Dragon Hermit

Chapter 749: Mature body

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The barbarian Klin is obsessed with weapons and equipment, which is not very easy to get. Although the Liu Group has a lot of eyes, it can only get him some light weapons, at most it is an automatic rifle. For him, the power of these weapons is too small. What he wanted was the gunships and tanks of this level that had been seen in the battle of Hell's Gate, and Liu Group could only tell him that his concubine could not be done.

The sanitation team can satisfy his hobby, but he can't leave the laboratory now, so there is no way. So Klin turned his eyes to the cold weapon. It is said that he had ordered several horrible heavy weapons. For cold weapon enthusiasts, the extremely developed casting level and rich materials of the earth can meet almost all his requirements. .

On the item of cold weapons, the people of the earth can absolutely blast away the best blacksmiths of the apocalypse continent.

The three turtles did not just ask for it. From them, the Liu Group also got many useful things. All three stayed in **** for a long time, had many exchanges with the lives of other worlds, and they were the people of the apocalyptic continent. Although the language is temporarily unavailable, Jones has a good painting technique, and the things he draws can be understood.

This situation will be improved after Sean learns a language of the earth. After the two sides communicate smoothly, everything will go smoothly.

"Mr. Xia, you are here!" A gray-haired scientist came over, his face excited.

"Academician Wang, how is the situation?" Xia Yan has great respect for this old scientist. This is a person with real skills, and this underground laboratory is hosted by Academician Wang.

When he was just invited by Liu Lao, Academician Wang was asked to cooperate with Xia Yan. He was naturally dissatisfied with this young man under the age of 20, but soon, Xia Yan used some methods that violated science. He was convinced, and now the famous academician has become a fan of Xia Yan, especially when he knew that Xia Yan had brought back three humans from other worlds.

The origins of the three Shauns can conceal others, but it is impossible to hide from the academician Wang who presides over the laboratory, and at the height of the academician Wang's standing, he may have heard some news from the Hell Gate from other sources significance.

"It's amazing!" Academician Wang's expression is a little tired, but his spirit is very excited. "I have never seen this kind of magical creature, it absorbs nutrients from the host body, but can feed a strange energy back to the host. If it is not because this organism may already be a mature body, and it may come out at any time, it can even be said that it is more beneficial to the host than harm ... "

"What, is it already mature?" Xia Yan grabbed the key in Academician Wang's words and asked in surprise.

"What's wrong?" Seeing Xia Yan's expression was different, Sean quickly asked. Although he didn't understand, he knew the identity of Academician Wang. What they said must be the news of the Demon Seed.

Xia Yan ignored him, and he wanted to know the answer.

"Yes, before I came here, I have also touched the devil seeds you got back last time. Although they were dead, they also gained a lot. I have a certain understanding of this creature. Once this creature parasitizes successfully, It will grow quickly and become mature in the shortest time, but they will not have an immediate impact on the host, but are on standby. Only after receiving the instruction will there be further action. "Academician Wang said.

"Whose command?" Xia Yan moved.

"Maternal instruction." Academician Wang said. tqR1

"Mother?" Xia Yan thought about it. Isn't the mother of demon seeds the demon?

"So what does the Devil Seed and the host rely on to transmit information, biological waves?" Xia Yan asked again.

"This has to be studied." Academician Wang shook his head.

Academician Wang's words made Xia Yan and Yuan Tianfeng look dignified. That is to say, if the demon came to earth, it might be able to give instructions to the devil seeds around the world through some unknown method. Sexual disaster.

"This may be an opportunity!" Yuan Tianfeng said suddenly.

"What do you mean?" Xia Yan asked, and Academician Wang also looked at him suspiciously.

"If we can find out the means of transferring information between the demon seed and the mother, maybe we can use this method to control the demon seed." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"Of course there are possibilities, but we have to figure out this method first." Xia Yan shrugged and didn't have much hope. This is like cracking the radio code, even if you really crack it, others just Just change a password, but this is also a way to resolve the crisis. In any case, you must continue to study, maybe there will be unexpected gains.

After translating Academician Wang's words to the three Shaun, all three were stupid. The demon seed in the body turned out to be a mature body, that is to say, it was originally a time bomb, but it was a remote control bomb.

The time bomb will not explode anymore, but the remote control bomb does n’t explode depending on what the person with the remote control thinks. This fate has no sense of being in his own hands, making people almost collapse.

"Academician Wang, I have also studied demonic seeds. Have some ideas? Let's take a look at it together?" Xia Yan said to Academician Wang.

"Mr. Xia, I said long ago that you should stay here to study with us. Now that you are finally here, I can't ask for it!" Academician Wang was overjoyed, and he was more interested in Xia Yan than the Devil Seed.

The three of Sean are naturally happier. They have pinned their greatest hopes on the lich, and this world called the earth has the power to shock them. "Science" is more magical than magic.

At least science has already sent people to the sky, and even landed on the moon and farther stars, which is something that no great magician has ever done.

The combination of lich and science may really get rid of the devil seed.

In the next few hours, Xia Yan stayed in the laboratory and, together with a group of scientists, did the most comprehensive inspection for the three of Sean. Under the X-ray perspective, the demon seeds in the three people's bodies appeared on the film.

"The Demon Seed has been fully integrated into the host ’s major systems, and has even become another host system. Even when the host is in danger, it can support the host ’s life. It is almost impossible to forcefully remove the devil seed. Once this is done, the host is dead! "A scientist shook his head and sighed, unable to do anything about the current situation.

"Yes, although the current technology can even change hearts and heads, the demon seeds are not as aggressive as human organs. Once they are forcibly removed, they will fight back, and the erupted power can easily kill the host!" Another A scientist also said.

"The best method should be a virus." Academician Wang nodded and looked at Xia Yan. "It depends on Mr. Xia."

"You also need to provide me with more information." Xia Yan nodded, and he was duty-bound.

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