Dragon Life
Chapter 83
A ball for clowns
In any case, I earned the title of the partner of Chiffon Quartet, a knight of the Fourth Knights’. In exchange, it feels as if I’m losing something, as a girl.
While I was holding my head thinking about how to deal with this, Celia burst into the room, and hugged me so tightly it hurt, as if my head would pop off. Chocolat was in tears after he saw the awake Chiffon. How cute… I seemed to have thought one line too much there.
Just going with the flow, we moved to the topic of the ball, which I don’t even need to mention. At present, there was a single fire drake playing in front of its owner. To say what that means, we’ll be flying on this dragon to get to the Alvina Kingdom’s castle.
Yeah, why? How did this happen?
Chiffon’s dragon called Caramelize-chan was on the smaller side for fire drakes, which felt like it was for females only. Minette’s fire drake was a normal size so I guess that’s not always the case though. It was the perfect size for Chiffon to ride on. Looking even closer, even its face shape was seemingly cuter than others. From its cute eyes and rounded skeleton, along with a mild personality, you could tell that it was likely to be a still growing child.
“I’m sorry it took so long for me to come see you”
The way it purred and sought affection from its owner was just like a cat. Or, rather than a faithful dog, a loyal dragon. I thought so even while I was at the Fourth Knights’ dormitory, but the relationship between a person and their fire drake is so deep, I envy it. It’d be difficult for anyone to get in between them.
Seeing the 1 person and 1 dragon frolic brings a smile to my face, but I have a problem that needs to be solved.
“Umm, even without riding a dragon, can’t we walk there just fine”
Plus, Caramelize-chan seems to only be able to carry 2 people. What about Chocolat, Al and Celia then. In the first place, we neglected the other 3 and came to the woods outside the city alone. You’ll never know when a demon might attack while we are here, and the cowardly me was feeling jumpy. Although we have a fire drake with us, it’s still a child. Even if we just put aside small demos, what are we going to do if a larger demon attacks.
In response to my worry, Chiffon looked back at me and said with a smile.
“Because you see, the ball is tomorrow”
…Hah? What did you just say?
“That’s why we have to hurry back to the castle and prepare everything!”
I also have yet to prepare a dress. Even her troubled expression is cute, this bastard, but this is not the time to be escaping reality.
“Do you want to go to the ball that badly?”
“It looks like it’ll be fun, and you’ll get to eat delicious things-mon[1]. Nassau’s[2] sweets are amazing you know! Ah, and you’ll be able to meet the heroes there too!”
I’m sorry Chiffon. Those heroes, they’re my brother and his friends. I wonder how she’ll react if I told her. Anyways, Nassau-san, so you were able to make sweets too! I’d really want to eat them! How could one go without eating Nassau-san’s cooking!!
My feelings were being shaken, but I somehow managed to hold myself back.
“But what about Chocolat? And I have Al and Celia too…”
“I’ve already told Chocolat so it’s fine! And as for Al-san and Celia-san, they’ll be coming on foot, they said! Only invited parties can participate in day one of the celebrations, but from day two on, it’s fun because anyone can join!”
If it’s from here, you’d be able to reach within two days, she smiled excitedly.
When did you settle all this while I was not around? Maybe it was while Celia was strangling me with her hug? At the time my consciousness was faint, and I could only tell that the people around me were talking about something. Celia had said “Ito-chan can begin full-fledged male dressing from now…!” and she got all excited, was it that!! Do you mean you intend to come along! And the ball is across two days! Aren’t esteemed nobles free huh!!
“That’s how it is, so, let’s head off!!”
When she cutely raised her right arm, Caramelize-chan roared in response.
No matter how hard I try, it looks like I can’t avoid playing the male part as we attend the ball.
The sky that I haven’t flown in, in a long time, was scary.
I had forgotten, but while flying on my own was fine, being flown was not good.
Holding my mouth in my hands as we descended, I crouch down at the place I alighted. I should be praised for stopping my stomach from turning inside out. Caramelize-chan nudged her nose towards me in worry, so although I wasn’t alright, I said I was as I somehow stood up. But it was no good. I once again fell onto the ground and was crawling.
As for Chiffon, after landing at a place that seemed nearby the Fourth Knight’s dormitory within the castle, she happily ran towards the person standing in the open space and hugged them. She probably noticed us landing from the air and came out from his room. I was unable to determine who it was since I was dragon sick, but I could tell it was a woman through the corner of my eye.
