Dragon Hermit

Chapter 413: Formal apprenticeship

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The two fathers and daughters left, but fortunately, the others knew that he had actually been ordered to evict the guests, so Mayor Fang left the scene because he was busy with official duties after having a "cordial conversation" with Yidao Liu.

Of course, it ’s a shame not to wait until the end of the ceremony, but who makes people the mayors, most of the things should be, and Mayor Fang can come in person, has given a lot of money. Face.

Most other guests think so, and no one knows how depressed he was when he left.

Fang Le'er finally had no willfulness this time. She was the mayor Qianjin anyway. If she knew that she had a bad temper in front of Secretary Liang, it would only cause greater trouble to her father.

Xiangdong and Han Yidao's sentiments at that time were completely gone, and they almost turned against each other.

Xiang Dong in the heart of regret, but what about it, things have already happened.

He also did not have revenge, only hope that no one will mention it in the future.

When they received Secretary Liang in a knife pass, the masters had almost finished reading the works exhibited in the venue.

In the process, they became more and more silent, more and more frightened. They are all experts and masters, and they can see what kind of state these things are reflected in these exhibits.

"Old Deng, are these really young works?" Xiao Bailun whispered his doubts to Deng Tong.

"I don't think it's possible!" Deng Tong said solemnly. "You and I know that these works have a deep foundation, and they can't be achieved without decades of attainments. How old is Xia Yan, even from her mother's womb? It ’s been less than 20 years since I started learning. How could this kind of accomplishment be possible? "

"Old Deng, do you think it's unreliable?" Li Shuang also leaned over and whispered: "I think these should be Han Yidao's works. In order to support the apprentice, he insisted that it was that little young work!"

"Are we going to question him?" Master Liu Hexiang said, "As long as these are not the works of the little young man, the face will be thrown away in a blow, and see how they stand up!"

His proposal was echoed by many people, but Deng Tong frowned and said: "Be careful, although I don't like Han Yidao, but he is arrogant and unlikely to do this kind of fraud. After all, he can't always help the apprentice to catch the knife, and sooner or later he will reveal the stuff. "

"Lao Deng, do you mean that these works are really Xia Yan?" Li Shuang asked with a frown.

"Do not rule out this possibility!" Deng Tong nodded and said, "But we still have to figure things out, and we will come out and examine this new head of knife in a moment!"

"Okay, just do it!"

Xia Yan shook his head and smiled when a few seventy-eight-year-old men discussed the embarrassment of a young man less than twenty years old.

Although these old men were far away and their voices were low, Xia Yan had superhuman hearing and listened to their words in their ears.

"It depends on how you want to test me!" Xia Yan is full of confidence. In order to cope with the difficulties of these peers, he has made sufficient preparations, and will guarantee to surprise these old men.

Yue Lun stood beside Jiang Wenchuan, and his big breasted female secretary, Annie, followed him.

Yao Shigu didn't send invitations to Yue Lun originally, but Yue Lun was good at drilling camp, and soon heard the news. The collection of seals bought from Xia Yan last time gave him a lot of benefits from Xiangdong. Also let him know that this mayor of Fang really likes the work of a knife.

So he passed Jiang Wenchuan to get an invitation, his purpose was just to see if there was a chance to buy a better Yidaoliu work. Although he has recognized Xia Yan's ability, he only thinks it is a craftsman, and he doesn't need to deliberately stammer.

As for what magic instrument Zhang Daoxian said, he is still half-confident and not as awesome as Jiang Wenchuan. So this time he came and even brought a female secretary.

It wasn't until he came to the Tianyun Hotel that he was shocked by Yao Shigu's generous package of the entire hotel. This is the big scene!

A craftsman just accepts the disciples, is it necessary to pack the entire hotel, is there a lot of VIPs to watch the ceremony?

So Yue Lun finally put away some contempt and wanted to see what scene could be made today.

Then he was constantly shocked. First, all kinds of characters with faces and faces from Rong came, and many of them were richer than his net worth and had a higher status in the business circle of Rongdu.

That's all. Later, he saw Dong Quan and Dong Feng's two brothers, and then Liu Xueer, the princess of Liu family, also came. This represents the big family Liu family of Sihe!

Well, this hotel was originally from the Liu family. It seems not surprising that they appeared, Yue Lun thought so. But Qi Ziyu actually came with Liu Xueer? Of course, Yue Lun is very clear about the identity of the singer in the music world. Yue Lun is not convinced that she was invited to perform with a knife, and Qi Ziyu never took part in commercial performances.

But what surprised him even more was that Mayor Fang actually came in person and took his daughter.

Governor Zhou ’s big secret is here, too, but Yue Lun has n’t been able to make a connection with his efforts.

How can such a broad network of contacts be so extensive? While Yue Lun was surprised, he was also sober. Fortunately, he did not offend the young head last time and bought one of his works.

But thinking of this, he felt depressed, and the staff was given to Zhang Daoxian. Otherwise, the appreciation in the hands must be fast!

As for Yue Lun ’s female secretary, she has converged a lot today. When she remembered that she had raised her nose and squinted at the one-handed head last time, she almost succeeded in helping the boss get hatred. She felt scared!

Soon, it was time for Yao Shigu's carefully selected time. He stood on the stage and announced loudly that the ceremony of apprenticeship had begun.

Tiehu took Xiao Jun's hand and, accompanied by everyone in the sanitation group, walked to Xia Yan who was sitting on the Taishi chair.

Xiao Jun knelt in front of Xia Yan and prodded him properly. Xia Yan accepted it calmly. This is a tradition, and he did not resist it.

Little Loli knocked three heads, took a cup of tea from the tray next to it, and handed respectfully hands to Xia Yan: "Master, please drink tea!"

Xia Yan took a drink of tea and said, "Get up."

Little Loli stood up and drank this cup of tea, she officially became a disciple of Xia Yan. Of course, it is a disciple of carving. Little Loli has long been a magic apprentice of Xia Yan. This need not be publicized.

Xiao Jun stood up, and the little girl with powder carving and jade carving won the love of many people.

Xia Yan took out a carving knife, Xiao Jun cleverly took his hands over, and then went to give Han Yikhao.

Han Yidao loved the little girl even more, and put an emerald green emerald bracelet on the little girl.

Even Xia Yan didn't know that Master still had such a treasure. The old man was eccentric enough to not give his apprentice to his grandson.

The apprenticeship ceremony was very formal and very short. When all this was done, Deng Tong stood up: "Han Yidao, and this little head of Xia Yan, the old man has a question. I wonder if you can answer it?"


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