Dragon Hermit

Chapter 786: Looking for your help

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"Lich, how are you?" Evans was the first to call. The former chief executive who was persistently pursuing Xia Yan was like an eager person who cared about his closest relatives. .

"Mr. Secretary, since you can still get through my phone, it proves that I am not dead, right?" Xia Yan said lightly.

"Are you injured?" Evans asked nervously.

"Relax, Mr. Secretary, I can still open the door to hell." Xia Yan knew what he really cared about.

"Very good!" Evans finally breathed a sigh of relief and said solemnly before hanging up the phone. "You absolutely can't have anything. Humans need you. As for the Devil Society, we will help you solve it. The earth can't take them anymore!"

As soon as I hung up the phone, the sanitation team called again. As soon as I connected, Xia Yan heard Yun Fengyu breathing a sigh of relief and said with a smile: "Leader Yun, it seems that you are much smarter than Evans. . "

"You are fine if you are fine!" Yun Fengyu is indeed much calmer than Evans. He said the same thing as Evans before hanging up the phone: "We will join forces to annihilate the demons. Before entering hell, we must destroy them completely. "

"If you need me, let me know. You and I will calculate the account of the nuclear bomb today with the devil!" Xia Yan's face cooled down, and it took time for the bone dragon to tear the space crack. If there is John today, there will be. The danger of being annihilated.

The Demon Club has indeed entered a crazy mode, repeatedly provoking the world, and also opening the door to hell. If Xia Yan did not happen to meet in hell, a word of destruction, I am afraid that the demon has come across the border and humanity has fallen. This time, these criminals used nuclear bombs directly against Xia Yan, which touched the nerves of all countries.

When the doomsday weapon of nuclear bombs is in the hands of lunatics and gangsters, no one can sleep peacefully, and the outside must first be settled inside, without removing the enemies inside, how can humans deal with the devil with peace of mind.

This time the encirclement and suppression is bound to be different from the last time. Although the last Demon Council threatened the security of the heads of state, it did not really cause harm. After all, the countries sent teams of abilities, but they did not do their best. But this time, the countries will not keep their hands, which is more thorough than the union in World War II, because it is related to the survival of all mankind.

This time it came out of a crack in space. It was already a hundred kilometers away, but it was still in the ocean. Xia Yan no longer delayed, increased the speed to Mach 3, and quickly approached China.

At the South Gate of the Sands Museum, on the waterside platform of the Unnamed Small Tea House, three big beauties are basking in the sun, and one beauties are watching the battle, but everyone ’s mind is not on the card, more is chatting.

Liu Xueer threw a pair of 5: "Sister Min, when Xia Yan comes back, your clinic will be opened?"

"A pair of 6, it has been renovated a long time ago, I have long wanted to open the business, but the guy hasn't come back. When he comes back, he has to make him look good!" Yao Min said fiercely.

"Don't ... he's been fighting all the time, he must be very tired. Don't blame him, Sister Min." Liu Xueer threw out a pair of cards, justifying Xia Yan.

"Anyway, he is already at sea now, and will come back soon, and then ask him to settle the bill!" Yao Min checked and made a fist.

Salina Yao Min started, not long after she arrived in China, she had learned to fight the landlord, and the card played very well, but Yao Ting did not participate in the poker game, sitting next to her sister watching the game, by the way, pouring water for everyone.

Looking at the museum from the water pavilion, there is no tourist. Now it is the period of the super flu virus. People dare not go to public places. Most of them are at home or on the way to vaccination.

"Sister Min, do you think the effect will be better this time with the popularization of gene-enhanced medicaments?" Yao Ting still kept asking.

"This time, I made a big decision, and I must advance to the age of abilities anyway, so there is no difference between the civilian and military versions. According to the probability of activating the S gene, it will not take long, and China will have more than 1,000. All-powerful. "Yao Min threw the card." It's boring not to play anymore! "

Liu Xueer also put down the card and said, "In the face of the enemy, we must increase our strength as much as possible."

"But if this is the case, will it cause social instability? Many people suddenly get strong power and don't know what they will do!" Yao Ting said worriedly.

"This is inevitable, as long as precautions are taken to minimize the adverse effects." Sarina said in a straightforward Mandarin.

“Each city ’s inoculation site is hosted by a sanitation team, and there are warrior guards. It ’s not a problem to deal with people who have just activated the power. And do n’t you forget the biochip? After you activate the power, you will immediately Implanting biochips, all abilities must be registered. Without these means, how dare the country universally popularize gene-enhanced drugs. "Yao Min took a sip of light green tea and said.

"Sister, your information is so smart, you know all of this!" Yao Ting propped his chin on his hand, looked at Yao Min, and asked again, "There are rumors on the Internet that there is a crisis of explosion in the United States. Is this true? The people in the Ministry of Health now treat you as a queen, and they will certainly not keep you secret? "

"It's true." Yao Min was a little proud, lowering some voices, and said: "The country of the United States is now scorching its head, and one third of State A has fallen. Now they are busy building a wall to block all roads. Millions of people have already been abandoned, and are now discussing whether to use nuclear bombs to solve the problem, but throwing nuclear bombs on their own people, this decision is not so easy to make! "

"Huh, they are self-contained. If it wasn't for the Super Bureau of Investigation to steal a box of specimens, how could it explode into a crisis!" Liu Xueer hummed, "It was already very troublesome to deal with the threat of hell. Resident Evil, I think I die unhappy! "

"What are you talking about, so hilarious?" As she said, Liu Xueer jumped up with her mouth covered in exclamation and fell into the arms of the man who came in. The other three women also stood up, all with joy on their faces.

"Xia Yan, you are back!"

Xia Yan was held, a little embarrassed. Sister Min and Ting were still there, otherwise he would have taken the opportunity to hold Liu Xueer and Shalina one by one.

"Pervert!" Yao Min glared at him and gave a soft sip.

"Sister Min, what are you talking about?" Liu Xueer blushed and let go. Salina didn't care, with a smile of joy on her face.

"How long will I stay back this time?" Liu Xueer asked him to help him manage his clothes.

"As long as you want me to stay!" Xia Yan grinned. tqR1

"Liar!" Liu Xueer gave him a punch, but a happy smile appeared on his face.

"You're afraid you won't be able to stay long!" Yao Min looked at Liu Xueer and Xia Yan sourly, and asked, "Don't Mi Guo ask you for help there?"

"What are they doing for me?" Xia Yan asked in surprise.

"resident Evil."

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