“I’m home! Araide-chan”
“Welcome back Chiffon. As I thought, you came back”
I heard a voice that was low and husky for a lady. It was an extremely nostalgic voice.
…I thought you’d be here, I did think you;d be here, but my heart isn’t prepared yet, and I wanted to avoid meeting in this weakened state! But it’s impossible right! Because you are standing right in front of me-mon!
“That person is?”
Taking a glance, both her height and aura seemed powerful. Her golden hair was tied up higher than the heavens without a single misplaced strand, and every time she moved her head, it gleamed like the morning sun on a flowing golden river.
Donned in a light blue one piece with a thin shawl draped on, although her clothes may differ, the girl I knew well, Ariadne was right in front of me.
Those eyes mysteriously reflected myself, who was floundering even as Caramelize-chan was helping me up.
“This is Itoka-chan. You see, she’s gonna be my partner!”
“Oh, my. Nice job Chiffon. I thought for sure you’d just give up and bring Chocolat as your partner”
Fufu, Ariade laughed.
It feels as if her aura became gentler. Just what happened in 2 years, to see the Urashima Tarou phenomenon here, making me feel a little lonely, and even if I tried to think that these weren’t my memories, it was too late. Recently, I have been infinitely similar to Vito. I don’t know exactly when it might be unconsciously expressed. That’s why I need to thoroughly ensure that this is the first time I’ve ever met with Ariade.
“I’m glad. That you managed to find a boy as a partner”
Like this, you’ll be able to participate in the ball, she continued, which made Chiffon tilt her head.
“Itoka-chan is a girl though?”
She made a ‘What did you just say?’ face. I was pretty shocked at first too. For a woman to invite another woman and not a man to a ball, it’s definitely unheard of.
“Well um, nice to meet you. My name is Itoka. I am a girl, although I look like this”
It can’t be helped that I had to state that I am a girl. When I said do, Ariade smiled bitterly.
“Sounds like what Chiffon would do. Fine then, that play, I’ll go along with it”
That’s so unlike Ariade. The Ariade I knew would bluntly go ‘What’s up with that?’ and drop it there, but her gentle smile which looked like she was playing along with a child’s game was perplexing.
And I’ve been curious about it since a while ago, but Ariade’s stomach— was kind of big.
It’s not like she grew fat, but it was unnaturally large right there. Back in elementary school, I remember playing by putting a ball under my shirt, but Ariade wouldn’t do such a thing nor is she at the age for it.
In which case, there’s only one possibility.
“Araide-chan is, you see, a knight-sama’s wife! She’ll be giving birth soon”
It looks like I was caught staring at her stomach, I see, as expected she’s pregnant, I understand, so since a child will be born she became milder, or because she fell head over heels for her husband that she rounded out. In either case—what the heck??!! Pregnant?! No, nono even though in 2 years you could have gotten a husband and 1, or even 2 kids, no 2 kids is impossible! Any, anyways! A pregnant woman, and a dragon rider, these 2, how much must they surprise me until they’re satisfied! I’m starting to get confidence in not being shocked by anything anymore!
“Oh right, you aren’t with Lance-san today?”
“Yes, since he has work to do. Just because he’s worried, having him by my side all the time is troubling. It’s not like I’m a sick patient”
“A baby is going to be born, that’s to be expected for a husband!”
Wha-what!! Just when I said I wouldn’t get shocked anymore! Your husband is Lance! …Madam Killer! [3] What did you do to get the heart of the pure-faced Ariade! Please tell me!! I want to hear everything from the very beginning till the end!
“Putting that aside, you’re a girl but you’ll need to dress as a boy. What are you going to do?”
“You see, Itoka-chan looks like a boy so I think it’ll work out. I was mistaken too in the beginning”
At any rate, these 2 are totally on board. I, who received an Urashima shock instead of a culture shock, watched as they continued the conversation harmoniously.
Does my will not matter, is that it! I got it. I’ll give up. Let’s go to that so-called ball or whatever!
If I’m lucky I may be able to see Touka and the others again. I think it may be better to avoid making contact, but it’ll be good enough if I’m able to just see them. My motivation is rising. Also, I personally want to see a formally dressed Touka. I’m not a bro-con[4], but it’d definitely suit me.
“Ah, but there might be one problem”
At my words, ‘what’s wrong’ Ariade asked through her gaze, before my mouth unconsciously shut.
