Dragon Hermit

Chapter 459: You sleep here

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When she recognized Sarina, Xia Yan knew that this blood and beautiful lady would never be robbed or injured, and neither she nor the person who robbed her was superhuman.

Sarina is suspicious at this time. After the trial just now, she has been convinced that Xia Yan is not an ordinary person, and Scarlett said that Xia Yan is a magician. Although this sentence sounds more like a joke, Shalin Na knows this may be true.

Among the Chinese, the magician who impressed her most was the lich who had defeated Earl Alex.

Sarina doesn't believe that there will be many magicians in the world. There are very few such people, and Xia Yan is both a magician and a Chinese. She suspects that Xia Yan may be a lich.

When she thought of the lich, Salina remembered the contest, and the lich did not kill her. Salina felt that she owed a life to the lich. Although she was an opponent, she did not hate the lich, but was very grateful to the lich. After all, no one wanted to die, and even the long-blooded blood family did not want to.

The remains of Cain appeared and disappeared again. Skeleton monsters also escaped the round of the fleet after the missile attack. The blood race has no reason to continue to stay in China, so on the second day of the Battle of Tonghai, they all departed from China.

Earl Alex is going back to Europe to report the action to the Blood Council, and Salina comes to Maicheng, she needs to relax.

"Xia, are you really a magician?" After introducing each other, Sarina asked Xia Yan very curiously.

"It's just the magician." Xia Yan smiled, "Scarlett jokes with you."

"No, Xia, you're not ... well, I'm kidding!" Scarlett was about to refute, and suddenly reacted, maybe Xia Yan didn't want people to know that she was a magician, she felt that she leaked Xia Yan at will 'S identity may have been wrong and could not help feeling uneasy.

"Oh, that's a pity, I really want to see the legendary magician!" Shalina's face showed regret, recalling: "This time I went to China, I saw a real magician, no Do you know if Xia knows him? "

"Hua Xia's magician? What's his name?" Xia Yan asked in surprise.

"He's called a lich!" Sarina looked at Xia Yan's eyes, trying to see his thoughts clearly.

"It turned out to be him!" Xia Yan nodded and said, "I do know him."

"Really? Do you know a lich?" Sarina was taken aback. She thought Xia Yan would deny it. She didn't expect Xia Yan to admit to knowing a lich.

"Xia, do you really know a magician?" Scarlett was also very interested. She wanted to know more about the magician.

"Of course, as long as you look on Huaxia's website, you can easily find the lich's information." Xia Yan said with a smile.

"What?" The two beauties were taken aback.

"This lich, is now a great figure in China." Xia Yan said, "You should know about the matter of going to the sea half a month ago. The man in the black cloak is a lich."

"Are you talking about the sea monster?" Scarlett said in surprise: "Is this true, isn't you making a movie?"

"Scarlett, Hua Xia's special effects technology is not comparable to Hollywood. In that kind of scene, even Hollywood special effects companies can't be so real, let alone Hua Xia's special effects companies." Xia Yan laughed, he was not disparaging This is a fact of the film technology of one's own country, and it can't be done without recognition.

Scarlett was really surprised, but Salina was acting. She was also the one who experienced the battle of the sea in person. Naturally, she knew whether this was true or not. Xia Yan's answer made her even more puzzled. Is this Chinese person a lich? Does China really have two magicians?

No, he must be a lich! He said he had seen me in China, how could such a coincidence!

Sarina's face changed constantly, and finally she chose to trust her instincts-this Chinese named Xia Yan is a lich!

The three of them spoke for a while, and Salina told the doctor that she left the hospital with Scarlett's help.

Xia Yan looked at her feet funny, but she actually sprained her ankle and swelled up very high. With the powerful body of the blood viscount, even if it is hit by a boulder, it may not cause her to slap her feet. This kind of small injury may only be caused by herself.

In order to disguise his identity and integrate into the lives of ordinary people, this beauty of blood race is hard enough.

Salina and Scarlett said with a smile, but her heart was a mess.

Should I report the news of the lich's coming to the United States, or should I hide it?

If it was someone else, Sarina would definitely not hesitate to choose the former, but she owed Xia Yan a life, which made her unable to do anything to betray him.

Alas, let me give him back!

Finally, Sarina decided to hide it. Anyway, he has no definite evidence to prove that Xia Yan is a lich, then he doesn't know when he is!

As a man, Xia Yan certainly wants to send the two beauties back to the hotel. Since Sarina has just experienced a "terrible" thing, Scarlett decided to stay with Sarina tonight.

Sarina lives in the suite of the best hotel in Maicheng. After she slowly sits on the sofa, Xia Yan will leave.

"Don't go, Xia, Sarina's suite is very big, otherwise you will sleep here tonight!" Scarlett said quickly.

"Isn't this alright?" Xia Yan's heart thumped, and she was in the same room with the two big beauties. This was definitely a big temptation that was hard to refuse.

"I'm not afraid of being a big star, what are you afraid of?" Scarlett glanced at him and said, "Salina has just experienced a robbery. She must be very scared. I think there is a man staying next to her that will make her feel at ease! "

"Yeah, Xia, stay here if you don't, there are enough rooms here," said Salina.

Xia Yan said nothing about Scarlett ’s remarks. It would be strange that Sarina would be afraid. The blood of others is simply a creature belonging to the night!

But since the two beauties said so, Xia Yan insisted that it would be inappropriate to leave, so he said: "Okay, but you have to be careful, maybe I will sneak into your room at night!"

"As long as you dare to come, I dare to leave you behind!" Scarlett said without any signs of weakness. She looked at Xia Yan, her eyes provocative and ... a trace of anticipation.

This look almost made Xia Yan unable to control it.

There are two bedrooms in the suite, Scarlett and Salina sleep one, Xia Yan sleeps the other.

"Xia, Sarina and I went to take a bath first. You can watch TV yourself." Scarlett yawned and her eyelids fell down. She was so tired today that she couldn't hold it anymore.

The bathroom door is frosted glass, looking at the two beautiful figures in the shadows, and hearing the laughter and noise of the two beauties, Xia Yan's abdomen burst into steam, he didn't pay attention to what the TV program was.


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