Dragon Hermit

Chapter 787: Group to the United States

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"Secretary Evans is making his own death!" With Hou Xiaotian, the **** of the Internet, Xia Yan easily found a large amount of video and picture information that ordinary people can't see. These information may be clear or fuzzy, but they are all One thing in common is **** terror.

Dense blood-sucking monsters are rampant in State A. Hundreds of thousands of civilians are transformed into monsters every day. No plague in history can be compared with it.

Director Evans has already burned his head. He can prepare for the **** when the Resident Evil is raging. He has used all the resources of the Super Investigation Bureau.

However, in the face of the biohazard in A state, Evans was helpless. These monsters are not strong for the abilities, they are easy to deal with, but they are too many, where they can be cleaned up by the power of the abilities. Clean. What's more, ordinary passers-by have little power to fight back in front of these blood-sucking monsters. Even with a gun in hand, it is difficult to kill them, so ordinary people either have to leave A state early or they can only hide and wait for the government's Rescue.

Unfortunately, in the face of a crisis of this scale, the government of the United States was also helpless. The president sent a national guard, but after the two teams were not submerged by the monsters that flooded in, the war entered a dilemma. In addition to blocking roads, the United States no longer dared to send ordinary soldiers into dangerous war zones on a large scale. They pin your hopes on the Superpowers Bureau. These blood-sucking monsters that are difficult to explain with science may only be dealt with by the same unexplainable powers.

Director Evans can now command the army with great power, but the army cannot really solve the crisis from the root cause, and scientists are equally helpless.

"The situation is like this, has he never thought of asking me for help?" Xia Yan puzzled.

"He didn't know that you could solve the crisis ... yes, can you solve it?" Hou Xiaotian asked.

"Yes, but it's very troublesome. There are millions of blood-sucking monsters there. They used to be humans. They really want to kill them all. I can't take this hand!" Xia Yan shook her head and smiled bitterly.

"Can't you kill them? Is there no way to cure them?" Liu Xueer, who had been listening, couldn't help asking.

"They are dead." Xia Yan smiled bitterly. "Now they are just blood-sucking monsters, which has nothing to do with humans!"

"It's too pitiful!" Several women all showed an unbearable look, Yao Ting said timidly: "Xia Yan, since you have a way, stop this disaster, you can't die more people, I think Those photos are really miserable, there are many children there! "

"Yeah, they are really pitiful and innocent!" Yao Min also said.

"Xue'er, Sarina, what's your opinion?" Xia Yan looked at her two women.

"You already have a decision, right?" Liu Xueer said with a smile.

"Bring me, and I'm going with you!" Said Salina.

"Okay ..." Xia Yan said with a wry smile: "Although I am also a victim, this crisis did indeed come from me. I have a responsibility to solve it. I will go to the United States!"

"It's us!" Yao Min said: "Don't forget, I'm a doctor."

"This is no ordinary illness ..." Xia Yan subconsciously objected.

"I am not an ordinary doctor!" Yao Min said with a grin.

"Uh ... alright." Xia Yan was persuaded.

"Yeah!" Yao Min compared a scissors hand.

"Sister has gone, I will go too!" Yao Ting asked immediately.

"Uh ... good!" Yao Ting's combat strength is not weak, and the speed is fast, Xia Yan feels that she will not be in danger.

"I'm going to go too!" Liu Xueer also spoke. With her fighting power, Xia Yan was certainly less likely to raise objections.

"Master, and me!" In the upstairs, concentrate on memorizing the magic Xiao Jun, do not know when to come down, holding Xia Yan's arms coquettishly.

"Go everywhere, go everywhere!" He simply waved his hand and announced the formation of Mi Guoyou. As for Salina, she said nothing, and Xia Yan didn't ask. In the United States, Sha Linan is even a landlord.

Now Evans is counting on Xia Yan to open the door to hell. He will never be in trouble. The blood-sucking monsters are no threat to Xia Yan. This trip to the United States will not be too dangerous, so Xia Yan simply dragged her family away.

Among the few women, only Yao Min has no combat experience at all, and others can protect themselves. Salina was originally an experienced warrior. Liu Xue'er and Xiao Jun both experienced combat training in hell, and even fought with demons. Don't worry.

"Xiaotian, contact Evans and let him prepare the plane to pick us up to the US." Xia Yan said to her mobile phone.

"Received!" Two large letters appeared on the phone screen. After a while, Hou Xiaotian spoke on the phone again: "Evens has contacted Huaxia and obtained permission to enter the hummingbird fighter plane. A hummingbird fighter came to Rongdu Airport to meet you. "

"It seems that Evans was really anxious by the Resident Evil crisis, and he was willing to pick me up with a hummingbird fighter!" Xia Yan smiled, "Okay, everyone who wants to go to pack things up, so as not to get all the food over there. inconvenient!"

"Okay!" The big and small beauties were all gone, preparing for the journey, not to fight the horrible vampire monster, but to go shopping in the United States.

When there is a space ring, it is too simple to pack your luggage. No matter it is useful or useless, just throw it in the ring. If you choose a seat, you can bring your bed with the mattress. An hour later, even the two sisters Yao Min who came home to pack things came over, and Xia Yan waved his hand: "Start!"

The landing place chosen by the military for the hummingbird fighter is in the urban area. It is not a military camp, but a training base for special police. Evans is seeking people and does not dare to trouble Xia Yan to go out of the city to catch the plane.

Twenty minutes later, Xia Yan and his party walked into the SWAT training base in the weird eyes of the sentry. Someone was already waiting on the training ground.

"Captain Iron, I didn't expect you to come and give me personally." Xia Yan reached out to Tiehu with a smile.

"Lich, you can't help yourself. You just have to rush back after returning from the United States!" Tiehu laughed and laughed.

"I can't do it. I can work hard." Xia Yan was also very depressed. He also wanted to spend a few leisurely days at home.

"The biochemical crisis in State A is almost out of control. This is not just a trouble for the United States. If one is bad, it will become a trouble for the whole world. No one wants to see the world become as terrible as movies and games. "Fire Phoenix stepped forward and said.

"Phoenix, do you want to go to the United States together?" Xia Yan greeted her with a smile.

"Forget it, the procedures are troublesome when I used to. Evans was just afraid to stare at me like an anti-thief." Phoenix shook his head.

"Xiaojun, come and let your uncle look." On the other side, Yuan Tianfeng greeted Xiaojun. Xiao Jun passed obediently and saw that the children of his comrades-in-arms had enough abilities to protect themselves. The three tiger tigers were very pleased. tqR1

"Lich, thank you for taking care of Xiao Jun!" Tiehu said solemnly.

"She is my apprentice, who cares if I don't take care of it!" Xia Yan smiled and asked, "Right, is it still useful for the four of you?"

He was talking about bringing back the orc mercenaries, the one-eyed merchant and the two interracial beauties.

"Language is not available, but fortunately, the two people you brought back last time could be interpreters." Tiehu said.

After chatting for a while, a slight rotor rotation sound came from the sky, the light changed, and a hummingbird fighter that could only see a little outline landed.

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