Dragon Hermit

Chapter 798: Violently

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Chapter 798

The super formation is completed. In the magic light, viral elements invade the body of the blood-sucking monsters and directly destroy their core organs. The color of the heart attached to the spine quickly dimmed and continued to shrink until it turned into a dark red skin that wrapped the magic core inside.

All the monsters wailed and wailed in pain, and P city changed color.

"Has it started?" Evans looked excited.

"Hopefully he will succeed!" Diana's eyes sprang up.

Outside the wall, everyone looked excitedly at the city shrouded in blue light. The soldiers forgot to shoot. In fact, they did not need to shoot. At this time, the monsters under the wall were all wailing in pain and everyone could see that they were dying.

"He succeeded!" A general pointed tremblingly at the monsters, his voice shaking with excitement.

"Secretary Evans, thank you. Your decision to ask the Lich to help us is correct. I apologize for your previous doubts!" ​​A general turned to Secretary Evans and said solemnly.

"My lord, I accept your apology, but the most important thing now is to prepare to send soldiers into P. We need to search for survivors and clean up the city!" Evans nodded and said.

"Of course, my soldiers are always on standby!" The general turned around and the officer under his command gave orders, and the officers immediately began to mobilize the troops, preparing to enter P city as soon as the monster died.

"Now, let us appreciate the miracle created by the lich!" The general said aloud.

Xia Yan didn't feel tired at all when the super-magic array of the banned level was just activated, and P city's extremely extreme undead elements replenish his consumption at any time.

This ten-minute chant is also the first time Xia Yan has truly experienced the magic of the banned spell level. Even in the memory of the lich, there is no such experience.

At this time, in his mind, a new layer of magic tower is taking shape. This time, the leap to complete the prohibition level of the super-large magic array has brought him the impact of hundreds of meditations, the magic that originally took time to build Tower, it is already about to take shape.

In Hua Xia's parlance, this is called "Epiphany". There were also some magicians who had this epiphany in the Apocalypse Continent. These were all talented people. There is even a Sacred Magister who is shoulder to shoulder with the god.

Such an opportunity, Xia Yan will not miss it, he forcibly suppressed the excitement in his heart, quickly entered a state of meditation, just above this rapidly changing city of P, began to attack the magician.

"It turns out that it's so easy to build a magic tower!" Just starting to try, Xia Yan was pleasantly surprised. Originally possessing the memory of a lich, he built the magic tower far faster than all magicians, and now, the successful experience of using the magic level of forbidden magic level has improved his understanding of magic, which has surpassed the lich ’s. memory. After all, even a lich has never had the experience of using unmanageable undead magic.

The magic tower is built quickly, and every detail is perfect.


There was a roar in Xia Yan's head, as if a new world had opened in front of him. I saw a piece of green in the air in front of my eyes, and innumerable countless green light spots were hovering around, and these light spots were converging towards him at this time.

It is the undead element!

Xia Yan is no stranger to this scene, it is in the memory of the lich.

After being promoted to a magister, you can see the existence of magic elements. For the necromancer, the nature seen is the undead element.

Seeing the scene in memory again, Xia Yan was amazed. For the magician, although he can feel the existence of magical elements, it is completely incomparable to seeing with his eyes. Of course, the combination of eyes and feeling can undoubtedly better control the magical elements.

This is a qualitative leap. Although there is only one level difference between the magician and the magician, in addition to the strength, the magician's understanding of magic is beyond the reach of the magician. The ability to see the magic element is the key factor.

The green undead elements flowed into Xia Yan's body like countless streams, quickly transformed into mana, and then flowed into the magic tower.

The mana in the magic tower was compressed again, viscous like magma, almost unable to flow. The ever-changing mana quickly filled the new layer of magic tower.

Xia Yan opened her eyes violently, separated from the state of meditation, and raised her head to laugh: "Ha ha ha ha ..."

Unexpectedly, this time I came to the United States to solve the biochemical crisis, I could have such a big harvest.

"Now, even if I face the devil alone, I can still have the power to fight. If I re-sacrifice the skeleton soldier and the bone dragon again, even if I ca n’t kill the demon, I can calmly withdraw and I wo n’t be chased like a family Dogs are the same ... Hey, what is that? "

Thinking about it, Xia Yan suddenly frowned. He stood on a high place, and the whole city of P had a panoramic view. At this time, P Cheng suddenly appeared a black gas in the west, covering the roof of a building of more than 300 meters.

Devil will!

Xia Yan is no stranger to this power. He has dealt with the Devil Club many times.

"These people want to make trouble?" Xia Yan sneered and fluttered past.

This is the tallest building in City P. Through the dark air like a curtain, Xia Yan can see the shadowy activity inside.

"Huh, even if you want to use the energy of the magic circle to make trouble, how can you make you wish!" Xia Yan waved the Skeleton King's Staff, and Cain's bones flew out into the black air. In the course of its flight, the bloodthirsty curse and the thorn curse were put on it. For the curse magic with a very short spell, Xia Yan, who is a magister, can already be instantaneous.

The bones of Cain who had blessed these two curses were several times more brutal, and as soon as he rushed into the black air, he began to kill. Suddenly the screams continued, blood spattered, and the broken limbs were even thrown from the black air.

At this rate of killing, there will be no more living people on the roof after tens of seconds.

At this moment, Xia Yan heard someone in the black air give orders, and in an instant, an extremely dangerous feeling hit his heart, making him sweat upright.

"Not good!" Xia Yan fluttered his wings and flew backwards at the fastest speed while recalling Cain's remains.

At this moment, the explosion happened, the fire burst into the sky, a cloud of mushrooms generated by the explosion rose up on the roof of the building, and the shock wave chased down to the sea like Xia Yan.

The speed of the shock wave could not reach Mach 5 and would not be a threat to Xia Yan, but Cain's remains were really affected, and they were caught up by the shock wave in a blink of an eye.

However, neither the shock wave nor the explosion was a source of danger. A black awn blasted out of the explosion cloud and went straight to Xia Yan.

The speed of this black gas is too fast for ordinary people to see at all, but Xia Yan is also in high-speed movement, but he can see clearly.

"It's fast!" The speed of the black gas was much faster than the wings of the undead. Between two breaths, he caught up with Xia Yan and shot **** the bone shield that Xia Yan opened.

At the same time, Xia Yan saw a thick beam of light from a building in the east of the city straight into the sky.

It's a slap in the air! Xia Yan understood immediately.

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