Dragon Hermit

Chapter 750: Prelude to the popularization of pharmacy

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"Xia Yan, my dad's forty-ninth birthday is coming, don't forget to prepare a gift for him!" After returning from the laboratory, I ate an authentic French meal prepared by Salina, and three people nested on the sofa While watching TV, Liu Xueer said suddenly.

"Is Uncle Liu only forty-nine?" Xia Yan asked in surprise.

"Or do you think?" Liu Xueer gave him a white glance, and pinched a hand around his waist, and Salina chuckled aside. tqR1

"No, that ... I think Uncle Liu is also in charge of such a big group. Forty-nine is very young!" Xia Yan quickly defended.

"Humph!" Liu Xueer glanced at him again, and said, "My dad, they still don't know about the gate of hell. I want to make him happy this birthday. The gate of **** may be opened sometime. , Maybe when he was on his 50th birthday, the earth has changed ... "

Her voice fell deep and she was not optimistic about the future.

"Yeah, so many worlds can't stop demons, will the earth be an exception?" Sarina also sighed.

Xia Yan smiled helplessly. Although everyone seems to be enjoying a quiet and peaceful life these days, how could the two women really forget the threat of hell, but they were afraid of destroying the atmosphere and did not mention it tacitly. Now Liu Xue'er finally expressed her concerns, and the atmosphere was a little different.

"I really can't imagine that day is coming, maybe we can be spared, but others ..." Liu Xueer stopped talking.

"Yeah!" Xia Yan sighed. He brought the genetic modification agent to the people around him in advance. Isn't it to let them survive the next big accident, but even so, the abilities are not necessarily Can withstand the invasion of demonic seeds, otherwise so many powerful people in the apocalyptic continent will not be conquered by demons.

"Xue'er, don't worry, I will prepare a gift for Uncle Liu, which will definitely satisfy him." Xia Yan packed her mood and said with a smile.

"Huh." Liu Xueer nodded and leaned against Xia Yan's chest.

The next day, Xia Yan still went to the laboratory. This time he spent a whole day and discussed many issues with Academician Wang before returning to the teahouse. Yuan Tianfeng did not follow this time, but at night, he came over and brought two alloy lockboxes to Xia Yan.

"This is the genetic medicine promised to you. If you want it again, you will have to pay for it." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"Be stingy, I'm helping you now. Besides, I brought you back from **** last time, but that's what you owe me!" Xia Yan shook his head, opened the box, and placed metal syringes neatly inside.

"You have to talk to our boss, I don't care." Yuan Tianfeng poured himself a cup of tea and said, "Now your teahouse is already famous online. One hundred thousand cups of tea. A lot of people. Say it's a black shop! "

"Just let them talk, anyway, I don't rely on them for dinner anymore." Xia Yan closed the box and put the hundreds of medicaments into the space ring, and asked, "Has it officially started mass production? When will it be ready for popularization The situation is now subtle. Let the ordinary people wake up the S gene earlier and have more hope to fight the devil. "

"It is being produced overtime, and it has been used in a small range in the army. The effect is very good. The next step is to spread it throughout the army." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"How is the situation? Are there many people who activate the S gene?" Xia Yan asked with interest.

"This is a genetic matter. There may be several people who are continuously activated S genes, but the overall probability is still only 1%, and it will not change because it is a soldier or an ordinary person." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"How many were given to other countries? Before we went to hell, didn't we already release the wind and prepare to negotiate with other countries?" Xia Yan asked again.

"I don't know the specific situation, but I heard that the rice country gets the most, but even the rice country does not exceed the number in your hands." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"What did you get?" Xia Yan asked gossip.

"That's not what I should know. It's just good things anyway." Yuan Tianfeng said with a shrug.

"That is to say, it is impossible for the Americans to create too many abilities by using the obtained genetic medicine, but they will not reverse the research and restore the medicine formula?" Xia Yan asked.

"It takes time to restore, and industrial production also takes time. Before they can do it, we have already spread it." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"What power do people in the army who have activated the S gene have?" Xia Yan asked with interest.

"The potions you got should have been used by others. What abilities do they have?" Yuan Tianfeng asked instead.

"It's all abilities related to what I'm most good at," Xia Yan replied vaguely.

"Sure enough," Yuan Tianfeng said. "For those soldiers who have activated abilities, most of their abilities are related to military skills."

"For example?" Xia Yan asked.

"For example, there is a sniper. He can increase the power of gunpowder with his ability, and his vision has increased tenfold. He can hit a Coke bottle tens of thousands of meters away. Now he is making a more suitable sniper rifle for him." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"Ten thousand meters? Isn't it affected by the arc of the earth?" Xia Yan asked suspiciously.

"He was specially approved to equip him with a pair of devil wings, and fly a little higher." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"Is the stability worse when I fly?" Xia Yan asked.

"Well, if it wasn't for the poor stability, he could hit a farther target." Yuan Tianfeng nodded, and Xia Yan suddenly became speechless.

"There is also a soldier who is the first in the military, and his body has been strengthened in all directions. It is almost the level of tearing the armor of the tank with bare hands. I guess it can win the **** devil." Yuan Tianfeng said.

"There is also a military doctor ’s power that is very useful. His nails are as sharp as a scalpel. His body fluid is the best antibiotic. His power can even be used for electric shock. Even if there is no equipment and medicine around, he is also the world ’s The best emergency doctor. "

"There is another soldier ..."

Yuan Tianfeng said that the abilities of several soldiers who activated the S gene are very powerful and practical. Now some military laboratories are developing special weapons suitable for these abilities soldiers. It is conceivable that with these high-tech equipment, these The strength of soldiers will increase exponentially.

"Is there a timetable for popularizing pharmacy?" Xia Yan asked.

"Within a week, the whole army will collectively inject medicine, and at the same time, the propaganda work will be vigorously launched to let the people accept the existence of genetically modified medicine, and then the country is ready to let the capable soldiers perform some highly-concerned tasks, let the people see examples It will only be officially popularized in the end, but it will take the form of voluntary registration. After all, if it is mandatory, it may have an adverse effect. "Yuan Tianfeng said.

"This is too slow!" Xia Yan shook his head, but he also knew that it was impossible to think about it overnight, it was about himself, and ordinary people could not accept this incredible thing at once, unless ...

Xia Yan suddenly had a bold idea.

"If those big men are willing to take the lead in receiving injections, will the acceptance process be much shorter?"

"Fuck, your kid dare to come up with such an idea?" Yuan Tianfeng was stunned by Xia Yan's boldness.

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