Dragon Life
Chapter 82
The ordeals of a girl that’s soft to her relatives.
If the world is one, if I didn’t have complicated circumstances, if the person in front of me was just a guy who was only vaguely interested in me.
That hypothetical world is my ideal, and if it were so, I could live in peace.
His gaze was always on me. Probably because of this appearance, or maybe he found it suspicious that my speech changed. But for him, this is just a stranger’s soul who took on that form. There’s no way for him to find out what kind of person is within. The soul controller also said that the soul may be confused, making their personality unstable, so let’s make use of that idea.
This time, let’s transform into a manly, handsome girl.
“Chocolat, Celia, you came to save me. I’m touched! There’s nothing left to do here! Alright, let’s go home! Back to the inn Chiffon is waiting at!!”
After saying it with a low-pitched voice, Chocolat and Celia stared fixedly at me, dumbfounded.
I tried to tug the two’s arms and drag them out of the room, when I was stopped by Chocolat in a hurry.
“Please wait a minute. We still need to get Neesama’s soul!”
Ah, I forgot.
“Ooh! That’s right!”
I raise the corners of my mouth in a smile so wide, even I find it uncomfortable. So, what should we do? The sphere with many souls within is right in front of us. And the puzzled gaze directed at me was coming from Chocolat.
“Um, what happened to you, Itoka-san…? It’s a different person, after all”
“How could you! What about the relationship between Chocolat and I! The taste of your tears was exceptional!”
Saying so, pon, Chocolat’s face turned red along with a sound effect. That behaviour might have been too stimulating for such a young boy. I am reflecting on it. But it looked delicious-mon. And it was, in fact, delicious. It tasted like honey, just as I thought, thanks for the meal.
By the way, Celia had a strange expression.
“An-anyways, Neesama comes first! Isn’t there any way?!”
It’s absolutely adorable, how he tries to hide his blushing face and change the subject. I want a younger brother like this. The tsundere-full Touka is good too, but he has grown so much in the time I haven’t seen him. Onee-tan! Let’s play! And along with that innocent figure, It’s not like I’m doing this for sister, okay! When he took such a rebellious stance too, is so nostalgic.
Ack, I was avoiding reality. I may have been grinning without realising. I hurriedly returned to a manly girl style, putting on a sharp face and put my hand on my chin. Just like a detective.
“Hmm. When I was trapped in this, how should I say it, nyoo, a hand appeared, and, gachi, I grabbed it?”
That is, in a way, a horror. To test it out, I put my hand on the sphere. Doing so, my hand slipped right through to the inside. It was slightly warm inside, as if it was wrapped in tenderness. I was inside till not long ago, but touching it while having a body is definitely different. I braced myself and pushed my hand in a little further, touching the souls drifting inside. It was a pale, cream coloured soul.
The moment my fingertips brushed by, my vision shook.
My consciousness was being taken away.
Along with my body, no, it’s different.
From deep in my chest, and in my head, it feels like my soul is being pulled out.
―――By the time I noticed, I was back inside the sphere. The exact same scenery was spread before me, from when I first woke up here.
What exactly happened I wonder. All I did was try to touch a soul.
Looking outside, I was standing there. Ah, not exactly me. ‘She’ was there. Dull blue eyes were staring here, wide open. Looking at it objectively, that figure was somewhat comedic, and fresh.
“Fu-eh? Where, am I? Ah, Chocolat! Why are you here?”
“Wha, What is it this time!”
Her personality which was switching back and forth was getting confused. But ‘she’ is not me right now.
Then who was it. That question was soon resolved.
“Huh? I left the town to check up on Caramelize-chan, um, ah! I met a strange old man! And then, uhh?”
I closed my eyes, and let out a low moan.
Is it possible, this child is.
It seems Celia came across the same answer as I did.
“Are you perhaps, actually Chiffon?”
So she said.
“Eh…?! Neesama?!”
