Dragon Hermit

Chapter 663: Arriving in the United States

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After flying more than two thousand miles, the two fighters appeared in the night sky, but there was no movement, but they flew forward at the same speed as the four of Xia Yan.

In the fighter plane, the pilot had a ghosted expression on his face. Tonight is an urgent task, and the content of the task is to **** the target. The two pilots thought it was an ordinary **** flight. Who knew that they had never seen anything in their dreams.

"That's a lich, I have watched his live broadcast!"

"It's a lich, I didn't expect us to come to **** the lich!"

"Who are the other three people? Why is there a child?"

"I don't know, what is that winged skull monster?"

"do not know!"

The two fighters were beside him. Xia Yan knew that this was not only **** but also surveillance, but this was normal. He did not intend to refuse "escort".

"Xia Yan, Captain Iron wants to talk to you." Hou Xiaotian's voice sounded in the miniature receiver. Hou Xiaotian's power can ensure that he can contact anyone at any corner of the earth at any time, as long as the target has equipment that can receive radio waves . This time when he went to the United States, Hou Xiaotian put some gadgets on Xia Yan. He wanted to watch the live broadcast of Xia Yan's battle through satellites.

"Come on," Xia Yan said.

"Lich?" Tiehu's voice sounded.

"Anything, Captain Iron?" Xia Yan asked.

"Where are you going?" Tiehu asked.

"I don't need to tell you this?" Xia Yan said lightly.

"Sorry, but I'm just concerned about whether it will delay the progress of the magic circle." Tiehu said.

"Relax, it's not. I just went to the United States and will be back soon." Xia Yan said.

"Who is fighting?" Tiehu asked.

"Blood." Xia Yan didn't hide, it was unnecessary.

"There was a team that lost contact in the action against the Demon Society. Among them were two of us. Can you find them by the way in the United States?" Tiehu asked.

"Except these two cleaners, who are the other team members?" Xia Yan asked.

"... mainly the people of the Super Energy Investigation Bureau." Tie Hu said. He knew that Xia Yan and the Super Energy Investigation Bureau were not friendly, so he hesitated.

"Sorry, I have no time." Xia Yan said angrily. The Super Investigation Bureau bites itself like a mad dog, and kills them alone. This hatred is not small, and he rushed to help them to save people. Isn't it guilty?

"Lich, you and the Super Investigation Bureau should have only misunderstood, in fact, as long as ..." Tiehu also wanted to persuade, Xia Yan interrupted his words: "Captain Iron, I killed Evans' nephew, it seems to be called Kyle, do you still think there is only a misunderstanding between me and the Super Investigation Bureau? "

"..." Tiehu was silent for a while, digesting the message, and then said: "Well, it's alright, goodbye!"

"Captain, what does the lich say, will he take the shot?" Yuan Tianfeng asked quickly after seeing the captain hanging up the call.

"It's impossible!" Tiehu sighed, "Unless Evans doesn't block the Superintendent of Investigation Bureau!"

"Ah?" Yuan Tianfeng dumbfounded.

"Xueer, Xiaojun, let's speed up!" Xia Yan shouted loudly in the air. tqR1

"it is good!"

The three men and one dragon speeded up at the same time, and soon accelerated from Mach 1 to Mach 3. The two cash supersonic fighters were handsome and disappeared into the dark night sky.

"Am I right?" Both fighter pilots' jaws were about to fall. Nima, the flesh could fly out at the speed of Mach 3. What else do we have to do?

Get rid of the "escort", and soon, the endless sea appeared in front of me. "Ahhhhh!" Liu Xueer shouted loudly. This was the best experience she had ever had in her life. Flying freely in the vast sea was such a wonderful feeling that it was addictive.

Xiao Jun also shouted in excitement. At the end, Xia Yan and Sarina, who had been accustomed to flying, also screamed. Everyone was very relaxed. Sarina also released a lot of pressure because she had to fight the clan.

At the high speed of Mach 3, it only takes five or six hours to fly from China to the United States. When flying on the east coast of the country, it is daytime. Instead of flying into New York City with high profile, Xia Yan landed at sea and took one from the space ring In a speedboat, the four people successfully stowed away generously.

Of course, because it was a stowaway, the hotel would definitely not be able to live, but Salina was very familiar with the Big Apple City. She drove to a small street and stopped outside a bar. Xia Yan put the car back into the space ring. If parked outside, the high-profile Huaxia license plate is afraid of causing onlookers.

"Hey, Salina, you haven't been here for a long time to drink!" It's daytime, there are few guests in the bar, and the fat boss who is cleaning the glass sees Salina, his eyes light up, and he says hello with a smile.

"Kerry, borrow your basement." Sarina threw him a bottle of Moutai, "a gift from China to you."

"Thank you, Salina, I like it very much!" Kerry took out a bunch of keys and handed them to Salina, "Is these your Chinese friends?"

"Xia and Liu, this is Su." Sarina picked up the key and briefly introduced him.

"Nice to meet you, I am Salina's friend, hey, little girl, you are so beautiful!" Kerry greeted with a smile.

"Nice to meet you, Kerry." Xia Yan gave him a high-five. Since the fat boss is someone whom Salina can trust, he will naturally be more close.

The four men turned to the room behind the bar, and Sarina opened the basement door familiarly, walked down the ladder, and turned on the switch. The dark basement lit up suddenly. Rows of wine cabinets are neatly placed in the basement. Such a small bar actually stores a large number of valuable fine wines. This is enough to show that this bar is not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Salina pushed a row of wine cabinets open, and a dark door appeared on the wall. After opening the door, everyone made a "wow" sound. I saw this small dark room full of weapons, ranging from pistols to M2, and even RPG, and ammunition boxes were piled up.

"Salina, what is your friend doing, his weapons are enough to fight a small war." Xia Yan marveled.

"He is my blood slave." Sarina said after a moment of hesitation, she looked at Xia Yan's face anxiously, fearing that her dwarf could not accept it.

"Blood slave?" Xia Yan frowned, he didn't like the word at all.

"I only have Kerry as a blood slave, and since the time he turned him into a blood slave, I have never sucked his blood, and he is voluntary, Xia, do n’t get me wrong, I am not the same as other people. When I needed it, I only used artificial plasma. I do n’t agree with the way of life of other people! ”Seeing Xia Yan frowned, Sarina held her fist nervously and hurriedly explained.

"Salina, I believe you!" Xia Yan nodded. He believed that Sarina would not lie to herself.

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