Dragon Hermit

Chapter 708: Another Earthman

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Outside of Xia Yan and others' vision, two men and a woman are trekking on the wasteland. Two of them are Western faces, and the other is a black-haired Oriental.

The three of them looked embarrassed. Their clothes were ragged, stained with blood, and they had bruises on their bodies. The oriental man had a large piece of blood stained on his chest, his face was pale, and his steps were vain.

"Kim, I'm about to walk!" The Oriental man said gaspingly, bitterly.

"Lei, persevere again, and according to the alien's argument, go a little further, we can see the Bimonthly Monument, as long as there is a reference object, we can determine the direction, and then we can rest." Jin She was still flat-haired, and her figure in a tight uniform was very hot. She looked pretty good, and told her companions.

"Okay, I'll stick to it." Lei took a bottle of water from his backpack, unwrapped it, took a sip, and put the water back in place, saying, "If we can't find the big city again, we will It ’s going to run out of grain and water! "

"It will be found," Jin said.

The other man was tall, blond, and said with a bitter smile: "The creatures in this ghost place are too strong. We can't even hunt and supplement food. We have to beware of being the prey of these beasts. To chase into the gates of **** is too rash, not prepared enough! "

"As long as we can go back, we will be fully prepared the next time we come, and this time we are just exploring the way." Jin said.

"I'm afraid we can't go back. Where can we find another door to hell? This time, if we just caught up with the devil, it would open the door to hell. We have no chance of coming over," said the blond man.

"Yeah." Lei also said with a wry smile: "And we are unlikely to wait for reinforcements. Your superpower investigation bureau is not capable of opening the door to hell. The same is true for our sanitation team. The captain they are no longer anxious and can't do anything."

"That's not necessarily the case." Jin's eyes lit up and said.

"Not necessarily? Kim, what do you mean?" Both men asked in surprise.

"There is another person who has the ability to open the door to hell, if ..." Jin also smiled bitterly and shook his head: "The director is definitely impossible to ask this person to help, even if it is, this person will not agree, but if it is If the sanitation team asks, maybe he will be willing to shoot! "

"Kim, who is this person you are talking about?" The blond man and Lei asked in surprise.

"You all know this person." Jin said.

"Who is it?" The blond man asked.

"Lich," Kim said.

"It turned out to be him, he killed Kyle, the director really couldn't cooperate with him!" The blond man suddenly realized.

"Lich?" Lei's face was full of surprise, sighed: "It turned out to be him, I have always heard of his name, but I have never had the opportunity to meet, I heard that he is good at summoning skeleton monsters, and will use Magic, it turns out that he can still open the door to hell, with such a strong ability, no wonder he can become the world's first celebrity! "

"But I heard that the captain of Rongdu Iron had personally ordered a missile to be fired on his head. If he had a revenge, it would not be easy to ask him to help!" Lei said again.

"So it ’s better not to count on the support, and live on our own ability, if the devil will really open the door to permanent hell, maybe we still have a chance to return to the earth, but the earth at that time may have already It became hell! "Jin shook his head and sighed.

"Kim, you're right ... Oh my god, what's that?" The blond man said halfway, suddenly glaring his eyes and cried in surprise.

The night vision was limited, and none of them noticed the shadow of the bimonthly monument on the distant horizon. At this time, the blond man looked up and suddenly found the towering "pillar" in the sky, and he was surprised.

"Isn't that the bimonthly monument said by the alien?" Jin also looked shocked.

"Is this really a monument?" Lei stunned.

"It seems that we are somewhere!" Jin stopped and said, "After a night's rest, we will find a way into the city tomorrow."

"Good!" TqR1

At night, Xia Yan and Salina glide quietly in the sky.

Yuan Tianfeng quickly determined the location of the radio heart signal, Xia Yan and Shalina came to check, others rested in place, Xia Yan also left the bone dragon, their safety need not worry.

Phoenix also wanted to follow, but her wings were too striking in the dark, and she had to give up in the end.

The two did not speak, and they concentrated on observing the ground. At this time, two huge round moons had risen to the sky, illuminating the wilderness. Even in the high sky, they could barely see if there was a figure on the ground.

"Look there!" Xia Yan suddenly found something, reached down and pointed.

A little bit of Mars sparkling on the vast expanse of wasteland is a bonfire.

The two slowly lowered their altitude, gliding silently, and after lowering the altitude, they could finally see the scene on the ground.

Five black-robed men sat around the campfire and ate in silence.

"Demon will?" Sarina whispered in surprise. These people wore black robes, typical of the members of the Devil Society.

"The devil will definitely not send people over for the first time. These people emit radio signals, and they definitely want to contact the people who came before." Xia Yan said.

"It may also be that their team is scattered and is trying to find a companion." Sarina added.

"Grab them and ask again." Xia Yan has always been very cold to the Demon Society, especially when they also sent burst atoms to assassinate, and even had a hatred against Xia Yan. Any hatred must be reported. This has always been Xia Yan's Important principles.

"What's the voice?" A member of the demon club who was nibbling on dried meat suddenly raised his head and said in surprise.

What he heard was a scream, as if something came out of the air.

The other four also looked around but found nothing.

"Overhead!" Several people thought at the same time that they looked up one after the other and saw that the two black shadows in the sky were falling rapidly.

"Beware of enemy attacks, close your eyes!" A man in black robe cried out loudly and raised the staff in his hand. The jewel at the top of the staff suddenly exploded with the strong light of the sun, and an arrow of light shot towards the sky.

No matter what comes, shoot them down.

But at the next moment, a dense white light spot suddenly appeared in the sky, approaching the ground rapidly.

The light arrow and the white light spot are staggered, and some hit the front. The white light spot has penetrated the light arrow and came to the top of the head in a blink of an eye. The arrows of light that hit the sky were all blocked by three bone shields that appeared out of thin air.

"Hurry ... Ah ..." The staff in black robe exclaimed in silence, and the other four did not respond slowly, and wanted to avoid it. But no matter how fast they are, how can it be faster than a spot of light shot from a height? Just listen to the sounds of "Poo Poo Po", some light spots hit the ground, leaving nothing left, and others, completely covering the range of the five black robes, making avoiding avoidance impossible may.

After a wave, the light spot disappeared, and no more light spots came down. At this time, only two of the five black robes were still standing, and the other three were shot by light spots, rolling over and screaming.

Xia Yan used the scroll to release a large number of bone spears. With the help of telling the speed and gravity of the dive, he carried a huge amount of energy, so that the three demon club elites would have no way to escape, and recruited one after another.

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