Dragon Hermit

Chapter 662: Perfect to the ultimate magic circle

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Xia Yan cannot do such a magical array. In Lich's memory, no one in Apocalypse Mainland can do it, even the best master.

How did Master do it?

This process was very short. Ten minutes later, Han Yidao's hands stopped, pinched the titanium alloy ball, and gently placed it on the table. His forehead was densely covered with sweat beads. tqR1

"Huh--" After a long breath, Han Yidao smiled on his face: "Xiao Yan, look at this magic circle."

"Yes, Master." Xia Yan picked up the titanium alloy ball and scrutinized it in front of her eyes, but after the extremely perfect feeling, she couldn't see much.

"Here!" Liu Xueer handed over the magnifying glass, Xia Yan moved in his heart, looked at it with the magnifying glass, but still couldn't see anything.

"Master, what's the secret?" Xia Yan could only look at Han with a knife.

"On every atom that constitutes each line of the magic array, I have portrayed the magic array ..."

"What?" Everyone exclaimed, Xia Yan exclaimed: "This is impossible, Master?"

If the magic arrays are portrayed one by one, even if Han is fast, he will not be able to portray so many magical arrays in his life without eating or sleeping. This is not what humans can accomplish, even high-tech.

"Ha ha ha!" Han smiled smugly, and the old man had not laughed so happy for so many years.

"Isn't Xiaotian's child still able to use brainwaves to connect to the Internet and become a **** on the Internet? Is this even more incredible than I am?"

"Uh, Master, what you said makes sense!" Xia Yan was speechless. "Master, what did you do?"

"Copy!" Han Yidao said. "As long as I sculpt something, I can copy it perfectly on the same material."

Everyone stayed, this ability has the same level of bugs as Hou Xiaotian's ability. Although neither of them has any combat effectiveness, the total of 100 combat-type abilities can't compare with them.

"Try it and see if I can help you." Han Yidao pointed at the titanium alloy ball and said.

"Sure!" Xia Yan suppressed his excitement and picked up the titanium alloy ball. Although he couldn't see the scene on the atomic level, as soon as he started, he felt that this thing had a strong affinity, which attracted the mana in the magic tower. Something about to move into the titanium ball.

He tried to slowly transport the mana, the titanium alloy ball immediately swallowed all the mana greedily, and continued to ask for it.

This is a feeling I have never had before. There are a lot of experiences in making magic arrays and magic scrolls in Lich's memory. Xia Yan has also completed it for a long time, but it has never felt like it is now. The demand for titanium alloy **** seems to be endless, and no amount of mana can be accommodated.

Xia Yan was very curious and increased the input of mana. He wanted to see how big this appetite was.

The high-level Necromancer's mana continues to flow into the titanium alloy ball, making the entire metal ball glow blue. Brother Han Yidao, Liu Xue'er and Xiao Jun all held their breaths and looked nervously at the scene in front of them, eyes full of anticipation.

One-third of the mana is transported in, the metal ball is not satisfied ...

Half of the mana, the titanium alloy ball is still greedy ...

Two-thirds of the mana, the titanium alloy ball is faintly saturated ...

Finally, when 90% of the mana was delivered, the titanium alloy ball shined and refused to enter more mana. It was finally full!

The 90% mana of the senior Necromancer can only fill a mitral silver ball the size of a finger, which is simply incredible. Can hold so much mana without collapsing, how much power this small magic array can explode, even Xia Yan himself is not clear, but he knows that once this magic array is activated, it must be a big movement.

Each atom of the titanium alloy ball seems to be full of mana, bound by a mysterious rule of the magic circle, and will eventually explode in an incredible way.

"How is it, Xiao Yan, can it be used?" Han Yidao asked expectantly, he hoped he could help his apprentice.

"It's amazing, Master!" Xia Yan was sweaty, but his expression was very excited. He embraced Han Yidao: "Master, you are simply a genius, and your hands and eyes are the most valuable things in the world!"

"Hahaha!" Han laughed sharply. "Just help you!"

"Master, how are you feeling now, are you tired?" Liu Xueer asked with concern.

"It's okay, I can recover tomorrow, and I'm not worse than you young people now!" Han Yidao said.

"Xiao Yan, you must leave Shiba a potion next time, or I won't agree!" Yao Shigu was blushing with envy. Can he get the power or not, but who doesn't want to be twenty years young?

"Master, don't worry, I'll keep it for you next time!" Xia Yan smiled.

As he said, Xia Yan continued to burn the titanium alloy ball with the fire of the soul. He wanted to maximize the power of this thing.

"Give me more titanium alloy **** and leave some magic arrays. I will do more for you if you have nothing to do. You can use them." Han Yidao said.

"Will this have any effect on you?" Xia Yan asked hesitantly.

"No, my abilities are slowly recovering, and it will be better tomorrow, let's talk about advancing and retiring. If you use it frequently, you might improve your ability." Han Yidao said carelessly.

"Well, Master, if you feel uncomfortable in your body, you stop. Your apprentice is very powerful. No one can threaten me in this world without your support!" Xia Yan moved, Master himself just Obtaining abilities is impossible to understand thoroughly. If it is not for himself, he does not need to rush to complete the mini-engraved magic circle so much.

"Nonsense, I still want to live a few decades longer!" Han Yidao glared and shouted.

"Hahaha ..." Everyone laughed.

Han Yidao, who consumed too much, did not stay for tea, and returned to Jiguzhai to rest. Xia Yan also had a big meal, meditation for several hours, and finally recovered completely.

At one o'clock in the morning, three big, one small and four figures flew from the water pavilion and flew out of the Rongdu in the night.

Xia Yan spread the wings of the undead flying in front, and Liu Xue'er and Xiao Jun each launched the modified wings of the demon to follow behind, and Salina herself had wings, so she did not use the wings of the demon, but her flight speed was still poor. Many can break through the speed of sound. If you can't keep up with the speed on your own, Xia Yan let her ride on the bone dragon's back.

The four didn't immediately increase their speed to Mach 3, they only "slowly" flew at twice the speed of sound.

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