“Yes? I’m Chiffon”
What’s wrong with that? She replied puzzled. She titled her as she studied her surroundings with intrigue. From her point of view, this must have been a truly odd situation, as she suddenly ended up in a weird room when she was supposed to be on her way to meet Caramelize-chan outside town. Her eyes looked here and there, but finally stopped at a certain point.
“Ah, Lu-san! It has been a while! Would you like to meet with Caramelize-chan?”
Lu-san. That is probably his name then. Yep, that must be it. Hmm, I’ll remember it. Wow, it’s a really similar name to someone else I know, but I’m sure it’s a different person, this Lu-san. I doubt it’s a nickname of sorts. It’s a name right, Lu- or something like that. I’m great at escaping from reality.
“Huh, but where is this?”
“Neesama. For now, look in the mirror”
Even in this room decorated tastelessly, there was a full-length mirror. The mirror was detailed with weird items like skulls, snakes and others, but it could still function as a mirror just fine. There was a ‘?’ floating over Chiffon’s head as she did as she was told and looked into the mirror.
Seeing her reflection in the mirror, her eyes widened.
“Eh, this is… Vito-chan?”
She approached the mirror, staring at her reflection astonished. Because instead of her own figure, her friend’s appearance was there.
She then turned around with gusto, to look at him. Her eyes seemed to be saying something. She opened her mouth to try and say something, but no voice came out. Towards Chiffon, who’s eyes were swimming, he slowly stepped closer, bending down to meet her gaze.
“That is, different”
Different. He whispered, as if admonishing a whining child. And while it was being said to Chiffon, it felt like it was also directed at me.
“Putting that aside, what happened to Ito-chan. Did she end up inside this sphere?”
“…That is likely to be the case. I’m not sure about the specifics, but something must have happened between Itoka-san and Neesama’s soul”
That’s terrible! And just as I did earlier, Celia put her hand into the sphere without hesitation.
If she touches another soul, something strange might occur again, so to prevent her from touching other souls, I quickly head towards her hand, but instead of touching, I pass right through. What’s surprising was, it wasn’t just me, but her hand passed right through all the other souls as well. As if she was grabbing air, something intangible.
“.. I can’t grab anything”
As she took her hand out, a bitter expression floated up.
“Only the soul controller could handle souls. Even if we can sense them, we are not able to even touch them”
“The how exactly should we get her out from in there”
Without the soul controller, you won’t be able to release the souls trapped in here. By this world’s logic, the souls would not return to the circle of transmigration, and will exist in here forever.
“What a blind spot. The soul controller has likely already been handed over to the guild association, what else can we do”
Seeing Celia and Chocolat try to think of a way, he made a move.
Pulling away from Chiffon, he came closer to the sphere. He then wordlessly thrust his hand into the sphere, grabbed me without hesitation and brought me out. And then showed me to Celia.
I got a fright. Because a hand suddenly approached and pulled me out without any warning signs.
I wasn’t the only one surprised.
Only the soul controller could handle souls, which meant that he had, at the very least, the blessing of darkness. Just like Al, his was a very rare existence, one that is rarely seen. And there were 2 people with such features in this same space at the same time.
Celia reached her hand out to touch me, but as expected, her hand just cut through the air. Feeling vexed, she bit down on her lower lip.
He was able to touch a soul. In response to this fact, Chocolat made a suggestion.
“Lu-san. I have a request”
The situation was settled, with the souls in the sphere being released one by one. That sight was like a fantasy, with many coloured lights shining in the room. Souls which lost their body floated through the ceiling into the night sky, while souls with a body returned to their bodies. Although it was mysterious and pretty, each of the lights was a victim, which makes me feel a little sad thinking about it. Many victims arose from the greed of a single individual.
…By the way, am I gonna stay this way?
I also want to return to my body just like everyone else, but look, for a bird to fly it needs to be gently set free! Just a small nudge on the back would be fine!
I wonder if my desperate thoughts were received, because at last, he released me. It’s interesting how I float up in the direction I’m meant to go. Going through the walls and reaching the city at night, I unhesitatingly proceed. It’s the same feeling as flying in the sky in your dreams.
