Dragon Hermit

Chapter 458: See you again

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"Scarlett ..." Of course Xia Yan would not agree to teach magic to someone who had just met, even if the person was a beauty star. He was about to refuse and heard Scarlett's cell phone ringing.

"I'm sorry, Xia, I'm answering the phone." After reading who's phone, Scarlett apologized and got up to the balcony to call.

Xia Yan smiled. When he was about to reject Scarlett, he still had some apologies, but now there is no more. Since Scarlett regarded a phone call as more important than her answer, it means that she was not serious about what she said just now, and since that's the case, it's okay to refuse her.

"Xia, I'm sorry, I have to leave now if I have something. You have to rest early. Let's go to the beach again tomorrow!" Scarlett came over from the phone and sincerely apologized to Xia Yan.

"What happened? Do you need my help?" Xia Yan asked when she saw that her face was not pretty.

"I have a friend who has just been robbed and injured. I must go to the hospital to see her immediately!" Scarlett said. "She has called the police. If you go, you might be in trouble if you meet the police."

"Then be careful yourself!" Xia Yan nodded and said, "If something is wrong, just call me."

"I will, sorry, I have to go!" Scarlett gently kissed Xia Yan's face, grabbed her handbag, and turned and left the apartment.

Xia Yan drank the red wine from the glass, but turned around and saw Scarlett ’s mobile phone left on the sofa. He picked it up, thought for a while, and decided to send Scarlett to her, otherwise it would be enough to lose the phone. Scarlett was uneasy all night, and the celebrity's mobile phone could not be lost casually.

Throwing the phone into the space ring, Xia Yan picked up the apartment key and went out. He called a taxi, tracking the mana left on Scarlett, and drove into the traffic of Maicheng. It didn't take long for the taxi to stop in front of a hospital, and Xia Yan got out of the car, only to remember that she had no dollars.

"Fifty dollars, sir." The black driver stared at Xia Yan suspiciously, repeating the money.

This was embarrassing. Xia Yan reluctantly took out a piece of gold about ten grams from the space ring and handed it to the driver: "Take your tip too much."

"Is this gold?" The old black stared, half doubting.

"Of course." Xia Yan shrugged. "If you don't believe me, I can sell it first and then give you the car money."

"I believe!" Lao Hei collected the gold decisively, fearing Xia Yan would regret it.

"It is said that the Chinese people are rich, and I believe it today! Actually paying for taxis with gold, is this the legendary local tyrant?"

Xia Yan's space ring stores a large amount of various metals and other precious materials. Gold is just one of them, but consumption of gold is indeed too local, and it is easy to cause trouble. It seems that I still have to find a way to get some cash. .

Thinking about it, Xia Yan entered the hospital. This hospital looks very high-end, think about it too, Scarlett's friend status should not be low, will not come to ordinary hospitals.

With the coquettish position, Xia Yan easily entered the hospital from under the nurse's eyelids at the front desk. Following the power of mana, she quickly reached the third floor and found a ward.

At the door of the ward was a fat policeman with a big belly, kicking a boring ball. Just after Xia Yan passed, he raised his head vigilantly, reaching for the pistol in his waist: "Hey, what are you doing?"

"I'm Miss Scarlett's friend. I brought her a mobile phone." Xia Yan knew that the police in the United States were more self-willed and would shoot if they didn't agree, and shook Scarlett's mobile phone to him, laughing. .

"Wait." The policeman looked at Xia Yan up and down suspiciously, and then pushed the door in. Soon, Scarlett came out and was very surprised to see Xia Yan: "Xia, why are you here?"

"Your mobile phone was forgotten in the apartment, I will bring it to you." Xia Yan said.

The fat policeman beside him looked gossip. Of course he knew Scarlett. Hearing Scarlett left her cell phone in Xia Yan's apartment, she suddenly filled many plots.

"Thank you so much, Xia!" Scarlett moved.

"Yes, by the way, how is your friend, is it badly hurt?" Xia Yan asked.

"She was slapped and slapped on the foot again. Both of them suffered minor injuries. The doctor has already dealt with it, but now the police are asking questions, she can't leave now." Scarlett said.

"Well, I'll go if it's okay." Xia Yan nodded and said.

"What's the hurry?" Scarlett stopped him. "It's already here. Why do you want to go in and sit down? I introduce my friend to you. She's a big beauty!"

"Okay." Xia Yan said.

At this time the two policemen came out and their question was over.

"Salina, how are you doing?" Scarlett spoke while walking into the ward. Xia Yan followed her. As soon as she entered, he saw the beauty on the bed, and the beauty saw him at the same time. , Then Xia Yan stayed for a while.

"It's you?" He couldn't help blurting out.

"Do you know me?" The beautiful woman frowned.

"Xia, do you know Sarina?" Scarlett also asked in surprise.

Xia Yan certainly knows this beauty because she is the blood beauties Sarina who had just met in Rongdu not long ago. In the contest for the crystal skull, this beauty was also defeated by herself.

However, Xia Yan was a lich at that time, and now she is not wearing a uniform. Sarina must be unable to bear him.

"Oh, I seemed to have seen Miss Salina not long ago in Huaxia, because she is so beautiful, so I remember very clearly." Xia Yan immediately made up a lie and asked with a smile: "Miss Salina, you Have you just been to China? "

"Yes, I've been there." Sarina's face was uncertain, and she didn't believe Xia Yan's words. Can you remember your appearance when you meet? It is unlikely, who is this Chinese person?

"I didn't expect such a coincidence!" Scarlett was excited. "Xia has just come to the United States. I didn't expect to meet someone I've met. This is the first time I saw such a coincidence!"

"It's a coincidence!" Xia Yan smiled.

"Let me introduce, Xia, this is Sarina, my good friend. Sarina, this is Xia Yan, uh ... we just met for a day!" Scarlett gave the two excited introductions.

"Hello, Sarina, it's nice to meet you!" Xia Yan reached out.

"Xia, I am happy to meet you too!" Sha Lina held Xia Yan's hand, although she smiled, but still had doubts in her eyes, and then Xia Yan felt her hand suddenly increased strength, She is trying. She doesn't believe that Xia Yan is really just an ordinary person.

Xia Yan remained silent, letting Salina hold it, and Salina instantly withdrew her strength, just like this, she already understood that Xia Yan was definitely not an ordinary person, otherwise he would definitely cry out in pain, absolutely Not so casual.

"By the way, Sarina, Xia Ke is a magician!" Scarlett said excitedly again.

"Magic !?" Sarina shook her body slightly and looked at Xia Yan in shock, as if she thought of something.

In China Rongdu, she once fought with a magician.


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