I wonder if it’s okay to say it, I haven’t even told Chiffon yet, so it’s worrying whether or not it’ll be fine to tell the sharp Ariade.
But I have no choice but to say it in order to move forward. I’m sure I can’t just brush it off as nothing either.
“Please don’t be surprised and take a look”
It’ll be too conspicuous to stand in front of others with this hair.
Resolving myself, I take my hood off.
Avoiding the eyes of the pair, I looked at the ground, and heard a gasp.
“You, you were a, black-featured?”
“This black hair would definitely stand out, and I don’t want to gain too much attention”
“…right, you must have had it hard too”
I glanced briefly at Ariade, to see her very gentle gaze, as if she was overlapping my figure with someone. I won’t ask a crude question like who it is, it’s best to pretend not to know.
Chiffon had a slightly sad expression as she put her hand on her chest.
“That hair would definitely stand out, so we’ll need to hide it, hey, Chiffon”
“Yeah… but, it’s a colour that I like”
I don’t want to be looked at gazes full of curiosity, just because it’s rare or stands out. That’s why I normally hide it, not to mention in a place with many people around, I’d be very reluctant not to hide it.
One thing I’m thankful about is that these 2 people didn’t connect me to Vito just because of my black features. We have completely different appearances so even if they associate us, they wouldn’t ever think we were the same person. How fortunate.
Speaking of which, Naoki is in this country too, so they may be more used to black than I thought. Society’s perception of black-featured have changed, and the black-featured that used to live at the ends of the earth where light does not reach may have begun to appear. That would be a dream come true.
This may not be the best way to put it, but in these current times, black featured and respected and fussed over. The 2 may have sensed my opinion of wanting to hide it, with their discussion moving towards hiding it.
If the one here was not Ariade but the Prince, for example, such an idea would have been rejected. Thank goodness.
“Then, how about something like a wig. If I remember correctly, Maribelle-chan had some fake hair!”
As expected of Maribelle. You even have disguise tools. The so-called wigs, or to say it cooler, wig. …To think such a convenient item existed! How did I not notice! I’m an idiot!
“It’s not Maribelle but Marius isn’t it. Is it almost a year? It’s about time you called his proper name
“But there are also times he’s Maribelle-chan, um, this is difficult”
Perhaps, did Maribelle confess that he was a man? He did mention he was an apprentice knight, ahh, too much has changed while I was gone and I can’t keep up. Anyways, I wonder what Maribelle, or more like Marius, is up to. If he has returned back to this side…. eh, isn’t that kinda dangerous? The only one who recognises this appearance is Marius. No, Timo and Marge[5] would too. In any case, if I run into Marius here, I’d definitely be exposed. What should I do!
“But I haven’t seen Maribelle-chan lately?”
“I haven’t seen him the last few months. He said he was going to his mother’s distant hometown, so he probably won’t be back for a while.”
I’m saved! …But well, wasn’t that an excuse to come to my world?
An, anyways, I’m not there right now so it’s fine. Whether it’s a ball or some other errand, It’ll be fine if I do it all quickly and run away!
Come, you two! Turn me into a man!
…Not in a weird way.
“Chiffon Quartet-sama and her partner, Itoka-sama, we have been awaiting your arrival. Please go on inside”
When Chiffon handed over the invitation, a dandy gentleman sent us to the entrance hall of the ball with a smile. A large chandelier was installed on the ceiling of the dance hall’s atrium, a small stage set up in the front, and beside them, a music troupe was playing music. Men and women dressed in costumes which suited the gorgeous venue, which was lavishly decorated with a number of glittering ornaments, were dancing at a relaxed tempo. I’m not familiar with dance, but it looked similar to ballroom dancing.
Then I realized. I, can’t dance.
When I told Chiffon such, she just replied “Don’t worry, I can’t dance either!” encouragingly. So it’s like that, then it’s fine. The two of us will partake in the delicious food while tasting this atmosphere, and if I was lucky, see Touka in formal attire before heading home. Yup, that’s the best. For what reason did you come to the ball. I did not retort to myself.
Through this, I don’t forget my role as the male partner and properly lead Chiffon. You hand please, and Chiffon holds the arm I offered her.
If Chiffon is enjoying herself, then the ball might not be too bad.
