Dragon Hermit

Chapter 541: door

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The center of the Sahara Desert was originally a barren world with nothing but yellow sand, but now it has become another world. tqR1

A huge crater with a diameter of one thousand meters appeared on the ground. This is a desert. Any significant landforms will not last long. Perhaps one night, the tall sand dunes will disappear. Such craters will soon be filled with gravel.

So the existence of such a crater is simply a miracle.

"Is that a magic circle?" At two thousand meters, Xia Yan and Cohen kept the same speed, hovering over the crater.

Seen from the sky, the huge crater suddenly showed a hexagram pattern. The six sharp corners of the hexagram are located at the edge of the crater. Inside the huge hexagram, there are densely crisscross lines. The six-pointed star and these thin lines form a complex formation.

"Yes, it's a magic circle!" Under the mask, Xia Yan's eyes were dignified. Even at a height of two kilometers, he could feel the fluctuation of the magic element, and the undead element accounted for a large proportion of it.

The crater magic array has not started yet, there are already magic fluctuations. I dare not imagine how huge energy will erupt after activation.

In addition to the magical power leaked from the crater magic array, there is an unknown energy enveloped above, which should be the energy to prevent satellite peeping.

There are still some buildings on the edge of the crater, but they can not be seen clearly from high altitude. It must be a building built for sacrifice.

Many black spots move slowly inside and outside the crater, these are people, they are still busy making the final arrangement.

"Go down and see." Xia Yan began to decline, to see more clearly, Cohen followed. It fell hundreds of meters again, and both of them saw the surroundings of the crater clearly.

The pointed corners of the six-pointed star are each connected to a circular pool with a diameter of about 100 meters. Next to each pool, a wooden tower stands. In addition, there are many tents densely scattered away from the crater. Next to the tent area, there are dense wooden cages. Some cages are already closed with piles of blacks, and others are empty.

"Those are sacrifices!" Cohen's tone fluctuated. It is conceivable that the people in the cage are the sacrifices of this sacrifice. Roughly calculated, the number of sacrifices is about six or seven thousand. Although it has not reached 10,000, it is not far away.

With so many sacrifices, even in a backward war zone such as Africa, it is not so easy to catch. I am afraid that there are no more people left in the villages and how many kills were made during the period. It is simply unimaginable. Even more terrifying is that after more than a month, these people in the cage will all lose their lives in a **** sacrifice.

"Did no one find this tragedy? Reporters, intelligence agencies of various countries, and local governments, are they all eating rice?" Xia Yan felt incredible.

"The power of the Devil Society is far greater than you think, and this is a war-torn Africa. It is not too difficult to let the news spread out." Cohen sighed.

"How did they do it?" Xia Yan still didn't understand.

"Give bribes to the local government, control the actions of journalists, use mercenaries in large amounts, and exchange interests with countries. In short, there are many methods available. The world's eyes will not be focused on this land, even if there are organizations that find abnormalities, Nor did he expect that the devil would do such a thing. "Cohen said.

"Then we have to represent justice." Xia Yan stared down, his tone was plain, but Cohen heard a solemn taste.

"Lich, do you believe in justice? You should know that the standard of justice is not easy to define." Cohen asked.

"My heart is justice." Xia Yan said, this sentence is very compelling, but it is also very correct. Since the standard of justice is not easy to set, then it is up to you to decide by your own heart.

"Your heart?" Cohen glanced at Xia Yan's chest, thoughtfully.

The roar of the helicopter came, and the two looked up and saw a fleet of large transport helicopters appearing in the sky. Each of these helicopters can hold at least fifty people. There are twelve such helicopters. If they are full, If so, about 600 people can be transported in one go.

As long as there are enough people, it only takes a few days for the demon to gather 10,000 sacrifices. Of course, this number will only be more or less, in case there is a "sacrificial offering" that accidentally dies before the sacrifice begins.

The helicopters quickly landed next to the camp. A large number of soldiers armed with weapons poured out of the barracks, drove hundreds of black men off the helicopter, then cramed them into the cage, and finally threw in some water and food.

Their movements are skillful and efficient, and obviously they have been done many times.

These helicopters also started maintenance, and the pilots went to rest one after another. Some even pulled women directly from the wooden cages and dragged them into their tents.

For most people with normal views, the following is a terrible hell.

Xia Yan felt sorrowful, although there were many scenes in the lich's memory that were worse than before, for himself, this scene was the first time he saw it, and such an impact was unimaginable.

He really wanted to rush down now, kill all the demons, and rescue those sacrifices, but this is impossible, maybe he will cause great damage to the demons, but these sacrifices will no doubt also Suffered by the pond fish.

"Let's first find the door that the devil will open last time." Xia Yan cast aside the matter at his feet temporarily and looked to the west. Information shows that the location of the second sacrifice is east of the first sacrifice, and the distance between the two places is one hundred kilometers.

This distance is very far. After all, the door to another world is to be opened. If the distance is close, the two doors may interfere with each other, and some unpredictable changes will occur.

The two raised their height to 2,500 meters and flew west. The height of two thousand five hundred meters has already approached the limit of the Devil's Wings. Cohen looked at Xia Yan's pair of Devil's Wings with many different wings and couldn't help but envy him.

Twenty minutes later, on the horizon ahead, a bright light came into view.

"Door!" Cohen made a surprised voice.

It is indeed a door, a light door, to be precise, a light "slit". I saw above the desert, there stood a huge gap of up to 300 meters, but less than half a meter wide. The edge of the gap shone with more dazzling light than the sun, making it difficult to look directly at.

"God, what's on the ground?" Cohen exclaimed suddenly.

Xia Yan's breath also paused for a moment. I saw a footprint on the sand in front of the "gate". There were humans on the edge of the footprint. With reference objects, the two can clearly distinguish how huge this footprint is. I am afraid that the length exceeds ten meters.

Just a little thought, a shocking picture appeared in my mind.

A building-like huge leg protruded from the light door and stepped on the ground. The huge existence behind the door wanted to cross the border, but the light door was not stable and began to shrink quickly. It did not dare to take risks. The legs retracted, leaving only a huge, unmatched footprint on the ground.

What kind of scary giant creatures exist in the world behind the door?

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