As I kept moving, I instinctively knew where my body was. Seeing a familiar inn, I pass through the roof, going through several rooms to find the bed where my body was lying before stopping.
I wanted to jump right back into my body, but I was stunned by the sight before my eyes.
How did it end up like this.
On the bed, Chiffon’s and my body lay limp. Chiffon should be returning soon. I was the last, yet she’s still late, that girl.
But that was not the problem.
The problem was that Al, lying on the bed while sandwiched between Chiffon and I.
…What is this harem! Well I didn’t know I’d be a girl who’s part of a harem though! No, the sight of 2 girls waiting on him while he’s lying down on the bed is exactly what a harem is!
In a rush to raise objections about this situation, I ram and dive into my body, causing my conscious to briefly fade, and the next moment, my eyes opened to experience the sight I had just seen. His amethyst eyes reflect my pouting face.
“Oh, you were late”
I was worried, he said as he stroked my head as always.
Maybe because I left my body for a while, but it was terribly heavy. Like waking up on the wrong side of the bed.
“Al, what is the meaning of this”
I glared at him with my eyes while smiling cheerfully.
“If I don’t do this, I won’t be able to keep in contact with 2 people at once”
“That may be true! But instead of making 3 people lie in bed parallel to each other, there must’ve been other ways!”
“Like what”
Try to come up with something better, his smirk seemed to say as it deepened. He did say that touching would improve the effectiveness, but this method definitely stinks of ulterior motives.
“You don’t have to worry since I didn’t do anything funny. I have no interest in small chests”
So mean. Saying something I have a complex about so bluntly seriously hurts. Small chests are a status! It’s super popular among a select group!
“Doesn’t that mean for Chiffon, she’s not just in your range but in the strike zone”
I criticize Al, while glancing at the not-bad-at-all Chiffon lying sprawled next to him, but it’s natural for guys. And trying to dodge the question, he tried to clear his throat.
As I thought you prefer them, girls with large chests.
“The world is full of people who judge by appearances. You and I, we are no exceptions”
I can’t deny that I’m being cajoled, but the figure of you smiling bitterly and sighing felt somewhat lonely. As if, you were recalling something.
Now that I think about it, I wonder what kind of past Al had. Besides travelling together, I don’t know much about these 2. That they’re obsessed with black, and about Celia’s gray hair, must have some sort of reason.
“Well, I don’t hate you inside either? It was interesting how you were oddly cold at times, then other times like a stubborn brat. —Hey, Itoka”
The bed creaked.
Above me who was lying down, he raised only his upper body and looked down. His face was just beyond my eyes and nose, his sigh close enough to be felt. His amethyst eyes narrowed, and his mouth turned into an arc.
It came, that thing called an adult’s leeway.
You’ve caused many women to fall for you this way, I get it.
You might have been looking forward to teasing my innocent reaction, but unfortunately, I won’t get caught by that trick… I won’t!
On the bed, being pushed down by a man, I’m not even expecting such a maiden-like event… Although my chest is a little noisy!
I’m only able to stay this calm, because Chiffon’s body is next to me. No matter how romantic the mood becomes, I’ll be able to remain calm as long as Chiffon’s body is here. I don’t have confidence if it’s one on one though.
Plus, it’s not like Al is serious either.
On the contrary, it looks like I can use this to make fun of you. Sounds like fun.
Look, his relaxed collar and neck, looks delicious.
“―― Shall I bite you?”
As I look up at Al with downcast eyes, his face stiffens. It froze with his mouth in a horizontal line, as if he was surprised by something. This might have been effective.
“Is, a joke”
Did you fall for it? I laugh.
I’m fine for now. I won’t indiscriminately attack humans. This and that is because I drank some blood… Ah, I see. I’m still so attracted and satisfied now, because it was that person.
That taste, recalling that sensation made me want to lick my lips, but I quickly suppressed it. I was desperately trying not to submit to my greed.
While wondering what’s up with the frozen Al, he finally blinked a few times, before covering his eyes with his hand. I wonder if he’s tired after having to keep watch all night.