The blonde wig we found in Marius’ room was a more mature colour than Chiffon’s honey-coloured hair. I struggled with putting it on since I didn’t know how, but for now, my black hair can be hidden with this. I thought I wouldn’t be able to do anything about my eye colour, but Chiffon has something similar to colour contacts so I put that on. It’s apparently Madeleine’s work. She seems to be making all sorts of magic devices each day. It’s gentle on the eyes, and uses magic indirectly so even I could use it, so I gratefully made use of it. I was surprised about how easily it fit. By the way, it’s blue. It seems to have been intended for people with poor eyesight, but because it is able to change colours, it is also being developed as a fashion item now. Besides this, there are also various magic devices to improve convenience to her name, as she operates as a so-called magic research household. As expected of the magician Madeleine.
If you are going to play the male role, it’s obvious but you’d have to wear the male’s outfit. It saddened me to watch cloth binding my cliff flat chest.
The clothes had been prepared by Ariade. Her family runs an aristocratic exclusive tailor, so I borrowed some random clothes that had been ordered for the ball. But, instead of the young master of a noble house, I look more like a knight from somewhere? And it was bewildering. When I asked for the reason, apparently knight fashion was trending, and there were many outfits imitating it. Plus, the outfit I was wearing right now was so dark it was close to black worried me at first, but after reaching the ball, I patted my chest in relief seeing that there were more people than I expected wearing trendy knight-like clothes with dark or black features. It’d be unbearable if I stood out because of my clothes after all my effort to hide my hair and eyes.
For your information, Chiffon’s dress was also borrowed from Ariade’s stock, but she totally nailed that look. Wasn’t it disgraceful for women to show skin, I thought, but such thought seemed to be old now. was old apparently. She wore a red dress with her shoulders and chest open. Her thighs had enough exposure to make the nearby men’s gazes swim. When I first saw it, I too was shocked at how mature and bold a dress it was for Chiffon, but it looked good on her so I didn’t complain. More like I had no complaints. She looked delicious, just like a sweet. If I were to explain it, like a chocolate chiffon cake. One served with a bright red strawberry on top of a bold amount of thick fresh cream. Honey syrup would be the hidden taste to be liked.
Seeing that, the guy that has his gaze fixed on Chiffon’s marshmallow melons would grow tired of his own female partner. Where you go, where you go[6], the men would turn back to look. It somehow feels good. The women turned back too, and was probably also captured by Chiffon’s beauty.
It is a, sweeter and fluffier than any dessert you could find on his table, but slight maturity adds an unforgettable bitter taste like dark chocolate, confectionary.
Ah, I want to eat.
…Is-is not what I’m thinking!
“I shall go get something to drink. What would you like?”
“Really? Thanks. I’m fine with anything if it’s cold”
Chiffon was excited to be in the mysterious atmosphere, as if in a fairy tale that couldn’t be commonly experienced, but was a little tired but the unfamiliar crowd and attire. We didn’t dance even though it was a ball, but what was tiring was still tiring. Touching my red cheeks with the back of my hand, they were slightly hot. It might be better to step out for a while and cool down, but we’re in the middle of a theatre that Chiffon was watching ravenously, so it’s probably impossible. She may have just not noticed that she was tired too.
If I at least had a cool drink, I thought as I searched the nearby tabletop, only to find luxurious food without a drink in sight. It was troubling, so I went to call the waitress over since I saw her holding some.
“Excuse me, may I have one?”
“Eh? …Ah, ye-yes! Please go ahead!”
Since I called out from behind, she was shocked and froze for a while, staring at my face. The next moment, her face flushed red as she offered all the drinks she was carrying on her tray. I didn’t need all of them, so along with a ‘thanks’ I picked one up, and that child blushed even more like a red apple as she left as if running away.
I wonder if she also has a fever. It’s worrying.
While trying to bring the drinks in one hand back to Chiffon, I caught a glimpse of fiery red hair, bringing my feet to a stop.
…Was that, Stefanos-san?
Lance-san was also nearby. I could see Ariade beside him so I guess they are partners. But I could not see Stefanos-san’s partner anywhere. How weird, as a womanizer I figured he’d have 1 or 2 women attending to him, or maybe he had left his seat.
…Either way, it’s not related to me anymore.
Still, seeing a familiar face momentarily shook me, as I shake off the thoughts that were indulging in reminiscing.
It doesn’t matter to me, anymore.
Returning to Chiffon’s side, there was a serious mood around. What sort of development was unfolding? It was surprising.
