and full of ancient meaning.

"This is ..." Xia Yan was taken aback, and from these two bronze skulls, he felt a familiar breath.

"This is what Xiaojun's parents got in a mission. Since Xiaojun bowed under your door, these two things were given to you as a teacher's gift!" Tiehu said.

"Shouldn't the things obtained in the task be handed in?" Xia Yan asked suspiciously.

"I have the final say." Tiehu said domineeringly.

"You are the boss!" Xia Yan thumbs up.

"I feel these two bells are very suitable for you and should play a greater role in your hands." Tiehu said.

"Is this a bell?" Xia Yan was slightly surprised, reaching up to pick up the two skulls, but he didn't feel the beads rolling inside. He picked it up and looked at it, and saw that the bell was full of cotton. sound.

"Wait when no one is around." Tiehu said meaningfully.

"Good!" Xia Yan solemnly put the skeleton bell back into the box.

The bell should have been ringing, but the iron tiger was carefully plugged with cotton. This means that once it rings, something may happen, and Xia Yan is sure that it must be a bad thing.

Because on these two skeleton bells, he felt the same breath as that bronze stick, which was a thick and contaminated element of the undead.

He was even sure that the two bells and the bronze stick should be a whole, and I don't know why they were separated.

At this time Xia Yan also understood that the tomb thief with the bronze stick did not tell the truth. I am afraid that the man was also afraid that the bell was lost.

Unexpectedly, it was a coincidence that the lost bell was actually obtained by myself.

Xia Yan suppressed the excitement in his heart, but still let two people familiar with him see it. Liu Xueer and Han Yidao both noticed his slight expression, knowing that the gift from Tiehu was very important to him.

Yuan Tianfeng and other members of the sanitation team came over to greet each other, and Xia Yan also officially met them. With Xiao Jun, the relationship between them is naturally much closer.

Everyone in the sanitation team also knew Xia Yan, knowing that he was the one who snatched the crystal skull from many supernatural abilities that night. They admired such a strong man.

But now it is not to say that at those times, Secretary Liang, Xiang Dongdong, and Yao Shigu are all confused. The two bronze skulls and bells looked a little bit infiltrating, but this thing seemed to make Xia Yan like it very much, and the conversation between him and the "Captain Iron" was also unclear and foggy.

"Xia Yan, are these?" Secretary Liang finally couldn't help it, and asked.

"It's Xiaojun's family." Xia Yan said.

"Jie Tiehu." Tiehu reached out to Secretary Liang and introduced himself very simply.

"Hello!" Secretary Liang's vision of people is professional. Although he does not know what this group of people are doing, he can see that these are not ordinary people, and they are likely to be people in the system.

But others do not have a special attitude towards themselves, and they do not seem to care. If they are really people in the system, they must belong to some independent departments!

For such a person, Secretary Liang will not put on a shelf. If you can make friends, you can make friends, and keep a good relationship.

Although Xiang Dongdong is also curious about this group of people, he can't care about meeting these people now, because Han Yidao is nearby, and the old man's gaze glanced at him, and he moved away lightly.

But it was this glance without any emotion that made Xiang Dong's face flush slightly and sweat behind.

Before deciding to come here, Xiangdong was ready to see Han Yidao. After all, he stretched his head and shrunk his head. If he does n’t come, maybe his reputation will be broken. At least he hopes to get it Han Yidao's understanding.

Of course, this is also because he discovered that Yidaoli didn't know why he had great influence, otherwise he would not be able to come over.

"Han Lao ..." Dongdong finally spoke.

"Mayor Fang." Han Yidao looked at him, responding lightly.

"Han Lao still calls me Xiaofang as before!" Xiang Dong said with a smile.

"Don't dare, I'm just flat-headed people, you are a parent official." Han Yidao shook his head.

"Mayor Fang and old Han knew before?" Secretary Liang asked in surprise, he heard something.

"Ten years ago, Mr. Han saved my life!" Xiang Dong said with emotion.

"It turns out there is this fate!" Secretary Liang was surprised.

"If Mayor Fang didn't say it, I forgot to mention it." Han Yidao said indifferently.

Dong Dong suddenly flushed his face. Han Yidao's words were completely beating his face, clearly saying that he had forgotten the life-saving grace of Dong Dong.

What kind of personage is Secretary Liang, and I can't hear the meaning in these few conversations. He glanced at the east direction with interest. It seems that the mayor of Fang is going to lose face here today.

Fang Le'er was also flushed, and his heart was regretful and angry.

"Lao Han, last time my family Le'er and Xiao Yan had a little misunderstanding. Today I'm here, I just want Leer to apologize to Xiao Yan. For young people, just open it, do you say it? , Lao Han? "No matter what, Xiang Dong said something ready, but he had already begged in his gaze to Han Yidao.

If Han Yidao prevents Secretary Liang from coming to Taiwan, he will soon become a joke in Rongdu's officialdom.

"I don't care about young people, Xiao Yan, you handle it yourself." Han Yidao said lightly.

"Okay, Master." Xia Yan looked east and looked at Fang Le'er again, and said with a smile: "Mayor Fang, since it was a misunderstanding, it doesn't matter at all, I have forgotten long ago."

"That's good then that's good!" Dong Dong was relieved.

"Mayor Fang, today, Master and I still have important things, so I won't entertain you, or will I talk about it next time?" Who knew Xia Yan said with a smile again.

Xian Yan's smile suddenly froze, and Xian Yan said it very politely, but it was a guest by guest order!

Everyone said that they would not entertain, does that mean you can go?

The mayor of Tangtang Rong was even ordered by a young man less than 20 years old, which was a slap for Xiangdong.

Last time I hacked the phone number, this time I ousted the customer order. Xia Yan really didn't take the mayor seriously.


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