Dragon Hermit

Chapter 706: Wasteland City is nearby

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There are more than thirty red birds in this group. After flying over, they hovered in the sky and were not in a hurry to attack.

"Aerial combat?" Flame wings flared behind the Phoenix, eager to try.

"I advise you to stay on the ground." Xia Yan said quickly. The sky is definitely the home of the red birds. Although the speed of the undead wings is faster than these red birds, if they are entangled in the fight, the wings of the undead are not as red. The bird is flexible. After all, the wings of others are born, perfect for flying, and can make all kinds of incredible movements in the air.

No matter how strong the Wings of the Undead are, it will never be a part of the body, which is a few streets worse than the flexibility and the Red Bird. If you really fly to the sky to fight in the air, you will definitely get burned by Red Bird.

Phoenix is ​​still very persuasive. He flew to the sky without attachment. Others did not dare to see Xia Yan being so careful.

This group of red birds circling, like a team of fighters looking for a target. In other words, even if a fighter plane hits this bird, I am afraid that it will fall down.

The birds are all about the same size, and none of them look special. Xia Yan doesn't know if they have a bird king.

Finally, in a twitter of birds, two red birds broke away from the formation and swooped to launch an attack. They folded their wings like two fiery javelins and aimed at Xiao Jun and Yuan Tianfeng.

"Huh?" Everyone was surprised and said, this red bird is very smart, they choose the attack target, just the two weakest in the team.

Of course, Yuan Tianfeng will definitely not admit that he is only stronger than Xiao Jun, but that is the case, not admitting it is impossible.

"NND, do you regard me as a soft persimmon?" Yuan Tianfeng was so angry that he was despised by the bird, and two sparks popped up to meet the red bird.

"Uncle Yuan, don't help me!" Xiao Jun yelled, expressing dissatisfaction with Yuan Tianfeng blocking his opponent. The little girl was already holding a scroll in her hand, ready to activate.

During the talk, the two sparks were about to shoot at the Red Bird, but at this time, the two "Javelins" violently violated the rules of physics. They drew a sudden obtuse angle in the air and avoided the Mars. It is another corner, turning back to the correct course. These two changes can be described by the word "hard". Without any arc, it changes so hard.

The two sparkling stars shot into the sky, and the two red birds were already approaching the ground, with their sharp long beaks facing the target.

"Fuck!" Yuan Tianfeng was scolded by those two shocking changes. How strong is the body of this bird in order to withstand this change without any buffer under high speed?

But he didn't have much time to think about it. He took a breath of smoke and spurted it out, suddenly the smoke rolled, blocking his sight and hiding him in the smoke.

On the other side, Xiao Jun has thrown out the scroll in his hand. A chain of white bones appeared out of thin air, flexing like a snake, entangled in the red bird.

"Huh!" The red bird on Yuan Tianfeng's side suddenly entered the smoke, suddenly changed direction sharply, struck a stunning acute angle in the air, and folded into the sky again. Tweeting seems to be laughing at Yuan Tianfeng's poor tricks.

On the other side, the other red bird didn't escape the bone chain, it also changed direction, but the bone chain, like the maggot of the bone, also changed direction with the instant, and the speed was also strangely increased. It entangled, pulled down from the air, and fell **** the ground.

However, since this red bird is good at attacking with his body, he can't do anything about this level of impact. This bird struggles desperately, trying to escape, but in vain, simply can't break the bone chain.

A cold blast hit him, and in a blink of an eye it was frozen hard and could no longer move.

The blue light of Liu Xueer's fingertips dimmed, and Salina took a bundle of rope from the space ring to tie the red bird's long mouth, claws, and wings so that it would not escape after thawing.

The bone chain did not disappear, but hovered beside Xiao Jun, surrounding her in the middle.

"Tell!" The flock of birds is more noisy and seems to be communicating violently. Soon, they climbed up to a higher sky, and then folded their wings a thousand meters high, while diving down, with the help of gravity acceleration, their speed was amazingly fast.

This time, their attack covered the range where Xia Yan and others stood. Instead of choosing targets, they used it to cover the attack.

As they climbed up, Xia Yan summoned the bone dragon and Cain's bones, let them fly, and greeted the formation of Red Bird.

Then everyone spread their wings and flew. Although not as flexible as the Red Birds in the air, they can escape their attacks with speed.

Yuan Tianfeng had no wings, and Xia Yan hugged him to fly. It was quite embarrassing for the two big men to be so close, but now they can't take it anymore.

"Tell!" The flocks of birds were louder. They didn't choose the hidden bone of Cain dragon's Cain, but chose to change direction to avoid it. But immediately, they gathered together and rushed towards Cain's remains, sealing off almost all the escape routes of Cain's remains. tqR1

"They know Cain's remains!" Xia Yan looked at this scene in surprise, realized what she was, and then shouted loudly: "The Wasteland City is nearby!"

The last time outside the Wasteland City, Cain's bones scattered the red bird group many times, which made Xia Yan and Salina get away smoothly. Since these Red Birds targeted Cain's bones, it proved that they were just outside the Wasteland City. Flock of birds.

Although I don't know if this bird has the habit of migrating, it is definitely the best opportunity to find the Wasteland City.

"Xueer, Frost Ring!" Xia Yan shouted loudly.

"Good!" Liu Xueer realized, driving the wings of the undead, bursting into the encircling circle of the red bird with a bullet-like high speed, and then spit out a mysterious syllable, the ring of frost exploded around the hidden bone, spreading in all directions.

The terrible cold swept through, the red bird swarms into the frost ring's attack range, and they were frozen in an instant. The powerful shock wave delayed their speed, and they suddenly lost control of their bodies. However, under the influence of inertia, they continued to shoot at the target.

The large wings of Cain's bones spread out, protecting Liu Xueer, and then it was continuously hit by successive shocks. However, the frozen red bird's attack power was much weaker, and there was a chaotic sound on the hard bones of Cain's bones, all of which were bounced away.

This group of red birds fluttered their wings weakly, and fell down with their heads down, but just a few seconds later, they got rid of the frozen state with the help of the wind, flapped their wings again, and flew into the sky.

However, the flight in panic always has an accident, and a red bird rushes towards the bone dragon by accident. A devil's arm stretched out like lightning, grabbing it with one hand, no matter how struggling it was, he couldn't break free.

"Tell twitter!" This group of red birds ate a big loss, no longer entangled, screamed, and then flew away together, they retreated!

"Huh ..." Sarina took a breath and was just about to say something, Xia Yan shouted again: "Catch up with them, let's go to the Wasteland City!"

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