Dragon Hermit

Chapter 649: live in harmony

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Seeing the hands of the two women pulling together, Xia Yan was a bit inaccurate. Didn't they not only quarrel, but also live in harmony?

Thinking about it, he sat down on the sofa, salivating and asked, "Cher, Salina, what are you talking about?"

"Humph!" Liu Xueer snorted coldly, and Salina smiled helplessly, nodded slightly to Xia Yan, and immediately let Xia Yan feel a lot relieved. Sure enough, her lover was more intimate than her girlfriend, and there was no collusion to scare me.

"Sister Salina gave up a lot for you and fought alongside you. Don't disappoint her!" Liu Xueer finally said.

Xia Yan was overjoyed and quickly asked, "Xue'er, then you, don't you mind?"

"If I mind, would you let Selina leave?" Liu Xueer shook her head. "No, you won't. I can't live without you, so the three of us will learn from now on." Adapted to this state? "

"Adapted to what state? Is Sarina also living here?" Xia Yan's blood is boiling, does Xueer let Sarina live here together? There is only one bed here, although it's quite big ... well, is the good life of the big sleeper beckoning to me? People are not ready yet, but that ’s okay, I ’m very adaptable ...

Thinking wildly, Liu Xueer blushed and said: "Bah, you think beautiful!"

"Then what do you mean?" Xia Yan sat over cheeky, squeezed between the two women, grabbed a hand, and she was very happy.

"You guy ..." Liu Xue'er was so angry with hate that he saw his rogue smile, and said angrily: "Buy the shop next to it. Sister Sarina can live there."

"Do you want to open a shop too?" Xia Yan asked.

"I want to open a bar." Salina said.

"The tea house is next to the bar. It's pretty good!" Xia Yan quickly agreed. The tea house and bar are not very nice together, but weird, especially for such an old-fashioned tea house.

"There is no need to worry about Salina's identity. She will definitely not be investigated. Although she does not have a long-term residency, she will have no problem staying in Rong forever. The sanitation team will settle this trivial matter," Xia Yan said.

"Then it's settled like this, I'll let people go to buy a store tomorrow." Liu Xueer said, she did not consider the question of whether others would sell or not. If you do n’t sell it, you will smash it with money. There is always a price that the other party cannot refuse.

"By the time the two floors of the two shops will be opened up, it will be more convenient to communicate with each other. Are you right?" Xia Yan said cheeky again.

"Is it convenient for you to come and go?" Liu Xueer gave him a white glance, but he didn't say no, which made Xia Yan's heart bloom.

He really loved this girlfriend to the utmost. Under the influence of modern civilization, Liu Xueer had achieved this level, and there were too many things to overcome.

"Xue'er, how nice you are!" Xia Yan said.

"Nurse!" Liu Xueer gave him a white look. tqR1

Salina stayed for dinner, both women entered the kitchen, Liu Xueer's cooking skills improved, and the steaks made by Salina were more tender and delicious. The blood people's interests were generally very wide, and people who were proficient in cooking Not a few, Salina is one of them.

Xiao Jun sits between the two sisters, the dishes in the bowl are piled up tall, the little girl has a sweet mouth, and a "sister" bites, coaxing Salina to smile and keep picking vegetables into her bowl. This surprised Xia Yan, didn't he say that the foreigner didn't want to serve other people's food, why was Salina so skilled.

"I have been studying Chinese culture and customs for the past two months." When Xia Yan asked, Shalina said with a smile.

As for why she studied Chinese culture, she knew it without asking, which moved Xia Yan and Liu Xueer at the same time. Although she knew Xia Yan earlier and was his real girlfriend, but Salina had no less intentions than Xia Yan. She was willing to change herself for Xia Yan, which was not easy.

After eating, Xia Yan also imagined that she would be able to enjoy the blessing of Qi Ren tonight, but Salina insisted on renting back the apartment. Xia Yan had no choice but to send her back.

Back at night, lying on the bed with Liu Xueer, Xia Yan told her in detail about his experiences in **** these days. At first, Liu Xueer also exclaimed from time to time, but then there was no sound and she fell asleep. Xia Yan kissed her forehead. Although she couldn't see it on the surface, she went to **** these days. Liu Xue'er must be worried every day. Her spirit was already stretched to the limit. Now she feels tired as she relaxes.

Sending a trace of mana to Liu Xueer's body can make her sleep without sleep until she wakes up naturally. When she wakes up tomorrow, her body and spirit will return to their best condition.

Xia Yan got up and went down to the water pavilion. In the dark, he saw Xiao Jun still meditating in the old place in the museum woods, nodded in satisfaction, took out his mobile phone, and dialed the number of Tiehu.

"Captain Iron, meet me." Xia Yan opened the door.

"Okay, where do you meet?" Tiehu is not wordy either.

"Tianfu Square." Xia Yan said.

At midnight, Tianfu Square was very deserted. Only one police electric car was parked in the corner of the square, and occasionally cars passed by. Xia Yan landed and immediately alerted the policeman on duty. When they saw the lich, the two policemen were so surprised that they couldn't speak. They were very excited. After all, the Americans are still more interested in their own superheroes. Turner and Diana, the Paladin captains who saved people on Times Square, became their new favorites.

In Rongdu, Xia Yan is a true national idol, even the police.

"Mr. Lich, can you take a photo with you?" Two young policemen in their twenties came over excitedly with their mobile phones. Their age is when they worship heroes. This is not changed by the identity of the police.

Rongdu police not only did not consider lich as a criminal, but under the influence of the sanitation group, the police received an order to cooperate with the lich as much as possible. That being the case, it is no surprise that the two policemen became fans.

"Of course." Xia Yan hugged the two policemen's shoulders and took a photo with them. Then the three came to take a selfie together. Xia Yan also took a selfie stick from the space ring. This action made him The image of a tall lich instantly became grounded, but this did not affect the worship of him by the two policemen. Instead, he felt that he was approachable. This is definitely a performance of high-quality idols!

After taking the photo, the two policemen returned to their posts with satisfaction, staring far away. Lich must come here late at night to do something important. They can't help, but they won't bother.

Ten minutes later, Tiehu came in a buggy, and Yuan Tianfeng still followed him, smoking in his mouth.

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