Dragon Hermit

Chapter 715: Create new magic

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"This lich is called Stronk. It is said that he is good at summoning zombies. The guys from the Apocalypse mainland of the Wasteland City mentioned his name, and his voice was a little hairy," John continued.

"Strangke?" Xia Yan found the name in his memory. The zombie king Strongke was indeed one of the most powerful lich in the apocalyptic continent. It is so famous that it can stop children from crying at night.

This lich is best at controlling zombies. These slow-moving undead creatures can exert great power in his hands. He also has nine elite zombies, whose strength is not inferior to that of other lich elite skeleton soldiers.

Unexpectedly, this zombie king turned into a hero, infiltrated the **** to investigate the devil's truth and reality, and even invented a method to deceive the moon screen.

"Do you know this lich?" John had been paying attention to Xia Yan's expression and keenly noticed his strange appearance.

"What kind of magic did he invent to deceive the moon?" Xia Yan asked without answering.

"Parasisis." John said.

"Parasitics? What a parasitic method?" Xia Yan asked.

"Let the demonic seeds parasitize yourself," John said.

"Fuck, isn't that nonsense!" Xia Yan was disappointed, and Liu Xueer looked at John with dissatisfaction, letting the demon seeds parasitize, isn't it to find death?

"But before parasitic, Schonker turned the Demon Seed into his summoning creature." John didn't seem to see the expression of everyone, and said slowly, smoking a cigarette.

As soon as Xia Yan's eyes lit up, there seemed to be a flash of lightning, and some thoughts gathered in his heart. For a time, he sat blankly, thinking intently, ignoring everything outside him.

Seeing him like this, John smiled and sat down, continuing to smoke one by one, and stopped talking.

Liu Xueer and Shalina glanced at each other, and they both knew that Xia Yan should have thought of it, and she didn't speak. She went a little further to be alert, so that nothing would disturb Xia Yan.

Xiao Jun sat silently opposite Master and carefully explored the flow of the undead elements around him. Whenever Master was in this state, the undead elements around him would be particularly active. If he carefully understood it, he could understand many things.

Time passed slowly, Xia Yan sat motionless on the ground. John smoked one by one, fearing that his lung cancer would not recur. Smoking a cigarette, he also took out red wine and wine glasses from the space ring, and tasted wine in this wilderness, as if he were in a high-end restaurant, and had dinner with peerless ladies.

Two hours later, the motionless Xiao Jun suddenly opened his eyes, looked at Xia Yan in surprise, and immediately closed his eyes, feeling attentively.

On Xia Yan, a faint blue flame was born at this time, which made him totally enveloped in flames. The undead elements gathered to his body and circled in accordance with the wonderful laws.

"What is he doing?" Salina asked Liu Xueer in a low voice.

"It's the power of magic." Liu Xue'er is a magician, and he understands magic to a certain extent, but he still can't understand the changes that happened to Xia Yan.

"He is creating magic," John said lightly. "It looks like he is much smarter than the Schonker lich! Others have to study for three years, and he doesn't even need three hours."

"Really?" Both women were surprised.

"Hopefully he will succeed." John narrowed his eyes, thoughtfully.

The abnormal shape on Xia Yan's body continued for another two hours. As the fire of the soul gradually extinguished, he opened his eyes and saw the little Jun sitting opposite, and couldn't help laughing.

"Master!" Xiao Jun opened his eyes, his face rejoicing.

"Tu'er realized something?" Xia Yan asked, jokingly, touching her head.

"Hmm!" Xiao Jun chick nodded like a peck of rice, said, "Master, I seem to be breaking through again!"

"What?" Xia Yan felt that her three views were shaken, and she wanted to break through again? Why is this little girl faster than my breakthrough? And I can break through so fast, not because of good talent, but because of the memory and experience of lich in my head. The breakthrough speed of the little girl is to go to heaven!

"Xia Yan, is there anything wrong with Xiao Jun's breakthrough?" Liu Xue'er, who came over to see Xia Yan, was surprised and asked nervously.

"It's not bad, I'm just too surprised. This little girl is a real genius!" Xia Yan whispered in her ear, which could not be heard by Xiao Jun, otherwise her tail must not be lifted up to the sky.

"How about, you won't create magic so quickly, it took three years for someone else to come up with it?" John walked over, with a cigarette in his mouth, his hands in the pocket of his trench coat, and vaguely speaking . tqR1

"The idea is there, but demons seeds are still needed for experiments." Xia Yan said.

"Wait." John lost his cigarette **** and turned to the Wasteland City.

Everyone watched him walk through the moon and into the city. After a while, he saw him coming out again, but there was some blood on the trench coat.

"Here you are." John threw a plastic bag for shopping in the supermarket. Xia Yan reached out and caught it. It was filled with two small black **** with wings. It was the seed of the devil, but it should have been dead. Too.

"Where did you get it?" He asked in surprise.

"Killed two people." John said lightly, as if to say he had shot two mosquitoes.

"Just like that? Who is it?" Xia Yan asked in surprise.

"Accurately speaking, it's not a person, it's an alien, even if I don't break the law on the earth, the law does not protect the aliens." John shrugged and said indifferently, "In the Wasteland City, there is no such thing as illegal, moral. There is no such thing, so it ’s no big deal to kill two people, they are not good people. "

"A chaotic world?" Xia Yan looked at the wilderness city in the distance. This city, which represents civilization, does not seem very civilized.

"Don't think too much, hurry up and experiment, if I can, I'll get some more." John said impatiently.

"Eat first, let me take a break." Xia Yan said.

Everyone took out the food and trimmed it temporarily. Xia Yan chopped ribs and asked curiously: "John, what have you done in the Wasteland City these days, can you talk about it?"

"Fight, kill people. You are right. This is a chaotic place. If you want to live, you have to kill people." John ate steaks and said without looking up: "You know, everything in the city People are in despair, and the desperate world cannot establish order. "

"Demon Seed!" Xia Yan's heart was awkward. The residents of the city were parasitized by the Demon Seed. Naturally, there was no sense of security. Of course, there could not be any order.

If you let the devil cross the border to the earth, I am afraid that the earth will become like this.

Everyone's heart is a bit heavy, as if seeing the terrible scene of demonic seeds flying around the earth.

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