Dragon Hermit

Chapter 707: Radio waves

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A group of red birds flew in front, Xia Yan and his team chased far behind, Yuan Tianfeng was still riding on the bone dragon's back, and the bone dragon's claws were holding two red birds **** by big flowers. Living creatures cannot be put into the space ring, so they can only be grasped in this way.

"Are they really the birds of the Wasteland City?" Sarina asked aloud. The flight speed of the red bird is far worse than the wings of the undead, and everyone can still communicate in the air.

"Yes!" Xia Yan replied loudly. Salina didn't speak anymore, she trusted Xia Yan completely.

This group of red birds was afraid of being beaten. Knowing that someone was chasing behind them, they dared not take a rest along the way and kept flying in one direction. They flew for two days in this way. It's a little bit crooked.

But Xia Yan and others have time to land and eat in batches, and then quickly catch up with the speed of the undead wings. But sleeping is a luxury. Of course, for them, nothing will happen if they do not sleep for a few days.

"How do these red birds seem to become energetic again, the speed is much faster?" Yuan Tianfeng said suddenly.

The red bird in front has been flying for two days in a row, and the speed has slowed down a lot. Just now, it seems to have taken a physical potion, and it has exploded, and the speed has been raised again.

"Is it ..." Everyone looked into the distance together, and Yuan Tianfeng also reacted. Could it be that these birds became spiritual because they returned to the Wasteland City?

Far from the sky, a black spot appeared on the horizon, still rising and growing.

"Shuangyuebei!" Xia Yan's spirit was revitalized. In this vast wasteland, it was a miracle that he could see the Shuangyuebei again.

"Are you here?" Everyone was excited. In the past few days, they have dealt with ferocious **** creatures. Everyone is eager to see the true civilization of this world. Although the wilderness city is dangerous, it is much more interesting than **** creatures.

"It's here!" Xia Yan nodded and said, "Action!"

"Good!" What to do, everyone has made a decision in the past two days. At this time, it is determined that the Double Moon Monument is ahead, and it is time to implement the plan. tqR1

Everyone accelerated together and caught up with the red bird in a blink of an eye, and Xia Yan released the hidden bone to encircle the flock of birds.

The red birds screamed and panicked in horror. After being chased for two days, they had broken their courage. They dared not fight the group of people behind them, and now they only had the courage to escape.

However, under the suppression of absolute speed, this group of red birds is doomed to escape.

The devil's arm stretched out and grabbed a red bird, just a pinch, the body of this muscular bird was squeezed, and then the bone dragon turned and chased the other red bird.

Cain's remains are not as strong as bone dragons, they can pinch the red bird to death, but they also have an overwhelming advantage. As soon as the big wings flicker, they will shoot a red bird down and fall heavily on the ground, the ground Skeleton soldiers and clay puppets had already waited long ago to kill the dizzy red bird easily.

Phoenix's white-hot fireball is also demonstrating at this time. Two consecutive red birds are covered in fire, screaming and falling. They have been burned before they have fallen to the ground.

Liu Xueer's efficiency is not lower than that of Phoenix. Although the ice magic is not as hot as white heat, it has the effect of freezing, and the speed of the undead wings is fast. As long as she approaches, the ring of frost is instantaneous, and the red bird is immediately It was frozen and dropped.

Even Xiao Jun shot a red bird with a bone spear scroll.

Only Yuan Tianfeng was the most depressed. He rode on the bone dragon. There was no room for him to play, and he could only watch other people fighting.

This group of red birds did not escape, either were killed on the spot, or were killed by the skeleton soldiers after falling, and were quickly cleared and cleaned. The only remaining ones were the two red birds that were caught alive. After being **** for two days, the two red birds were already languishing.

This is not Xia Yan's ruthlessness. Since these red birds regard the wasteland city as a nest, they may be supported by the people in the city. If they were allowed to fly back, they might be traced back, and the situation would be unpredictable.

Now, this hidden danger is gone.

The Shuangyuebei is in the distance ahead. With the previous lesson, Xia Yan will not hurry up. Last time, he was in a hurry and did not get more information. This time he is going to spend more time to understand the city Once again, this is the most valuable information.

If it is possible, Xia Yan still wants to find John, but John is likely to be in the Wasteland City. None of these people can enter the Wasteland City. It is not easy to contact him.

Everyone found a place to land, Xia Yan first checked the red bird's body, and indeed found silver bones in their bodies, only the size of soybeans. I gave Yuan Tianfeng a few and asked him to take it back to study. The others collected them by themselves.

Yuan Tianfeng tried red bird's meat again, but no matter how he cooks this time, he has no courage to eat a second bite-the bird's fishy smell is extremely heavy, no matter how many ways to remove the fishy smell, it has no effect, the smell smells If you want to vomit, let alone eat it in your mouth.

Xia Yan threw the pressure cooker for cooking meat directly.

"It's not all you can eat!" Yuan Tianfeng brushed his teeth several times before expressing emotion.

As night fell, several large "stones" were added to the wasteland. This is a custom-made tent. It is impossible to find clues without looking closer. Especially in the night, it is even more unlikely to be discovered.

In the largest tent, six people gathered to discuss.

"Someone must be in and out of the wasteland city, as long as we catch a person, we can know the way to enter the city!" Phoenix holding a cup of steaming coffee, said in a speech.

"Well, we will be scattered tomorrow, to see if we can meet the people entering the city." Xia Yan nodded.

"I brought some instruments to see if I could detect the signal sent by the Shuangyuebei. Since this is a demon's positioning device, will it be able to send a signal?" Yuan Tianfeng said.

"You can try now." Xia Yan said.

"Yes, Xiaojun, help Uncle Yuan take things out, that is, four metal boxes numbered 7 to 10." Yuan Tianfeng said. Xiao Jun took out the box, he took the equipment and installed it in the tent.

After another discussion, Yuan Tianfeng skillfully installed the equipment, commissioned it for a while, and said, "OK."

Soon, some lines representing the signal appeared on the display screen.

"Did you find something?" Xia Yan couldn't understand.

"No." Yuan Tianfeng shook his head and said in disappointment: "It seems that the principle of the Shuangyuebei sending signal is completely different from that on the earth."

"The two worlds are different, and maybe even the physical rules have changed." Liu Xueer said.

"Well, at least we know that Shuangyuebei is not sending radio waves." Yuan Tianfeng shrugged, a little disappointed.

"Maybe ... Hey, is this a signal?" Xia Yan was about to say something, and suddenly a continuous curve appeared on the display.

"This is ..." Yuan Tianfeng's eyes widened violently, with an incredible expression on his face: "Here, this is radio waves!"

"Is the signal from the Bimonthly Monument?" Sarina asked nervously.

"No, no!" Yuan Tianfeng shook his head and said excitedly: "This is the radio signal on our earth!"

"What does this represent?" Xia Yan asked quickly when she thought of a possibility.

"On behalf of us is not the only group of people around here!"

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