Dragon Hermit

Chapter 788: We are warriors

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Hummingbird fighters can land on the land of Huaxia, which is usually impossible. Not only will Huaxia not allow it, but the United States will not be willing to land its most sophisticated aircraft within Huaxia's control. But now is an extraordinary period, and the tolerance of both sides has improved a lot.

Xia Yan had been in close contact with a hummingbird fighter, but was still shocked by the perfect stealth fighter in front of her. It was difficult for the naked eye to detect the existence of this aircraft. Everyone in the sanitation group was amazed. This is the technical heritage of the country, the nation with the world's first technology, and China needs to work harder to catch up.

With a soft sound, the empty door opened a cabin door, which looked very strange. Even if it landed on the ground, the hummingbird fighter still did not show up, fearing that it would be seen by Huaxia from a close distance.

"Come up!" A woman appeared at the hatch, waving her hand with a cold face.

"Swan?" Xia Yan recognized her, "Evens actually sent you?"

"I'm closest to here." Swan doesn't fake the color, Xia Yan killed her partner. Although the two sides have eliminated this hatred after the last side-by-side battle, she certainly can't completely relieve her. Seeing Xia Yan's nose is still not a nose The eye is not the eye, it is strange to have a good voice.

"Board the plane, let's see what the most advanced fighter plane on earth looks like!" Xia Yan said looking back.

Salina jumped into the cabin first, checked it quickly, and said, "No abnormality is found, so you can come up."

"Huh, do you still suspect that we will set a trap?" Swan snorted coldly, very uncomfortable.

"It's always good to be careful. Checking it will deepen our mutual trust!" Xia Yan said with a smile.

Yao Min boarded the plane excitedly, followed by Liu Xueer, Yao Ting, and then Xiao Jun also jumped in, Xia Yan was last.

Swan's eyes widened, angrily shouting: "Are you taking these women to travel?"

"Swan, don't think I'm taking your fighter plane, you can talk to me like this, I'm going to help you, if you have any dissatisfaction, we will go down immediately!" Xia Yan's face became cold and his tone became unwelcome .

"You ... well, I apologize to you!" Swan was suddenly frustrated. Of course she knew that she was unreasonable. Now the state of A is in an emergency. The best virology experts, genetic experts and doctors in the world have been helpless. Lich can be said to be the greatest hope for solving the biochemical crisis. If the lich is unwilling to go to the United States because of his offense, then he is a sinner.

"Is there anyone to come up?" Swan asked as quietly as possible.

"No, you can take off." Xia Yan said.

The hummingbird fighter took off vertically, and then jetted a violent airflow from its tail, suddenly accelerated, and flew to the distance. After leaving Rongdu range and rising to a sufficient height, the fighter accelerated again, broke through the sound barrier, and flew toward the United States with supersonic speed.

"It looks really advanced!" The flight became stable, and the women took time to look around. They were very new to everything, but everyone was still very convergent. They didn't take out their mobile phones to take pictures. Otherwise, the swan must not be able to take pictures. Endure.

The internal layout of the fighter is reasonable. Although it is not lenient, it does not appear crowded, and it can even get up and move around.

"Who are you all lich?" Swan asked curiously after setting the fighter to autonomous driving. This line of six people, large and small, all wear tight-fitting uniforms suitable for combat, and all have face masks on their faces, and can't see what they look like.

"Sorry, I can't answer your question." Xia Yan said.

"Okay, I just wanted to ask if I would send them to New York or Los Angeles first. They can go shopping or see Hollywood. After you are busy, just pick them up. I guarantee they will be absolutely safe!" Swan Shrugged and said.

All the women were suddenly upset. Swan undoubtedly said so deliberately, treating them as tourists who took the ride.

"Beauty, do you despise us?" Among the four women, Liu Xueer had a weak temperament, and she was indifferent to the words of the swan, and Yao Ting was also the same. Sarina was the calmest warrior, and she would not care. Yao Min was the most lively and asked with a sneer.

"Sorry, I just do my duty and try to arrange you as much as possible. Believe me, although the distance between New York and Los Angeles is not close, our fighter is very fast and will not delay too much time." Swan shrugged and said .

"We are warriors." Sarina looked coldly at the swan.

"Warrior?" Swan looked at her and nodded. "You have the breath of a warrior on your body, but they are not warriors."

"Really?" Yao Min laughed. "I am not a soldier, but I am a doctor, and I will go to State A."

"The best doctors in the world are helpless about the crisis in State A." Swan shook his head.

"Trust me, they are not the best. The two talents in front of you are." Yao Min pointed to himself and Xia Yan.

"Is it?" Swan was taken aback and said no more. Although she was unhappy with Xia Yan, she had to admit the strength of the lich. Yao Min tied herself with the lich, making her from unbelief to dubious. .

"I'm a warrior." Liu Xueer said lightly, lifting a frost-bearing Xuexue hand, a white cold condensed on her palm, and the temperature in the cabin quickly dropped.

"Are you a magician !?" The swan was taken aback. She didn't expect that the weakest woman had the ability to control the cold.

"I'm a warrior too!" Xiao Jun smiled gleefully, and a bone spear formed in front of her. Swan's face suddenly changed, she and Xia Yan fought, and naturally knew this magic weapon.

She looked at Yao Ting again, but Yao Ting just said a little shyly: "My abilities cannot be shown here!"

Swan frowned and looked at Xia Yan: "Lich, do you have a female warrior collecting habit?"

"Uh ..." Xia Yan couldn't explain. tqR1

"Beauty, there is actually a man here." A young man's voice suddenly sounded in the cabin, and the swan was suddenly taken aback, looking around nervously: "Who is it?"

"Look here." A display lights up, and above it is a waterfall of data flow.

"Damn, someone invades the system!" Swan's face changed drastically. If the fighter's computer system was controlled, everyone's life would be in the hands of others.

"Don't be nervous, it's mine." Xia Yan said.

The swan seemed to be unheard of, and sat down nervously to perform various operations. It took a while before she looked up desolately. All her operations could not solve the trouble. The display was still on, and she seemed to be laughing at her overwhelming.

"Lich, is this your real purpose? Do you want to hijack a hummingbird fighter plane? Believe me, if you take this fighter plane away, Rice Congress will not hesitate to fight China!" Swan's face was very ugly.

"Hahaha!" Hou Xiaotian laughed with a rigid electronic sound, "beauty, you think too much!"

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