Dragon Hermit

Chapter 777: The ceremony begins

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Xia Yan's first thought was John. Although this guy was not parasitized by Demon Seeds, everyone else in the Wasteland City was a parasite. He was particularly prominent. There must be a way to tell whether the demon or the Bimonthly Monument are parasites. Yes, John might be a bit dangerous at this time.

Would you like to take a look, maybe you can save him?

Xia Yan was a bit hesitant. He was not a saint. Compared with John, an acquaintance, he had no plans to save the rest of the wasteland city because he had no such ability. But it ’s not easy to find John. The current Wasteland City is probably not as good as it was last time.

More importantly, Xia Yan is now in a state of consternation. What is the strong existence staring at herself in the distance? I haven't opened the space crack myself, and it should be reasonable that the devil should not be able to sense it, so is it the Double Moon Monument? This spectacle-like monument always has unimaginable uses.

But after talking to the orc mercenaries for a while, they did not feel that the powerful existence had any signs of approaching. It seems that although the thing is aware of its existence, it does not intend to run a long way to kill itself, that is, it thinks that its own The threat level is not enough, or it has more important things to do, such as bi-monthly sacrifice.

Would you like to check it out?

Since the powerful existence did not come to chase down, Xia Yan was brave enough to have a plan to take a peek, just to see the bi-moon festival and learn about the means of the devil. The big scene of the entire wasteland city at the live sacrifice made people feel numb. Although fear and nausea, there was an urge to see it.

"How much do you know about the bi-moon festival?" Since going, Xia Yan naturally needs to know more about it.

"I don't know anything else, but during the bimonthly festival, the bimonthly monument will completely close the city, and no one can enter or leave." The orc mercenaries know nothing.

Can't get into the city, Xia Yan is in trouble, it seems that you can only look at the excitement from a distance outside the city. Although he had mixed into the Wasteland City, at this sensitive time, he did not think that the Shuangyuebei would not find himself mixing in again. When the time came to catch the turtle in an urn, there was nowhere to hide.

Determined, Xia Yan regarded the strong presence of the distant place as non-existent, and it didn't mean to chase down anyway. He turned to look at the four people who were watching him nervously, and suddenly made them all nervous.

The orc mercenary knelt down again, pressed his head firmly to the ground, and dared not to say a word, but only made a gesture of complete obedience. He hoped that this would allow the necromancer to dispel the idea of ​​killing people, or he would Died tragically.

The one-eyed businessman and the two women also realized that they might be in danger of life, and they quickly learned that the orc mercenary knelt down and shivered. Especially the one-eyed businessman, who had just been freed from the threat of the Demon Seed, and was killed if he blinked, which is too unconvincing.

Xia Yan struggled and decided to bring these four people together. The orc mercenaries were very cooperative just now, and they all showed obedience. He couldn't start killing. As for the two women, he is even less likely to start.

And the fact that I can kill the Devil Seed can't be leaked out, so these four people can't let go, so take it.

But before leaving, he also killed the demon seeds in the bodies of the two women. After he was killed, he unexpectedly found that the strong presence in the distance seemed to be slightly deflected, and no longer stared at it.

It turned out that it was mainly me who was not staring, but the Demon Seed!

Xia Yan suddenly realized that the powerful existence should have a wonderful induction with the Demon Seed, otherwise it would not be possible to sacrifice everyone in a big city at the same time.

Bone Dragon and Cain's bones carried the four burdens and flew together with Xia Yan to a height of tens of meters and flew from low to the wasteland city.

Half of the sky in the direction of the Wasteland City is already a **** color, much darker than the other half of the day. It looks scary, and the closer it is, the more uncomfortable Xia Yan feels, his hair is all upright, his brain He kept sending signals to keep him away, but he still resisted the discomfort and continued to fly forward.

Bone Dragon and Cain's bones were not affected, but the four people they carried were miserable. The two women could not bear fainting for a long time, and the one-eyed businessman was also white, shaking violently. The orc mercenaries are better, but they are also terrified, and their eyes are full of begging, wanting Xia Yan not to move forward.

After flying for another time, there was a mist between heaven and earth, creating a mysterious and terrifying atmosphere. The fog also blocked the sight. Until a tall silhouette suddenly appeared in the fog, Xia Yan discovered that it had flown only a few tens of kilometers away from the Wasteland City. The Bimonthly Monument was towering ahead, and the top two moons were shining. Blood light, it stands to reason that red light is difficult to penetrate the fog, but this blood light can make Xia Yan see clearly.

Fearing to fly further, Xia Yan pressed his wings and landed. At this point, the sight of the powerful presence in the distance could no longer be felt, and Xia Yan was more convinced that the thing was related to the Demon Seed. After the Demon Seed was eliminated, it could no longer track its own trail.

The Bimonthly Monument rises into the clouds, and the Wasteland City extends to both sides of the horizon. Looking through the mist, it is very spectacular.

The one-eyed businessman also passed out, but the orc mercenaries were not dizzy yet, but they were trembling with fear and couldn't even walk. Xia Yan took them and ran forward.

After more than an hour, Xia Yan was finally able to see the wasteland. The blood of this great city flickered, but it was enveloped by a circle of blood, and the blood came from the Biyue Monument.

There was no sound between heaven and earth, and Xia Yan could not see anything moving. Within the scope of the mist, it seemed to have become a dead zone, a restricted area of ​​life.

Has the bi-monthly festival already begun? Xia Yan looked up to the sky and saw two rounds of the crescent moon shuttle through the clouds, looming. Each time it appeared, the blood of the Double Moon Monument shone violently.

Xia Yan stopped moving forward. He stood quietly on a huge rock and felt everything around him quietly.

After another half day, the two moons in the sky traveled to the sky, and the clouds dispersed miraculously. The moonlight sprinkled on the earth without any obstruction. The blood of the Double Moon Monument was a masterpiece. A **** aperture sprinkled from the top of the Double Moon Monument, like a devil's aura, covering the wasteland city, and then slowly rising again.

I rely on!

Xia Yan's eyes widened. He saw countless black spots rising along with the aperture. He took out the telescope and looked at them. These black spots are creatures of different shapes. The total number is probably as much as one hundred thousand. tqR1

The bimonthly ceremony began.

A series of ten blood-colored apertures continually spilled from the top of the Shuangyue Monument, and then rose with 100,000 lives. It didn't take long for one million lives to float layer by layer in the air, motionless, completely lambs to be slaughtered.

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