Dragon Hermit

Chapter 797: Prohibition

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797 Forbidden Curse

With the full cooperation of the Super Investigation Bureau and the US military, Xia Yan spent fifteen days deploying fifteen large magic arrays in P City, and all these magic arrays formed a super large array together, covering the power range. The whole P.

Three days later, Xia Yan rode a bone dragon and circled over P city. All the arrangements were under his eyes. His companions were in the higher air, and no one said anything, just watching silently.

Xia Yan held the soul storage device in his left hand and the plague stick in his right hand, and began to sing.

As soon as the first few mysterious syllables have just exited, there seems to be something intangible being pulled, and the fifteen large magic arrays below light up a slight blue light at the same time.

"Wow!" Everyone watching from the air exclaimed in a low voice. The scene at the foot was so spectacular that no one had ever seen it.

In the sky mothership, Evans looked down, shook his head, and his face was unbelievable: "It is incredible power! If the lich is an evil enemy, I dare not imagine the consequences!"

"Yeah, he is more dangerous than nuclear weapons. Powers can sign nuclear non-proliferation treaties and sanction other countries that attempt to develop nuclear weapons, but we can't do this to someone who can't control it!" Diana sighed.

"He can be controlled, as long as he controls his relatives and companions, maybe he will be obedient, but this is too dangerous, we can not predict what kind of reaction he will make!" Evans shook his head.

"Yes!" Diana sighed.

This is a complicated and lengthy chant. The soul storage device constantly supplements a large number of undead elements to Xia Yan, and then quickly transforms into mana, sends it into the plague staff, and then activates fifteen magic circles through spells.

The staff is a magic amplifier, and each formation is also an amplifier. This is a terrible increase in magic, comparable to the ban.

It is only possible to arrange such a super-magic array on the extremely smelting industry and extremely rich earth. If you are in the apocalyptic continent, let alone other rare materials, just a large amount of Mithril, you can let any magician give up the plan to arrange this formation, they will not even have such thoughts.

But the earth's largest country is actually comparable to those indigenous people with backward technology in the apocalyptic continent. They didn't even spend much time transferring these massive materials.

So as a senior magician, Xia Yan, with a lot of precious materials and a staff of the level of the Deathly Hallows, tried to start the magic circle of the banned level.

He succeeded.

Fifteen thick blue beams of light appeared from different places in P city, and shot into the sky like fifteen huge pillars of heaven.

At this moment, all the blood-sucking monsters in City P felt that the end was coming. They were instinctively frightened, running around and screaming in horror. For a time, the whole city of P was like a ghost, and only by listening to the sound could scare people's legs.

A skinny survivor heard the movements outside, trembling with two eyes out of the hiding place, and then he exclaimed unconsciously: "Wow!"

Two blood-sucking monsters ran in front of him and found him, but ignored him, but ran screaming like headless flies and ran away, leaving only the poor and lucky guy stunned.

"What must have happened, must! Am I going to be saved? Oh my God, I have to go and see, and I can't miss the chance to leave!"

Like this survivor, many more survivors were alerted and found anomalies in vampire monsters, they began to prepare to escape.

Today, it is destined to be their lucky day.

As Xia Yan continued to sing, the fifteen beams of light expanded rapidly and the light became stronger and stronger. At the same time, Xia Yan felt that both strength and physical strength were losing rapidly. However, at this time, the undead elements in the entire range of P city are under his control, constantly replenishing his lost mana.

He could feel all the movements within the scope of the beam of light, even if it was an ant swinging tentacles, the ubiquitous undead elements could clearly reflect it in Xia Yan's mind.

Those survivors hiding in various buildings also appeared in front of him like HD cameras.

However, Xia Yan did not pay attention to these survivors. Now they are safe. After the magic circle exerts its power, they will no longer be in danger.

But soon, Xia Yan frowned. He found something disgusting, and his thoughts moved. More than a dozen sinful lives disappeared. The place where these scums were located was closed to a group of uncomfortable women. They suffered. Ravaged, there is a pile of leftover human bones in the corner.

Xia Yan will naturally not rescue these animals that have left the realm of human beings. Some viral elements mutate, causing these scums to become infected and lose their mobility in an instant. As much pain as they deserve.

In this hell-like city, the undead elements are incredibly rich, allowing the power of the super team to be fully exerted. The fifteen beams of light quickly thickened, and they would eventually merge, covering the entire city.

The blood-sucking monsters in the city center crashed like headless flies, and the blood-sucking monsters on the edge of the city wanted to escape. They ran out of the city along the road, hitting the separation wall built by the army, and suddenly the sound of guns and guns burst into flames. These monsters were torn into pieces by the powerful firepower of heavy weapons and burned into coke, and none of them could successfully break through the defense line.

"It seems that he will really succeed!" Agents and officers who knew what was going on in the city looked at the beams of light that represented hope with great excitement. From the monster's movement, they saw the possibility of Lich's success.

"Let us pray!" Said a general.

P city is very large, even if there is a wall and heavy guards, but for some people with special abilities, these can not prevent them from entering the city. At this time in a building in the center of the city, a group of hundreds of people in black robes are arranging something nervously.

If Xia Yan is here, you can definitely see that these black-robed people are decorating, and it is also a magic array. In this magic array with a total area of ​​300 square meters, nine blood-red jars were placed in a special orientation.

"This is the magic circle of the lich? Sure enough, he used his power to help us complete the gate of hell! This time the gate of hell, no one can destroy it, hehe hehe!" A leading black robe monster laugh it out.

"Long live the devil, long live the devil, the earth belongs to the devil after all!" The other black robe said enthusiastically.

Xia Yan didn't know what was happening here. He had been singing for almost ten minutes. At this time, he completely ignored everything outside and devoted himself to the world of magic. Even in the memory of the lich, there is no memory of using such a powerful magic spell. For a magician, this is an irresistible temptation.

Finally, when the last syllable dissipated in the wind, fifteen beams of light merged. The bright blue light completely enveloped the city of P, and it was extremely gorgeous.

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