Dragon Hermit

Chapter 648: Xiao Jun is very filial

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"What a beautiful woman!" The two felt the same feeling when they met. Both Salina and Liu Xueer's beauty are killed by the East and the West. Salina's figure is superior, and Liu Xueer is more gentle and delicate.

Xia Yan faintly felt that there were electro-optics and sparks intertwined in the air. Although he had been mentally prepared before coming, he was still cold and sweating.

The Liushan couple walked downstairs and saw Sarina. She felt a sense of crisis in her heart. Her daughter's enemy was very powerful!

"Xue'er, don't you invite the guests to sit?" Liu Mu couldn't help but say, Liu Shan didn't stop, and this kind of easily provoked war was said.

First define Salina as a guest and give her daughter an upper hand. This is the idea of ​​Liu Mu.

Liu Xueer looked back at her parents and said helplessly: "Dad, mom, aren't you still having trouble?"

"No, we're all right ..." Liu Mu puzzled.

"Something, we have something, you young people have a good chat, we will go back first!" Liu Shan took his wife, the daughter clearly did not want to let parents intervene, then what else to say, hurry away as well, or stay Going down will only make things worse.

Mother Liu was reluctantly taken away by her husband, and Xiao Jun hurriedly closed the store door and closed in advance.

"My name is Liu Xueer." After being interrupted by her mother, she went back to introduce herself and Liu Xueer reached out to Salina.

"Salina." The two hands held together.

"Salina, can we talk?" Liu Xueer asked with a smile.

"Of course." Sarina said.

The two women went upstairs hand in hand, leaving Xia Yan and Xiao Jun underneath. The master and apprentice looked at each other. Although Xiao Jun didn't understand it, Xia Yan didn't know what would happen and was uneasy.

If the talk is not good, Cher will definitely not win Salina ... But how does Cher's style just look so familiar? When the maid subdued the third year in the TV series, it seemed that many smart people used this way of spring breeze. Is this the rhythm to make the other person feel guilty and then take the initiative to quit?

However, Salina will never voluntarily quit. In the world view of the blood tribe, she does not quit the word. Salina believes that her own things must be grasped and must not be given up. Otherwise, she would not disobey her father's orders, and betray the entire blood clan will also be with Xia Yan.

"Master, is this foreign aunt also my sister-in-law?" Xiao Jun asked, blinking his eyes while pouring a bowl of tea for Master.

"..." Xia Yan didn't know how to answer, but waited for the two women to negotiate a result.

But should n’t I be the protagonist? Why didn't you take me when negotiating? Xia Yan's thoughts were a bit chaotic for a moment.

"Master, do I have any other teachers?" Xiao Jun asked curiously.

"You bear children ..." Xiao Jun's question is not easy to answer. Xia Yan thought, why don't you open the pot, little boy, did you see your master worrying about this?

But with a glance, Xia Yan suddenly understood when she saw the small smile on the corner of her mouth. This little thing is so smart, she must understand everything. She intentionally retaliated against me, Master, during this time.

Xia Yan hated her teeth, and really wanted to pull this little thing over to spank, but she couldn't get rid of her hand, and she was guilty of guilty conscience, and it was wrong to be angry at the child.

"Xiao Jun, have you seriously practiced magic and carving these days? Come here, I want to check it!" Xia Yan shook her face.

"Master, I'm so angry and angry!" Xiao Jun mumbled and came over, "Master, please take the exam, I'm sure it's okay!"

"First sing the two magics of Bloodthirsty Curse and Summon Skeleton. If you make a mistake, or pause a little, be careful I spank you!" Xia Yan shouted.

Half a minute later, Xia Yan nodded with satisfaction. Little Loli did not brag. During this time, she worked hard. The two most basic elementary magic chants were almost perfect.

"Take a radish and engrave one of your best things," Xia Yan said again.

Little Loli ran into the kitchen to pick up a white radish, took a carving knife, peeled it skillfully, and then sculpted it quickly. Soon, a lively mammoth appeared in front of her.

"Not bad!" Xia Yan nodded, Xiao Jun's talent is undoubtedly, he is hardworking, and in a short time, the kung fu in his hands is already very good. If he practices with time, he will not only become a powerful Necromancer, but Will become a true successor of the sword. tqR1

"By the way, Xiaojun, is your mammoth Yinling offering good?" Xia Yan asked about something she missed again.

"Master, you finally remembered!" Xiao Jun shouted in awkwardness, "I have already sacrificed it, and now I let it stay in a mammoth ivory every day, can you teach me to make a What does it stay in? The ivory is too long, so it is inconvenient to call it! "

"Wait for your sisters to negotiate ... cough, after the talk, I will teach you to make Horcruxes and Rune Talismans tomorrow. At that time, you can put the Mammoth Yin Spirit in the Rune Talisman, so that it can become more and more Powerful. "Xia Yan said.

"Thank you Master! Master, you are so nice!" Little Loli threw herself excitedly at Xia Yan and hugged him by the neck. "Ah," he kissed him.

"Okay, don't make trouble, Xiaojun, Master asks you something." Xia Yan glanced at the stairs and whispered.

"Master, what do you want to ask?" Xiao Jun also lowered his voice and asked mysteriously.

"Have your sister talked about me in the past two days? Is she angry?" Xia Yan asked in a low voice.

"Sister-in-law talks about you seven or eighty times a day, but she doesn't seem to be angry. In the past two days, a lot of people have come to talk to the sister-in-law, and they are all talking about your bad things, Master!" Xia Yan whistleblower.

"Really, who are there?" Xia Yan raised her eyebrows. Someone stabbed me in the back. This was unbearable!

"There are Aunt Ting, Aunt Min, Aunt Ziyu, and Uncle Dong Quan, Uncle Dong Feng, and the father and mother of the sister-in-law. They all say bad things about you and let the sister-in-law break up with you! Jun immediately showed that in addition to being filial to Master, he sold a group of people without any pressure.

But Xia Yan also vaguely understood what these people said, except for the Liushan couple, other people are unlikely to persuade Xueer to break up ... Well, maybe Sister Min will meet, Xia Yan remembered Yao Min said To chase his words, but he immediately despised himself, Xia Yan Xia Yan, you are too shameless, how can you think of Sister Min like this?

Others are helping, they use the best way of persuasion. Xia Yan is not stupid. Dong Quan and Dong Feng's brothers can think of something. How could he want to make up for it?

But remembering that Qi Ziyu had also come to persuade, Xia Yan felt another melancholy.

In such a cranky way, Liu Xueer's voice came upstairs: "Xia Yan, you come up."

Stretching the head is a knife, shrinking the head is also a knife, go!

Xia Yan walked upstairs with a tragic face, waiting to read the verdict.

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