Dragon Hermit

Chapter 714: Way to the city

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Compared with the last time I came, the only change in the Wasteland City was the lack of a group of red birds circling and flying.

Xia Yan was a lot more careful this time and dared not get close to the shallow pit so as not to touch the moon screen.

This time he came from another direction, standing at a different intersection from the last time. Looking in from here, he could see a flat street, but he didn't see a figure.

Liu Xueer and Xiao Jun were very curious about seeing this alien city for the first time, and wanted to see something.

"Master, what shall we do now?" Xiao Jun asked as he looked around the city.

"Wait." Xia Yan said, "It depends on whether the guy John has left a trace mark on me."

The four did not dare to sway outside the city. They were chased and killed last time. The residents of the city must still remember his striking lich uniform. If they see it later, they will probably chase it out. Trouble.

So Xia Yan found a sheltered place, and the four avoided the sight in the city and waited here.

This is just two hours. Xia Yan can basically be sure that there is no such horrible existence of demons in the city, so I am relieved.

"Someone came out!" Sarina suddenly called.

Everyone looked at the intersection and saw a group of people walking through the moon and out of the city. Strictly speaking, this line is not all "human", there are many monsters in general.

Xia Yan recognized it at a glance. This team was all composed of the races of the Apocalypse Continent. Among them are the three well-recognized races of elves, dwarves, and orcs, and many humans. They should also be from the Apocalypse Continent. Human race.

After all, races from the same place are more intimate, and it is not surprising that these races, which came out of the brains of the apocalypse mainland people, have come together in a harmonious way.

This team looks like a caravan, rushing forty or fifty carts and pulling a cart with a powerful and gentle herbivorous Yalong on the apocalyptic mainland.

Liu Xueer and Xiao Jun were the first time they saw a wise creature in another world. Both of them widened their eyes and wanted to see more. Xia Yan quickly pulled them back to hide, so as not to be found.

At this time, he found a familiar figure in this team.


Still a windbreaker, with a cigarette in his mouth, John looked here, and Xia Yan's eyes met, a smile on his face.

This guy really left a tracking mark on me! Xia Yan wrote down this account. He hid in peace, and the caravan gradually walked away until it was invisible. Then they followed the trail left by the caravan, and two hours later, Xia Yan saw John's figure approaching.

"You came here much later than I expected." John stood in front of Xia Yan and greeted at random, but Xia Yan still saw the excitement in his eyes.

"No way, there are a lot of things on the planet." Xia Yan took off her face mask and said with a smile.

"In such a dangerous place, you brought your girlfriend and apprentices, aren't you afraid of an accident?" John looked at Liu Xueer and Xiao Jun, greeted with a smile: "Hello, I know you!"

"We also know you, **** traveler." Liu Xueer said. Xiao Jun didn't speak, just looked at him curiously.

"Come on, find a place to speak. This is a business way, it will be discovered." John said.

Soon, in a low-lying place away from the commercial road, John stopped and took two small things from the space ring and threw them to Xia Yan. Xia Yan reached out to catch it and turned out to be two memory cards.

"This is what I photographed in the city these days. Take it back and take a look." John dropped his cigarette butt, felt another one, and lightly coughed a few times.

"It seems that your illness is not as serious as it used to be?" Xia Yan found that this guy's appearance was much better, and he didn't cough as often as before.

"I said, I belong here. In this world, my illness will be better without medication." John said.

"Then are you still not a human being?" Xia Yan asked straight, without the habit of speaking around the corner.

"Of course!" John said without hesitation.

"You are dual nationality ... No, this is two worlds, what should it be called?" Xia Yan mocked him.

"No matter what the name is, I will not betray the original world, and although I belong to hell, it does not belong to a demon. This is a difference." John Zhengse said.

"No need to explain so much. If you really betray humanity and treat us as an enemy, I will just kill you." Xia Yan said.

"What do you want to know this time?" John didn't quarrel with him, pulling the topic back on track.

"How to get into the city?" Xia Yan pointed to the Wasteland City. tqR1

"You can enter the city with demon seeds on your body." He asked simply, and John's answer was very simple.

"Don't want to be parasitized?" Xia Yan asked. "Fill the devil seeds in a bottle and carry them with you?"

"No." John shook his head. "If it were so simple, Wasteland City would have been in and out."

"Is there any other way?" Xia Yan asked.

"Like me, it's enough to have devil parts." John raised his hands and said.

"This is impossible. We don't want to become a monster." Xia Yan shook her head.

"Are you saying that I am a monster?" John smiled self-deprecatingly, and said, "You don't need you to put on the devil's parts like me. Just carry it on your body. The devil's breath will deceive the moon."

"It's much easier to handle." Xia Yan said with a sigh of relief. "If you still have extra blood of the demon, or other demon body parts, I'm willing to change some."

"The only blood of the devil is used to feed my **** dog." John shook his head. "But if you go back to earth, maybe you can get some more from the demon society."

"Already here, you let me return the same way?" Xia Yan shook his head, "This is not my plan."

"Then there is a rumor here, maybe you will be interested." John spit out a smoke ring and said lightly.

"What rumors?" Xia Yan asked, moving.

"It is said that after a world called Apocalypse Continent was captured by a demon, a powerful magician once infiltrated into **** like you and wanted to find out the truth and reality here ..."

"Apocalypse Mainland?" Xia Yan raised her eyebrows and saw John's smile.

"I have been here a few days and met some people from the Apocalypse Continent, knowing the situation of the Apocalypse Continent, Lich, if you guess right, your ability is the undead magic of the Apocalypse Continent?" John narrowed his eyes, face With the expression "I know everything about you", it makes people look a little uncomfortable.

"Apocalypse Continent!" Liu Xueer, Sarina and Xiao Jun all looked at Xia Yan, all with expressions that wanted to know the truth.

"I will tell you." Xia Yan turned back with a wry smile, explained to them, and looked at John again: "You continue to say."

"The strong magician is like you, blocked by the moon outside the city." John continued, "but he did not give up, but concentrated on research for three years, and finally developed a magic, with the help of demon seeds , Deceived the moon curtain, and come and go freely from now on. "

"What magician is he?" Xia Yan asked eagerly.

"He is also a lich." John smiled and pointed at the words on Xia Yan's chest. "Like you!"

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