“If you want to sleep, go ahead and sleep. Chiffon should be returning soon”
“That’s not it, no wait, that might be it. I don’t get it. Your eyes—”
My eyes? What’s wrong with my eyes?
“No, nevermind”
I saw wrong, he said. I’m probably tired out, he said. Sighing, Al moved away from above me.
I wonder what he was trying to say.
At that moment, A cream-coloured light appeared from the ceiling. I’m sure it’s Chiffon’s soul. It got absorbed into her body, and her skin began to regain its colour. Her chest gently rose and dell, confirming that she was able to breathe.
After a short while, her eyelids flicker open and drowsy eyes appear.
“Fuu, my body is heavy”
She rubbed her eyes as she got up, and stretched her body. But with that same momentum, she collapsed back into the bed, her 4 limbs lying on the bed languidly. Even though she is weary now, before me is definitely the living Chiffon. That made me feel moved.
“Chiffon, welcome home”
“Ah, Itoka-chan! I’m home!”
Ehehe, she smiled and hugged me.
Ooh, her marshmallow melons are against my small chest! …Wait, eh, is this, did it grow more?! Don’t embarrass me more than this! How unfortunate, it’d be the perfect size if shared between 2 people. I gently put my arms around Chiffon, who came to me like a small cat holding in its tears.
“It was like I had a really strange dream! When I headed out to meet Caramelize-chan, I ran into a weird old uncle, and the next thing I notice, I became Vito-chan, met Lu-san, umm, and then”
It’s extremely rare to be in just a soul state. What’s with out-of-body experience. The concept of souls that I believed in was perfectly invalidated, Mr soul controller. Well, it was also for Chiffon’s sake.
“That’s right! Itoka-chan, would you like to go to the ball with me?”
And what is this child suddenly saying.
By ball, it’s probably the one Touka and the rest were heading to at the Alvina Kingdom’s castle. When thinking of balls, I only thought of masquerades, or a noble’s meeting, something like that. Ah, it’s supposed to be a ball to celebrate Touka’s group’s success, so I guess they are the guests of honour. Which means, if I go, I’ll be able to meet them again?
“A ball you say, one at the Alvina Kingdom’s castle?”
“That’s right. You’ll be able to meet the heroes too! I received an invitation as well, but I didn’t have a partner to go with… but I found one!”
It was a smile that looked like sunflowers were blooming. The partner of this child is someone worth envying.
“I’m glad”
“Hey, Itoka-chan is going too”
Eh? Why?
“But well, I don’t have an invitation or anything”
“Like I said, come as my partner!”
You can go if your partner has an invitation! Uh… huh?
“I want to go to the ball but I don’t have a partner to go with, I said. Then Lu-san told me ‘just choose anyone’. So I thought, it’d be great if it was Itoka-chan!”
“…But I’m a woman”
Going with 2 women, no no. I’m happy that you chose me, and Lu-san just indifferently said that, but if you’re looking for a partner there is Chocolat too isn’t there! I tried to say, but, ‘well he’s my younger brother’, she completely discarded that idea. I also tried recommending Al and Celia, ‘Itoka-chan is good” she continued to push. Ah well, it’s tough to be a popular woman. I apologise, the males out there.
“In the first place, I don’t think it’s right to go as a pair of females”
“It’ll be fine if you go dressed as a man”
Al interrupted us, with an expression of someone who just found something interesting. A smile that is holding in its laughter.
“Ah, that’d be great! It’d definitely suit you!”
I’ll consult with Ariade-chan too, she suddenly dropped a bomb. Eh, you’ll be meeting Ariade too? Eh? Is there any way to avoid that?
To begin with, going to a ball in the Alvina Kingdom’s castle, would mean that the probability of meeting familiar faces would increase exponentially. My death flag was a first class establishment.
How absolutely, frightening.
But, I can’t turn down the happily smiling Chiffon, who is in high spirits, and I who reluctantly complied, is in a way, the kind that is very soft on their relatives I guess?
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