Dragon Hermit

Chapter 510: Paladin Squad

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When the huge aircraft was lifted from invisibility, the entire population of Washington issued an uncontrollable exclamation.

"Oh my god, is that an alien spaceship?"

"No, that's our U.S. aircraft, with a national flag on it!"

"What kind of aircraft is this? Why has the government never announced a budget for the construction of this aircraft?"

In the debate, countless people took various equipment and slammed the aircraft.

Xia Yan was also shocked. Is this aircraft that can be deceived by the naked eye a secret weapon of the Rice Army? It looks so sci-fi!

And as soon as the aircraft appeared, it caused huge damage to Cain's bones.

Xia Yan was so vigilant in his heart that he quickly recovered all the skeleton soldiers he had just summoned, and left only two puppets beside him.

When this mysterious aircraft appeared, this battle no longer belonged to him. This aircraft representing the will of the United States would be the main force to deal with Cain's remains.

Xia Yan did not forget that he not only made a wave at the seaside of Maicheng and Mi Jun, but also wrote a souvenir on the president ’s house. With the vengeance of the Americans, what if they want to deal with themselves together? That laser can deal with Cain's remains, and he can deal with himself.

Xia Yan never wants to try the taste of laser, at least not now.

Cain's bones fell heavily on the street, smashing his appearance into a big pit, roaring in pain, struggling to roll.

The second laser did not fall, Xia Yan speculated that this weapon may require a long time to recharge, and the CD time is a bit long.

This is not surprising. If a weapon of such a powerful force has a rate of fire as fast as a gun, wouldn't it be invincible in the world?

But the same problem is still there. As long as Cain's bones dodge with the help of buildings, this aircraft can't take it anymore. No matter how fierce the laser is, it can't be destroyed in downtown Washington.

Xia Yan looked up and stared at the aircraft, and then he saw a small door opened under the behemoth's stomach, and a dozen people flew out and pounced on the ground.

Behind this group of people are a pair of metal wings. Although they do not seem to be flexible, they look more dazzling and not slow.

These dozens of people are wearing fully covered metal armor and are tightly attached to their bodies, making them look like Protoss warriors from the sky, and they are extremely cool.

"Twelve people." Xia Yan counted the number at a glance, and she was vomiting. "The twelve people are still wearing holy clothes. Is this the goddess' holy warrior?"

The twelve armored soldiers landed from the side of the building where Xia Yan was located. Everyone turned to look at Xia Yan when they passed by. They were wearing opaque glasses and could not see whether their eyes were friendly. But Xia Yan thinks they should be mostly curious.

Those three women are really good!

At such a tense moment, he also commented on others. There are three female warriors out of the twelve, and their close-fitting armor reveals their hot bodies, **** and seductive.

The twelve soldiers hovered ten meters above the ground, surrounded the hidden bone in the middle, and then they extended their hands at the same time, facing down. Then their palms radiated a strong light at the same time, shining on Cain's remains.

In an instant, Cain's remains were shrouded in a dazzling sphere of light, which was ten meters in diameter and had a semicircular shape, as if it were a half sun.

The three Louise who took a close-up shot in a building only felt a sharp pain in their eyes and temporarily lost their eyesight. They quickly turned their heads, but Jimmy still dedicated his attention to the battlefield.

"Persevere, this is only temporary blindness, we will recover soon!" Louise shouted, pulled out a pair of sunglasses from her small bag and put it on, and waited for her eyesight to recover, she could still see the scene on the battlefield.

Xia Yan had lenses on his mask, and his vision was not affected in any way, but the glare surprised him.

"Good light, the undead elements on Cain's bones are quickly dissipating!" This strong light made Xia Yan feel uncomfortable. He could clearly feel that the undead elements around him were being quickly dispelled.

Does this light specifically target the undead elements? No, no, it should be specifically for blood races!

The painful roar of Cain's remains came out of the ball of light, like a ghost crying from hell, which made people hairy.

Is Cain's bone about to kneel?

Xia Yan felt unbelievable, and at the same time he felt unwilling. He had thoughts about the hidden bones. This is the best skeleton soldier material. If they were killed by these mysterious warriors, where would I go to find such a good one? s material?

"Director, the Paladin Squad succeeded!" In the aircraft, Evans stared at the huge screen intently, glancing at the entire battlefield. Diana stood behind him, his tone slightly excited.

"The Holy Light could have restrained the blood tribes, coupled with strong ultraviolet rays, and it was not surprising to subdue Cain's bones." Evans' face was indifferent, and this situation was what he expected.

"Will Cain's bones be destroyed?" Diana asked.

"No, I won't let it be destroyed. There are huge secrets in it." Evans shook his head.

"Then ... what, it wants to break free?" Diana was about to ask again. Suddenly he saw a sudden change in the scene, and Cain's bones uttered an angry and painful roar. His wings fluttered and fought upward.

"Hum, dream!" The twelve warriors increased their output vigorously at the same time, and the light became more dazzling, like a hammer, and suppressed the hidden bone, letting it fall to the ground again.

But Cain's bones immediately climbed up again and continued to rush upward, but it was still in vain and was suppressed again.

"He can't escape!" The tension in Evans' eyes disappeared, and a smile appeared on his face, but immediately, the smile froze.

"Huh? Good fellow!" Seeing Cain's remains, Xia Yan raised her eyebrows, jumped downstairs, opened a sewer cover, and jumped in.

On the street, Cain's bones were already violently destroying the ground with strong claws. The dust was flying, and the cement blocks were flying around. In a blink of an eye, the ground was cut through a large hole, but under the ground, there was still a strong light flashing.

Cain's bones roared loudly, and a sudden blood light burst out of his body, shooting towards the ground, and the blood light disappeared instantly. However, after the impact of the blood light, the holy light in the ground had dimmed a lot.

Cain's bone quickly jumped into the cave. The dim light of the Holy Light could not stop it. Although the light of the next time became dazzling again, Cain's bone had disappeared.

"Damn it!" The twelve soldiers immediately closed their hands, and the light ball disappeared. The two soldiers jumped into the hole, but they could no longer see the figure of Cain's remains. tqR1

"Chasing!" The captain of the team ordered loudly.

"Don't chase!" Suddenly everyone heard Evans' voice. "The sewer terrain is too complicated. Once you are scattered, it is easy to be broken by Cain's remains."

"But the director, it has been hit hard and the power has dropped a lot, we will kill it!" Said the captain loudly.

"Observe orders, Turner!" Evans' tone was unquestionable.

"Yes, Director!" Although Captain Turner was unwilling, he did not dare to disobey.

"Secretary, that's the end?" Diana was also unwilling to understand the order of the director. "The Paladin Squad has a chance to find and catch the monster!"

"They have little chance, the sewers are not the battlefield of the Paladin." Evans shook his head and said, "And don't you pay attention, the lich has entered the sewer first, he will find Cain's remains, as long as When they start fighting, we will be able to lock our position again, and Cain's remains can't escape! "

"Lich ..." Diana asked thoughtfully. "Director, shall we even catch the lich?"

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