Dragon Hermit

Chapter 778: Casting to save people

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Xia Yan was shocked, with 1 million people floating in the air. This kind of scene made people feel numb and trembling.

Immediately, great anger struck my mind. Unless it was a perverted murderer, no one could be indifferent to seeing such a tragic scene. Cowardly people may turn around and flee, but people with a strong heart cannot do so.

Originally I just wanted to come and see the big scene, but now, Xia Yan has changed his mind and he is going to make trouble.

Anyway, it is already the enemy, and what the enemy wants to do, it is not wrong to destroy nature. Destruction of the two-moon festival can reduce the number of demons. For the earth, of course, it is a good thing.

With this idea together, it is difficult to contain. Xia Yan withdraws the bone dragon and Cain's bones, so that the target is smaller, which can reduce the chance of being discovered. Immediately, regardless of the four people lying on the ground, he ran to the wasteland city quickly, and stopped only when it was only two kilometers away. He looked at it with a telescope, and he could already see the appearance of those people in the air.

The bodies of these creatures cannot move, obviously controlled by demonic seeds, but their eyes show infinite despair and fear. Everyone knows their destiny. Although they are unwilling, they are powerless and cannot control their destiny at all.

Suddenly, there was a spot on the chest of all creatures that started to glow at the same time, which was the location of the demonic seed parasite. The bodies of all creatures began to tremble violently, and the seeds of demons were absorbing the essence of their lives.

Xia Yan didn't see the demon, it seemed that the bi-moon festival was made entirely from the bi-moon monument. He didn't feel the danger against him, so he took out the plague staff, a moment of concentration, and began to sing.

The chanting breaks the silence of the wasteland, but it doesn't spread too far. The undead elements between the world and the world were restless and gathered towards Xia Yan.

The magic mobilizes the mana and injects the staff. The plague staff flashes green light and travels independently in a blood red. Ten seconds later, the top of the Shuangyue Stele shot a **** light and swept over to Xia Yan as if it were scanning.

Xia Yan ignored the blood light and sang intently. The blood light quickly swept over him, bringing a slight itching feeling, but did not cause harm.

In Xia Yan's expectation, he continued to sing, the green light of the rod head of the plague became brighter and brighter.

The blood swept through and immediately discovered Xia Yan's existence, then turned around and swept back, and finally settled on Xia Yan, a piece of light quickly shrunk into a beam, covering Xia Yan in the aperture like a spotlight, a terrible coercion Instantly came.

Under the mountain-like pressure, Xia Yan held it hard and still focused on singing. Finally, his voice suddenly stopped, the spell was sung, the magic was completed, and the top of the rod of the plague was like a green sun, the green light shining, even Pushing the blood out, letting the mountain-like pressure diminish by more than half.

"Hehe!" Xia Yan sweated on his face, but he smiled. He stretched out his left hand, pointed at the Biyue Monument with a middle finger, and immediately swept the staff, and the green light blasted out, flying straight to the sky.

This light group is so dazzling. Although one million creatures can't move, they can see this scene. The green light glances through their unturnable eyes, giving a lot of hope in the hearts of many creatures.

Has anything happened?

The ball of light flew over ten **** apertures within a few seconds, and then burst out suddenly. The green light instantly covered the **** sky and formed a green mist. It landed from above and quickly dropped into the uppermost aperture. 100,000 people shrouded in.

A trace of green mist penetrated through the whole body of these 100,000 people. After a few seconds, the blood on their chests began to dim slowly.

The green mist continued to fall, and another three apertures were shrouded in succession. A total of 400,000 creatures inhaled the green mist. But by this time, the green mist had been exhausted and could no longer continue to fall.

At this time, the 100,000 people who were first enveloped were already able to move, struggling violently, and the virus was already working.

Immediately afterwards, the following 300,000 people also began to struggle. They felt that the demon seeds in their bodies seemed to be rapidly losing vitality, and they were being freed from their control.

At this moment, these people don't know that the miracle really happened, and the long nightmare has finally woke up.

The people in the six apertures below saw this scene, their eyes almost pushed out of their eyes, they saw the hope of getting rid of the demon seed control, but the green mist representing hope could not come to themselves. These people were already desperate, and the green mist brought hope, but this hope was suddenly broken, which is completely more terrible than hell.

Killing 400,000 demonic seeds at once, this scale of magic has almost exhausted all of Xia Yan's mana. He can no longer use this virus magic again.

The 400,000 creatures shrouded in green mist may be able to escape, maybe not, but the other 600,000, surely cannot escape.

Xia Yan has tried his best. He does n’t think about those people who are good people and those who are bad people. At this time, good or bad is no longer important. These are life, and life is precious. The massacre was totally unacceptable.

As the 400,000 people began to struggle, the mountain-like pressure came down as if it were substance. Xia Yan suddenly sweated all over his body. He had already done what he had done. He never dared to stay and popped out the wings of the undead. With a burst of sound, he increased his speed to Mach 5 in the shortest time, and flew in the direction he always saw with a speed that was invisible to the naked eye.

Whether the 400,000 people can escape depends on their own strength and luck.

There was a ray of light on the Shuangyue Monument, which immediately caught Xia Yan, and he must be hit **** his back. This ray of light carried a breath of death. Xia Yan didn't even have the idea of ​​avoiding it. Mach 5 was fast, But it cannot be compared with the speed of light.

But before the light came out, he already had a dangerous omen, and his heart moved, and bone shields appeared layer by layer, and a huge two-meter thick steel ingot also appeared at the same time, blocking behind him. tqR1

The blood was about to hit, just hit the steel ingot, and it was like a red iron stick on the butter, and shot the steel ingot without suspense, but after the shot, it was also dimmed a lot. Then it shot through the first layer of bone shield, the second layer, the third layer ...

The bone shields shattered, and finally, Xia Yan felt like he was smashed with a heavy hammer on his back, spit out a **** mouth, and the person was smashed to fly out for thousands of kilometers, and the rhythm of the wings of the undead was also interrupted. , His speed suddenly dropped to the speed of sound.

Fortunately not dead! Xia Yan is grateful that he has an instinct for danger. After all, the steel ingot and bone shield still play a role in you, and the power of that blood light is minimized, otherwise he is not as simple as vomiting blood, and the whole person will become fragments.


The Shuangyuebei did not continue to bleed, but a loud footstep suddenly came.

It's a demon!

Xia Yan's complexion changed, she endured the pain, re-swinged the wings of the undead and continued to flee. But his speed was much slower, and that blood light caused damage to the undead wings on his back, affecting its speed.

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