Dragon Hermit

Chapter 540: jealous

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Soon, most of the materials on the camel were put into the space ring, and the camel was only used as a walking tool. Everyone felt relaxed.

But everyone still keeps some water and food by their side. After all, everyone is not too cooked. Give all the food and water to the lich, and no one will be relieved, even Paul, who has the most dealings with Xia Yan, is no exception. .

Of course, this distrust will not affect everyone's cooperation for the time being.

In addition to food and water, Paul and his team also brought a lot of firearms and bullets, including many demon bullets. After unloading these heavy goods, the camel also walked a lot lighter.

"Lich, did you bring those things with me?" Jason and Xia Yan walked side by side and asked.

"All brought." Xia Yan nodded.

"Fak, I really want to grab your ring, this thing is simply an artifact!" Jason turned around and asked, "Are you right?"

"I want to grab too!" Alice exclaimed.

"It's really jealous!" Mueller smiled.

"Lich, you really don't have many rings anymore? If you have, I will exchange one at any price!" Paul said.

Cohen didn't speak, but his eyes exposed outside the mask also showed a longing.

"Sorry, you should understand that there can't be too many such rings." Xia Yan shrugged, unmoved. tqR1

"Sometimes ago, you were so stupid about fighting for the remains of Cain. Even if you got the remains of Cain, what would you do to find the treasure? Let me say that the ring of the lich may be more valuable than the entire treasure!" , While expressing his nagging attributes.

His words were exaggerated, but everyone else agreed. A ring seems insignificant compared to the treasures accumulated over thousands of years. But not to mention the incomparable practicality of the space ring itself, as long as the space technology contained in it is thoroughly studied, it can definitely advance the human history by a big step forward, and may directly enter the space age.

"Last time I met with the Lich, he said that he could bring all the equipment I want to Africa, do you know what equipment?" Jason continued to whisper, no one ignored him, he continued by himself: " Five high-powered motorcycles, two all-terrain off-road vehicles, two armored vehicles, a small plane enough to sit all of us, a helicopter, in addition to a small yacht and a lot of guns and ammunition! "

"All brought?" Alice looked at Xia Yan in surprise, and finally couldn't help talking.

"Huh." Xia Yan nodded.

"Fak!" Everyone swears together, and even Mueller, who didn't talk much, exclaimed: "Lich, how much can you hold in this ring, it's terrible!"

"Otherwise we don't care about the sacrifice of the demon society, let's kill the lich together and grab his ring!" Alice was eager to try.

"I agree!" Jason called.

"I agree!" Everyone yelled, and even Cohen echoed.

Joking along the way, the desert journey has become less difficult, and the relationship between the players seems to be closer, which is a good thing.

At night, Xia Yan took out the tent and sleeping bag, and the accommodation was quite good in a circle surrounded by camels.

The next morning, Xia Yan took water to wash everyone, this treatment made everyone quite speechless, brushing his teeth with precious water in the desert to wash his face, this is a shameful act to be condemned!

"Last night there seemed to be no harassment by poisonous insects, is this unreasonable?" Jason was surprised again by the abnormal phenomenon.

Xia Yan does not need to sleep, he is meditating while alerting. Within the range of Necromancer's meditation, no poisonous beasts dare to approach.

The undead elements in the desert are very thin, after all, there are too few creatures on this land. However, during the third night of meditation, Xia Yan discovered that there were huge undead elements gathering deep underground, at least thousands of bodies were buried under the thick yellow sand, maybe a certain branch was swallowed by sandstorms The army may also be the ruins of an ancient city.

Meditation in such a place, the effect is very obvious. If Xia Yan is an archaeologist, he must be crazy about underground secrets, but unfortunately he does n’t have much interest in archaeology. Underground secrets will continue to be buried deep. Of course, it may not, who knows.

But this night, because Xia Yan's meditation attracted the elements of the undead underground, the surface quality of the seven members of the Lich Squad were not very good. Except for Alice, who had the strongest mental strength, everyone else had a nightmare night Alice was also affected.

The next morning, apart from Alice, the other six had bloodshot eyes. After complaining a few words each, everyone was shocked to find out that everyone was having nightmares ... except the lich.

What a mysterious and scary guy!

Two more days later, the dust storm came, but apart from the two camels, there was no great damage. The materials are all in the space ring, and the team members are all supernatural abilities. This is enough to kill ordinary people. Tianwei will not pose a threat to their lives.

The days of walking in the desert are boring, except for the occasional Jason who has to say a few words, everyone else is very silent. The atmosphere will be reactivated only when drinking and barbecuing around the campfire at night. After ten days, the squad stopped, and the place of sacrifice of the Devil Society was fifty kilometers ahead.

"There is a peculiar magnetic field, it may be a magic array, and the satellite cannot observe it. We have to get closer to understand the situation there," Jason said.

"Separate action?" Paul looked at Xia Yan.

"No, you are waiting here, I'll go and see for myself." Xia Yan said.

"Lich, we are a team!" Paul frowned.

"I can fly, but you can't." Xia Yan said.

"Our mission is only reconnaissance. I don't think this can be done by flying high in the sky." Alice objected.

"Scout?" Xia Yan smiled. "My elder brother came to Africa to suffer, but not to be a scout."

"You mean ..." Paul raised an eyebrow.

"From the beginning, I came to destroy the sacrifice. Scouting is of course needed, but the subsequent actions, I will not let others." Xia Yan looked around the six people, hehe sneered: "Do not tell me, you guys Will follow the command of the Allied Power Alliance! "

"I won't." Cohen sneered, first showing his attitude. He is not a member of the World Power Alliance, and this answer is no problem.

"Okay." Paul shrugged. "I admit, I'm not a scout!"

"I listen to the captain." Mueller's answer was simple.

"Damn, I don't want to die in the desert!" Alice swears, shouting at Xia Yan: "Lich, if I said not to take part in your actions, would you give me supplies to let me leave?"

"For the sake of confidentiality, I'm afraid not!" Xia Yan said.

"Well, I will join!" Alice said immediately.

"I join!" Jason said.

The black cat didn't answer, she was always consistent with Paul.

"Then do as I said." Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction, the wings of the undead popped from behind, the wings vibrated, rolled up the yellow sand, and flew in the air.

"I'll go too." Cohen's back suddenly had black wings, but they were a pair of demon wings. He flew up and said loudly: "My eyesight is good."

"Then let's go." Xia Yan did not refuse, fluttering his wings to the sky, Cohen followed.

"I should get a pair of devil wings too. It's so cool to fly!" Paul looked at the sky with emotion.

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