Dragon Hermit

Chapter 634: Take control of space cracks

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"Mr. Sun, do you see?" Xia Yan turned to Sun Mingyuan, who was interested in it, and asked.

"We have indeed given money, a lot of 200,000 points." Sun Mingyuan nodded and said with a smile.

"Impossible!" "You gave it and gave it, what evidence?" "That is, take out the invoice and see it, but you can give it if you say it." The five guys commented immediately.

"You don't think we gave the cash?" Sun Jie smiled and operated on the mobile phone. He quickly opened the online bank and found the transfer record just now. Xia Yan also turned over the transfer record. The two cut the picture. I used the software to paint the privacy of the name and account first, and then I saw the crowd of melons, and suddenly exclaimed. tqR1

"Is my blind, really gave 200,000?"

"These two are stupid? Two bowls of jasmine tea will be given to 200,000 yuan. This is the soft sister coin, not the lira!"

"But people really gave the money, which is interesting now."

Xia Yan didn't show them the screenshots of the five guys with egg pains, but Xia Yan didn't show them the screenshots first.

"Five bosses, everyone has seen the evidence, or should you also look at it?" Xia Yan finally put the two phones on the table and pushed them in front of them. The five didn't reach out, but they could see it when they looked down. It's all ignorant.

Are these two people stupid, and actually gave money? The five people looked at Sun Mingyuan and Sun Jie, all with tangled faces.

"Or should the five bosses pay the bill first, and then sit down and drink tea slowly?" Xia Yan asked with a smile on her cell phone, but his smile fell on the eyes of the five, and all felt cold.

"Give money, the bosses of other people have come up with evidence, and it's not pitting you." The melon-eaters started to coax.

"It's okay not to give money, just admit that you are king eight, and then just crawl out!"

All five people blushed, and the money was definitely not given, half a million, if you give it, aren't you a fool? The five of them looked at the door and were ready to run, but the eyes of the crowd were clear, all crowded at the door, and the ants couldn't crawl through it.

"We confessed!" The leading guy finally made up his mind after he gritted his teeth, "We crawl!"

The other four exchanged glances and all nodded: "Let's climb!"

With that said, the four really had to stoop down and crawl out.

"Wait." Xia Yan feels that she is still kind. Although these five guys are in trouble, they are not sinful, that is, they are idle and bored to have fun. Let them admit their mistakes. If they are allowed to crawl out, there will be a few more enemies who will not speak, and their image will be damaged. If they pass on, they will be said to be arrogant.

"Just kidding, don't take it seriously, there is no reason why people crawl out." Xia Yan said with a smile.

As a result of this, the five guys felt relieved. Although there were still some people who were too busy to eat melons and called for climbing, most of them were boasting that the boss was a particular person.

Sun Mingyuan sat down with a smile and learned more about the little boss who had the ability.

The five people squeezed out of the crowd, and the people who ate melons also dispersed. After this buzz, the news of the sky-high price of tea in the small tea house spread again. Many people came to the door of the store to look at it, but with the experience of those five guys, no one ever tried to die.

Some videos and posts about this tea house appeared on the Internet, and there are even photos of Xia Yan, but there are not many people who care about this kind of thing, and they will disappear after a while.

The little episode has no effect, Xia Yan still has a rare leisurely life, meditating, practicing carving, teaching Xiao Jun magic, and his girlfriend, you ... Forget it, it's shameful that people under the age of 20 have the idea of ​​pension.

So Xia Yan spent more and more time studying the Gate of Hell every night, and even left Liu Xueer a little cold for this. Fortunately, Mr. Liu was very angry and would not have any complaints.

On the evening of the week before the month of January agreed with John, a thousand miles away from Rongdu, Gulong finally tore a crack in space again.

This space crack is only half a meter high and more than ten centimeters wide. Compared with the huge size of the bone dragon, it is definitely more technical than Zhang Fei's embroidery to tear such a small gap with a huge demon arm.

After so many days of research, Xia Yan's understanding of the devil's arm and space elements has reached more than one level, and he can control the size of the bone dragon tearing the space crack. He is sure to make this space crack into a more stable **** Door, and can make huge **** creatures unable to pass.

As soon as this small space crack appeared, fiery red light appeared through it. It seems that **** is a world of lava, or that lava landforms account for a large part.

This time, there were no dangerous **** creatures coming out. Perhaps they felt that this space crack was not large enough to allow them to come across the boundary, so they simply did not waste physical energy.

After waiting for a few minutes and finding no dangerous breath, Xia Yan threw a fruit mobile phone with the camera open into the crack in the space, and tied a rope on it. Just after throwing it away, he felt the rope tighten and then loosened it. After pulling it out, the phone was gone.

The rope didn't break when it passed through the space crack, Xia Yan immediately understood that there was something waiting on the opposite side. The discovery made him cold. People on this side of the earth want to spy on hell, and the creatures on the other side of **** think of the earth. They seem to have a special sense of space cracks. Every time they open, **** creatures will come over in the shortest time.

However, there seems to be no **** creatures in the piece of **** space that John used to traverse, otherwise he might not be able to traverse so brazenly.

Fortunately, this fruit phone was bought by Xia Yan, not the one he was using, but it also made him less troublesome.

It's time to close.

Xia Yan attached consciousness to the bone dragon again. The hands of the two demons shimmered, sandwiching the cracks in the space and slowly closing them together. The crack in this space was really squeezed narrower and narrower, and finally closed together, leaving only a thin line barely visible to the naked eye. This thin line will disappear completely within a few hours.

"Sure enough!" Xia Yan was satisfied. This is the skill he pondered out. If the space cracks can be compressed, the chance of being found is reduced, and the infernal creatures can't pass through unless they have the ability to recompress the compressed crack Hold on.

You can go to hell!

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