Next to Chiffon, who should have been avidly watching the play, was a man I’ve never seen before. They seem to be arguing. If the 2 appeared to be having a peaceful conversation, I would have quietly disappeared elsewhere, but Chiffon had obviously furrowed her brows as if it was a nuisance. In that case, it’s time for me, her partner, to make an entrance, and I enthusiastically come closer.
“I’m sorry, Chiffon. Did you wait long?”
“Ah, Itoka, -kun”
It was an answer that seemed like she was almost going to say Itoka-chan. Her anxious eyes turned toward me.
“What are you? I’m talking to her right now?”
The guy who was trying to talk to Chiffon, could you not interrupt me? I said as I stuck my chin out. I don’t like the condescending glint in his eyes.
“However, she is my partner…”
“So what. I’m the eldest son of the Vengerell family, Rotario, you know?”
I did think he was from an upper-class noble family from his luxurious outfit, but I have never heard of the Vengerall family before. Unfortunately, but the information I have on the oh great nobles are close to non-existent. His features are somewhat good, but his face ruins it.
Above that, I dislike people who abuse their status of power. It is extremely unpleasant having such people approach Chiffon.
I pushed Chiffon behind me, covering her as I stood before that guy.
“I do not know how important your name is, but as a man, I think it is problematic to try to force a reluctant woman.”
“What did you…? Force? There’s no way it’s like that! Which house could you possibly be from, to not know what an honour it is for someone like me to talk to you!”
You’d just be some pathetic lower-class noble at best, his eyes conveyed as he looked down on me. In the first place, I’m not even a noble.
Why are humans like this. Even though I know not all humans are like this, I can’t help but think so. Even delicious looking food, if they contain poison it would no longer be edible.
“Something like status, or appearance, it isn’t cool to judge someone with such external factors. I can’t hand over Chiffon to such a person”
“How impudent! You little, do you have any idea who you’re running your mouth to?!”
He grabbed my collar and looked ready to beat me up.
I don’t want to be beaten up, and I don’t want to be in pain either, but if I look away here, I feel like I’d lose. As I matched his gaze and glared at him, my opponent was frightened for a moment.
However, the fist he had swung did not stop.
Before I could get hit, someone else grabbed that hand.
“What are you doing”
That voice broke the tension. Because the familiar voice I heard came from right beside me. Turning my eyes towards the voice, all of a sudden, Captain-san— Lu-san was there. Donning his original formal knight’s uniform, his daze was turned towards the Vengerell house’s first son Rotario. Rotario looked angry at the person who got in his way, but after seeing his appearance, his face instantly turned blue.
“You, …your esteemed self is!!!” [7]
“What, are you doing”
It was an extremely low and cold voice.
He put us behind him as he stood in front of him. No matter how you look at it, it looks like he was covering for us. Likely noticing this, Rotario’s face changed from one full of determination to one full of fear as he timidly retreated a step back.
“I, I am terribly sorry! I was unaware that you were friends!!”
“You’re a hindrance”
Those words were like an invisible sword stabbing into his neck.
Hiii, a scream came from Rotario as he left as if escaping.
What is this, this treatment. As if he had seen a ghost, yeah, as if he had seen something he shouldn’t have seen, but his eyes also had a faint colour envy. I was slightly curious, just what kind of position did he have in the kingdom, but it has nothing to do with me, I advise myself as I repeated it in my head multiple times.
It has nothing to do with me.
The one remaining braid of hair is swaying in front of me.
Slowly turning to face me, his side profile was higher up, so I had to look up for it to be in my line of sight.
I meet the gaze of the black eyes that I yearned for. I can’t see the light that is harboured deep within them, but back then, I knew that they definitely shined for a moment.
Even though the gaze directed at me was different than before.
But, as I thought, I, towards this person— I still, like him.
The squealing in my heart, can’t be suppressed.
Translation Notes:
[1] As mentioned before in a previous chapter (I think), ‘mon’ is a kind of speaking habit. It doesn’t actually have any meaning, but it usually denotes a cute way of speaking.
[2] Ok anyone remember who this is? Because I for one, still cannot, for the life of me, remember a character with this name. Well, I guess he/she isn’t very important haha
[3] Was said in English
[4] Refers to a sibling (usually sister) who extremely favours, loves and/or dotes on their brother.
[5] I don’t know who either, any ideas, lmk in the comments!
[6] This isn’t a typo, the author repeats the same thing twice
[7] Earlier, when he addressed Itoka, he used a rude way of saying you (kisama), but here, he says you respectfully (anata-sama), so just in case you are wondering.
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