Dragon Hermit

Chapter 509: Super Energy Bureau

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Cain's bone turned his head, the fire in his eyes flashed, and the old ghost's consciousness only woke up when he was fighting with the skeleton monster at sea. Xia Yan estimated that he had slept for so long. Today should be the first time I saw a jet fighter. Dongdong.

Compared to helicopters, the fighter plane clearly presented him with a much greater threat. Cain's remains fluttered their wings and flew high, no longer entangled with Xia Yan.

Both the front sight and the snake kiss two skeleton soldiers put their muzzles down. Since Cain's bones are going to deal with the fighters, Xia Yan will not be stupid enough to let them continue to shoot hatred. Pulled steady.

All of a sudden, two fighter jets roared across the sky with a roar.

The pilots did not rush to fire. After all, this is the downtown area of ​​Washington. If the civilians are injured by mistake, public opinion will make the military and the government unable to eat.

At the bottom, the police had already received an order and were evacuating the crowd with all their might.

"It seems that the order received by the fighter pilots is not to destroy Cain's bones on the spot, but to lead it out of the city. Otherwise, if the fighter really launches missiles in the center of Washington, the world will have to fry!"

Xia Yan did not guess wrong. If possible, senior military officials are absolutely unwilling to open fire in downtown Washington. The two pilots now thought about how to get Cain's bones out of the city, whether they were led out or forced out.

If Cain's bones were still monsters fighting instinctively, they could. But it is a pity that Cain's consciousness is now in control. This old ghost has more fighting experience than anyone on earth. He has seen countless tactics and how can he be easily fooled.

"It didn't catch up!" The fighter pilots were communicating with each other.

"Once again, this time we use cannons!"

"it is good!"

The two fighters made a beautiful turn in the air, and then walked towards Cain's bone from both wings. During this period, they confirmed that there was no one in the building in the direction of the attack, and then the cannon began to roar, and large-caliber bullets poured like a raindrop on the hidden bone.

Cain's bones vibrate their wings, and Spirit Bridge dodges in the air incomparably. In terms of flexibility, any human-made aircraft can't be compared with the creatures that are naturally flying.

Cannon bullets hit a building gravel and the glass shattered. But Cain's bones had already been out of the attack range, and then the two fighters told the passing again that they had lost their target.

Both pilots are the best elites, but they are now facing enemies that have never been imagined before, with completely different ways of fighting.

More importantly, it is now over Washington, and there are too many restrictions on them, but Cain's remains are like a fish, just need to hide in the middle of the building, and then the powerful jet fighters have to catch blind.

This was supposed to be the battlefield of armed helicopters, but unfortunately the speed of the helicopter is too slow, and it has been proved that it is not the opponent of Cain's remains.

Faster than me is less flexible than me, better than me ... well, the helicopter is neither fast nor flexible.

In addition to turning on the range attack mode, no matter how powerful the army is, the terrain in the city is also intact.

But who dares to open the range attack mode? If Cain's bones were irritated, Xia Yan was sure that the old ghost would fly into the crowded area without hesitation. At that time, it was a real disaster.

The situation looks unsolved.

In the distance, a group of blood races flying low in the building quietly landed to hide themselves. They wanted to meet Cain's bones, but when they stood up at this time, they would only provoke Militian. The American soldiers could not deal with Cain's bones, and there was no problem with them. If the people of the United States take it seriously, it is not impossible to uproot the influence of the blood race in the country.

And now that Cain's remains are not seriously threatened, they have no need to show up.

The supernatural abilities of all parts of Washington are also pressing their urges when the fighter appears, and have no choice to show up to pull hatred.

At this time, in the Pentagon, the president and a group of high-ranking officials looked very ugly. What happened in the capital is tantamount to a slap in the face of the United States of America with fierce slaps.

The helplessness of the two fighter planes deeply stimulated them.

"Who can tell me what monster this is?" The black president's face was mixed with anger and helplessness, expressing his dissatisfaction aloud.

The senior officials and the staff were silent, and after a while, the Secretary of State finally spoke weakly: "Maybe, we should ask Secretary Evans!"

"Evans?" The president's eyes lit up and he quickly ordered: "Quickly connect Evans' phone!"


Soon, the phone was connected, and Evans' calm voice sounded in the room: "Mr. President!"

"Secretary Evans, what do you know about what is happening in Washington now? What is that monster?" Mr. President asked anxiously.

"Mr. President, do you know the blood family?" Evans said. "The flying skull monster is Cain, the ancestor of the blood family."

"This ..." Mr. President saw a ghost's expression on his face, and the expressions of other executives were similar. No one would believe this kind of gossip before. But now, when the facts are in front of him, who dares not believe it?

"Secretary Evans, no matter what it is, our first priority is to solve this trouble. Do you have any suggestions?" Mr. President wanted to ask carefully, but he also understood that this is not the time to listen to myths.

"The army can't deal with it in the city. I have to let my people do it." Evans said.

"When will your people arrive?" Mr. President asked. tqR1

"It's here, Mr. President." Evans said, "I have transmitted the picture to the Pentagon."

Mr. President quickly raised his head and saw a clear picture on the huge display screen. It was the battlefield that the world was paying attention to at this time. The angle was high, proving that the people of the Super Investigation Bureau were riding in high altitude. Flying machine.

When everyone was surprised, they suddenly saw Cain's bone lifted his head and looked into the sky, with strange flames flashing in his eyes. Then the monster jumped up into the sky, frightening everyone.

"It, it found the people of the Super Investigation Bureau!" Everyone was nervous.

What's in the sky?

Cain's remains suddenly rushed into the sky, which surprised Xia Yan. He looked at the dark sky, but saw nothing, but he had a clear feeling that something appeared in the sky. .

Suddenly, a very thin ray of light appeared suddenly, falling from the sky, and accurately hitting Cain's remains.

Cain's bones made a terrible cry, falling down from the air.

Xia Yan saw it clearly, and this light shot effortlessly through the shoulder blade of Cain's remains, and finally caused it to be hit for the first time.

After this ray of light, a flash of light circulated in the sky, gradually revealing a huge aircraft.

This aircraft has a huge size larger than the aircraft carrier, hovering in the air, just like an alien spacecraft descending on the earth.

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