Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1320: Drought to Generals

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Drought whispered softly.

The middle-aged man in front of him could barely feel the breath.

His strength seems to have reached a point where he is amazing.

She is ashamed of hiding the power of the soul.

Now that she is running all over her soul, she has to concentrate all her attention to face a master who may be several times stronger than her.

"Arid, why did you come here? If it was to do bad things, then you can leave now. I don't welcome other zombies here!"

Jiang Chen glanced over the drought and found that the woman's strength seemed to be improved a lot more than five thousand years ago.

However, although his strength has improved, he has not paid much attention to it.

No matter how strong the drought is, at best it is just a ray of souls and a zombie fused with a ray of spirits of son-in-law.

Following him, a vampire zombie transformed by a corpse and a sacred tree, is not a level opponent at all.

Gan Yan glanced at the gorgeous house with the son-in-law's soul, and said indifferently:

"Leave? I'm afraid that won't work!"

She pointed to the huge corpse palace, and said:

"I'm here this time just to see what your corpse palace looks like.

I went back and built such a palace for myself.

Everyone is a zombie ancestor. You live so well, but I ca n’t live so frustrated. Are you right?

So like drawing on your palace's shape, I think you should not be so stingy, right? "

Drought did not say her purpose, but pretended to want to build a palace, and continued to observe here.

She stepped forward, with a strong sense of war in her eyes, "General, if you have to drive me away, don't blame me for using force to destroy your palace.

To be honest, our four zombies' ancestors have never competed. Why can your strength be ranked in front of the three of us?

I disagree! "

Drought's voice spread throughout the corpse's palace, attracting nearby zombies.

唰, 唰, 唰!

In an instant, there were several figures coming in all directions.

These zombies are all red-eyed zombies with real patterns. One of them has a golden pupil and has reached the level of the corpse emperor!

They stood behind the generals and did not dare to step over, apparently they respected the generals.

Jiang Chen was surprised, he didn't seem to understand.

Drought wants to use him?

This look is as ridiculous as a seven- or eight-year-old child raising his fist to provoke an adult.

"Arid, are you serious?"

He was extremely surprised, as early as five thousand years ago, the four had reached a consensus, among the zombies, the strongest general.

It is ridiculous that Drought wants to use action to break his strongest cognition.

"Yes, if you don't want me to use force, just let me watch in the Palace of the Corpse Emperor. I've seen enough, and left immediately, never to make trouble with you."

Drought calmly said.

Unwilling to move, Jiang Chen waved his hand gently, saying:

"Arid, I think you haven't seen me for a long time, have forgotten my horror, dare to speak to me like this, for the past 5,000 years, you are the first of the three of you!"

The meaning of General Chen's words was very obvious, and he did not agree that Drought looked at his palace at will.

As an emperor among zombies, if he agrees to this matter, what is his majesty?

"Since you disagree, fight.

You are terrible, but I am by no means fame. I have a ray of ghosts and goddesses in my body. If I fight with you, I may not lose! "

Han Yan's eyes were indifferent and her character was very irritable. In her life, she could only keep calm in front of her son-in-law. In the face of other people, it was very difficult to calm her down.

Her heart was actually afraid of the generals, but the soul power fluctuations in that house were clearly the soul power fluctuations of Her Highness.

No matter who is blocking her today, she can't stop her from taking away the parting soul!

"Presumptuously, in the presence of the ancestors of the generals, you dare to be so presumptuous and seek death!"

General Chen has not yet spoken, and the Golden-Eyed Corpse Emperor behind him has been unable to hold back and screams.

"Ancestral, please allow me to fight the woman, and I will uphold your majesty!"

The anger of the Golden Eyed Corpse Emperor had reached the extreme, but General Chen was not here to take the lead, so he directly asked for instructions.

The indifference of Jiang Chen's face seemed to be very calm on the surface, but in fact, Jiang Chen's heart also raised a lot of fear.

Some time ago he went out of the city of fire to exhale Azusa.

The result was unfavorable.

The Lihuo Emperor actually got a corpse fire.

It was this fire that turned the Liguo Guidi from adversity.

Jiang Chen had only three moves to spit blood from the fire ghost emperor.

But at the critical moment, it was the group of corpses that saved him.

Li Fire Ghost Emperor ascends to the position of ghost emperor with fire-based ghost art.

Although he did not fully grasp the corpse fire, it also brought great trouble to the generals.

In the end, Chen Chen was burned by the fire, and he had no choice but to retreat.

But after all, he was the strongest zombie among the ancestors of zombies ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ Before he left, he also severely wounded Liguo Emperor with one hand.

Finally he kept his face as the ancestor zombie.

But a month later, he has been in the corpse emperor's palace for so long. The burned corpse soul has not recovered yet.

This made him very worried.

Therefore, based on his current state, he was confronted with the drought, and the result was really hard to say.

The probability of him winning drought is less than 50%!

A corpse emperor who is now under his command would like to teach him drought, which is just what he wanted.

You can use this corpse emperor to observe the strength of the drought, to what extent.

"That's right!"

Jiang Chen opened his lips lightly and spit out two words.

"Xie ancestors are complete!"

The corpse emperor was overjoyed, he had long been accustomed to the unmanned attitude of Drought.

Just wanted to let this female zombie know what she was doing.

Now Chen Chen spoke and agreed that he would never have reservations again.

"By your little corpse emperor who wants to teach me?"

Gan Yan glanced at the corpse emperor, dismissive.

"Okay, you have the courage!"

The corpse emperor was so angry that he stopped talking nonsense with the drought and stepped out suddenly.

The soles of his feet were in contact with the ground, and by the force of the rebound, the entire human body, like a shooting star, attacked the arid body.

He had to use a trick to destroy the drought. Only in this way can he prove his strength to the generals.

Drought stood firmly in place, when the body emperor's body was about to rush to her face door, kicked out suddenly, right in the shoulder of the body emperor.


He heard a sound of broken bones, and the corpse emperor only felt that his shoulders fell off his body, and his body was kicked by the kick force for several meters.

Falling to the ground kept sending miserable.

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