Dragon Hermit

Chapter 633: Here are five bowls of tea

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"Eh, this is it. I told you that I lived so much. For the first time, I heard about a teahouse with 100,000 yuan and a bowl of tea. At that time, I wanted to go in and experience the culture of the old teahouse. At that time, I was almost scared to pee. This cliff is a black shop. I called the Industry and Commerce Bureau when I came out to complain. You see, it must have been rectified here, otherwise it is impossible to continue to open the door! "TqR1

Several white-collar-looking young people passed by, and one of them pointed to the teahouse, his mouth spitting.

"Shall we go in and see?" Another person suggested.

"Go, go in and see what a hundred thousand bowls of tea look like, haha!" Everyone else laughed, ready to go in and mock the black shop owner. Of course, if there are few people, they dare not do this, but when a few people get together, the courage becomes bigger, and the black shop owner dares to provoke.

"Boss, let's have a bowl of tea!" Someone shouted violently just after entering the high threshold.

Xia Yan raised his head and glanced. His memory was very good. At a glance, he could see that this person had been here. He immediately understood that this was to cause trouble, and he ignored it at the moment. These people stepped in and looked up at the wall. They were all stunned. Why was the red paper still stuck on the wall, shouldn't it be rectified?

"Look at the price clearly?" Xia Yan asked only then.

"What if you see clearly?" These people had a stalk in the neck and still had a hard mouth, but they all had a little doubt. What's the matter?

"Want to drink tea?" Xia Yan asked again.

"This ..." hesitated, and still had to drink after looking at the price. Isn't that a silly hat?

However, several people saw Sun Mingyuan and Sun Jie who were sitting and drinking tea. Their eyes lit up suddenly. This is not because someone was drinking tea. Looking at the old and young, it was not like willing to spend 100,000 to drink a bowl of jasmine tea. Looks like. This boss must be bluffing. Although I don't know what benefits he has to do, it can never be 100,000 bowls of tea. It is **** that someone comes to drink at this price.

A few people looked at each other, and if they exited sullenly at this time, they would be too embarrassed to say anything, and they would have to hold on to what they said. Besides, so many of us are afraid of anything.

Several people nodded to each other, and found a table around to do it, shouting for the head man: "Boss, didn't you say tea, why can't you?"

Xia Yan is a little speechless. I haven't seen anyone rushed to be slaughtered. Are there any problems with these people's heads?

Sun Mingyuan and grandchildren also looked a bit dumbfounded. What's going on? Is the living standard of the people really high to this level now? One hundred thousand bowls of tea can be called without blinking. What is the rhythm?

"Boss, get tea soon, what is it?" There was another cry.

"There are sunflower seeds, peanuts and peas, all come up."

Your sister! Xia Yan can understand that these people are the kind of guys who are commonly known as idle eggs and hurt together. Obviously these people would not pay, Xia Yan certainly did not want to go to tea, so he waved his hand: "If you don't sell, don't sell, please trouble you to go out."

"Why not sell it?" "Why did you do this business and drove the guests out?" "If you don't sell it, why are there two bowls of tea over there?"

When these goods were heard, they all quarreled, and the eggs that had been idle all hurt. A few words of quarrel are beneficial to physical and mental health.

"They paid." Xia Yan said coldly.

"We also have money, don't you just drink tea, you can't look down on people!"

Xia Yan is angry, brother kindly pity your wallet, you are tangled?

"Wait!" Xia Yan turned to get the tea bowl. The five bowls were placed in front of a few guys. Put the tea leaves in the boiling water and the rich jasmine fragrance floated out. A dish of melon seeds was thrown on the table, and a few grains spilled out.

"Boss, what kind of service attitude do you have, can't you let it go?" A guy was still shouting, and Xia Yan didn't return to the counter, and stood beside their desk, looking at them coldly.

"What are you doing here, boss?" Someone asked.

"Rules, you have to pay for the tea." Xia Yan said, he was going to teach these guys a lesson. It is said that this is indeed the rule of Rongdu, and the tea will be paid when the tea is placed on the table.

"Xing Xing Xing!" Shouted the headed man, "Isn't it just fifty yuan? I'll invite you today!"

With that said, he took out a red ticket and placed it on the table. Xia Yan collected the money, but still stood still.

"Boss, find money!" Cried the man.

"There is still 499,000 yuan left, so please pay it first." Xia Yan said.

"What?" The five people shouted together.

"One bowl of tea is one hundred thousand, you are five bowls here, you should pay half a million, and here is only one hundred yuan." Xia Yan shook the red ticket and said.

"I depend, do you really dare to charge one hundred thousand?" Several people cried, "are you a black shop?"

"The price is clearly marked, Tongsuo is not bullying, don't you say that you can see the price clearly, then give it money." Xia Yan was not impatient.

"What money, this is a black shop!" The five people all clamored, their voices were not small, the door soon appeared to see the lively, and some people went to the store to see.

"What's going on?" Someone asked.

"It seems like drinking tea without giving money."

"Aren't you talking about black shops?"

"Black is black, but others are also in the bright place. Look at the wall, so big words are posted, don't want to give money and don't come in. Just come in and drink tea and don't want to give money, there is no such rule!"

"One hundred thousand, I won't give it to me."

"Yes, what can I do if I don't give it, can this boss still call the police, and the police will not speak to the black shop?"

"It's useless even if the police help him talk. A cup of jasmine tea is not worth one hundred thousand. When the mediation is over, it's enough to give one hundred and eighty dollars.

Looking at the lively crowd, there was a lot of discussion, mostly talking about the high price difference, and laughing at the five guys. Xia Yan didn't care. The five guys' faces were red and white for a while.

"Boss, isn't there two people over there, did they give money? If they didn't, you shouldn't take our money!" Suddenly a guy pointed at Sun Mingyuan and his grandson.

"Really there is a table?" The melon-eaters discovered the New World. They were really eating the plate of melon seeds on the table.

"Why didn't one old and one young make trouble?"

"What if they gave money?" Xia Yan was funny. This guy was digging a hole for himself, so he had to cooperate with him to dig deeper.

"If they give money for 100,000 bowls, we will give it!" The headed guy exclaimed.

"Yes, if they gave the money, we would give it, otherwise it would be Wang Ba, and we would crawl out later." Another guy also called.

"This is what you said." Xia Yan smiled. "Dear neighbors, everyone can hear you. Please wait and help me to stare at it for a while!"

"No problem!" "It must be staring!" "I know them, isn't that who and who and who and who?"

"Just recognize it." Xia Yan was satisfied, worrying that too many people who didn't know the truth had come too many days, and it was troublesome to explain one by one. After today, it is estimated that fewer people have come to the door.

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