Dragon King I Am Supreme

Chapter 1321: 1 Half Corpse

Genius memorize the address of this site in one second: (Acupoint Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Seeing this scene, all the zombies present were horrified. One of their corpse emperors was kicked by drought Kick fly, how is this possible?

Even though their corpse emperor had only one true pattern, they were also the strong ones who set foot on the corpse emperor's realm.

Jiang Chen's face was dark, and he said in a deep voice:

"Arid, I admit that your strength is good, but you dare to run away from my territory, and you have to pay the price today!"

As soon as he waved his arm, he saw that the white and strong arm immediately became extremely hard.

On the five fingers, the zombie nails rose wildly, like a sharp knife, exuding a chilling coldness.

50% of the odds, although not many, but not too few. How could he be pinched by drought because of his injury?

At the moment when the claws appeared, the dry heart beat wildly.

Fight against the strongest of the zombies, say not nervous, that's deceptive.

She desperately wanted to escape immediately.

But the son-in-law in that house was divided, and she wanted it anyway.

Because the son-in-law lost a share of souls, his strength weakened a lot.

If we can become one with this sub-soul, maybe we can return to the top.

So, for her Highness-in-law, Drought decided to fight!

The cloak on Drought's body was windless and automatic, and the mighty corpse spirit lingered on her body. A cyan force like a flame continually condensed in front of her, then gathered into a mass that made the air agitate Flame.

When the corpse kings behind the court saw this, their hearts were filled with fear, and they stepped back subconsciously. If the host had the courtier nearby, they would even have to pull their legs and run away.

"A dry fire?"

Jiang Chen frowned slightly, and he knew the flame in front of Gan Yan.

It is from the original power of son-in-law.

This flame should not be underestimated.

Although not as powerful as the corpse **** of the fire ghost emperor, but the power is not weak.

At this moment, the injuries on his body are not complete, and then burned by flames, I am afraid that the old injuries will be aggravated.

"Arid, I didn't expect that you used the strongest technique as soon as you shot, and you really respect your ancestors!"

General Chen Shensheng said.

"I'm not afraid to underestimate your reputation.

How can I hope to win if I don't fight you with the strongest move? "

Drought grinned.

She said lightly, but kept her eyes on the general, guarding against the strongest zombie's counterattack.

Faced with a strong man who may be several times her strength, she dare not care.

The minister was silent, standing there, looking serious, wondering what he was thinking.

When Dr. Han saw that the general had no action, she did not dare to shoot at will.

To be honest, she still wanted to take away her son-in-law's reincarnation in a peaceful way.

After all, fighting with the generals, she really has little hope of winning.

After a long time, he moved the minister, and the awkward saw him raise his hand. When he was nervous, he directly controlled the drought in front of him and made an attacking posture.

"Don't worry, Benzu just raised his hand at will."

Jiang Chen spoke lightly, signalling that the drought should not be nervous.

Immediately, he saw the nails on Jiang Chen's five fingers and disappeared.

From the terrible demon's hand, it became a white hand that was gentle and lustrous.

"General Chen, what trick are you playing?"

Drought squinted, his eyes narrowed.

The general's sudden withdrawal of the offensive made her unintelligible.

"Dream, you and I have origins. I am the body of the uncle and the **** tree, and you are the wandering soul.

It stands to reason that even if we say we are brothers and sisters, why not kill each other? "

The general shook his head and continued:

"When my sister wants to see my brother's palace, this request is not excessive. If you want to see it, I should let you see it."

Hearing that, the drought was choked on the spot.

She never imagined that the most ferocious zombie general would talk to her about ‘family affairs’.

You know, most of the blood-sucking zombies were not recognized by six relatives.

"Did he live a long time and feel lonely, so I also like it as a zombie?

Zombies are cruel by nature. In the face of their kind, they like to be weak.

How could he treat me as a sister? "

Drought's inner thoughts turned, and she did not know whether she should trust the words of the general.

"Why, my claws have all been stowed. Is your flame still not stowed?"

Jiang Chen grinned, and that smile was without a hint of hypocrisy.

It was as if a brother was talking to his sister.

"I never expected that you, a vampire monster, would say such humane words."

Drought also laughed, and she flung her hands back to withdraw the condensed flame.

Since it's ok to fight, that's the best.

"Our zombies are not suffering from reincarnation, and there is no end to life. For so many years, I feel very empty, very lonely, and very cold."

Jiang Chen looked up at the sky and said with emotion:

"Sometimes I'm up. What if I also have a home?

Two thousand years ago, I met a woman who made me feel good.

So I want her to be my family.

I have been pursuing her ~ www.ltnovel.com ~ but she only treats me as a friend.

This annoys me.

In the end, I forcibly left her with me and incorporated my zombie blood into his blood, making her a second-generation bloodline zombie.

In this way, I can stay with her forever. "

"General Chen, since you let her spirit possess your soul and blood, then she is your child. You continue to love her in the way of a lover, which is a bit inappropriate!

Draco's mouth rose, with a hint of irony.

"Yeah, I am very distressed. In the first thousand years, I really regarded her as my daughter.

But she refused to consume human blood, and could not become a true general.

She is a very special woman, and my stubborn look fascinates me.

Then I looked away and decided to live by preference, and I decided to continue to marry her. "

Speaking of which, the sentimental eyes of the minister were swept towards the house to the east.

When he was looking at that house, his tender eyes were rare in his cold eyes.

When the drought began to appear, his heart uttered a little, and his heart exclaimed:

"No, it won't?

Has the incarnation of the son-in-law in that house been turned into a zombie? "

The thought of this, her body began to emit a cold air.

If the reincarnation of the soul is turned into a zombie, it can no longer be combined with the son-in-law!

Jiang Chen's gaze was fixed on the house, and he did not notice the abnormal expression of the drought.

When he turned his head, a pair of gentle eyes became cold again.

"Arid, although I treat you as my sister, the zombie tradition still has to be followed.

I let you observe in my palace at will, but you have to pay for it.

I want half your corpse! "

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