Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1035: Big kill

The two Pacific Wars were completely shocked. He expected that Jiang Chen would be stronger than yesterday, but he did not expect to be tyrannical to this point. With his tyrannical strength, the powerful attack was shredded by Jiang Chen’s move, and it was even more horrible. The attack from Jiang Chen is too powerful and he has suffered tremendous pressure.

"I have to see how far you can be tyrannical."

The second Pacific Insurance also made a fuss. He raised his power to the limit. Yes, it is the limit state. The infinite energy is like a storm, and all of it is poured into the big fan in the hand. Once again, it is shocked toward the sword of Jiang Chen. And go.

"The sound is very good, but unfortunately you are not my opponent."

Jiang Chenyu can give the second Taibao opportunity, the first sword of Yu Wei has not ended, the second sword has been displayed by him, after the completion of the Tiansheng sword, casually can radiate irresistible power.


Numerous horror swords are intertwined into a net of swords. The range of dozens of miles has been shrouded in the sword net. Fortunately, these masters can open up new battlefields at any time. Otherwise, this trick does not know how to how many people.


The sword net and the big fan collided again. The boundless void was broken instantly. The sky was hit by a big hole. The two Taibao seemed unable to withstand such a powerful force. The whole person was knocked out and pale. To the extreme.


The Tiansheng sword oscillated, and the speed went to the extreme. In the blink of an eye, it caught up with the second Taibao. In desperation, the second Taibao could only continue to lift the big fan to resist.


Jiang Chen’s Tiansheng sword exhibited his body. All the power was instilled on this sword. He only heard a bang, and the big fan of Ertaibao was torn by the Tiansheng sword and was torn from the middle. The second Taibao was once again in the state. This time, his state was even worse. He immediately spurted a blood.

"Impossible, this is impossible."

Two Taibao looked at him with a frightened look at the folding fan in his hand. The look between the two faces was shocked. He couldn’t imagine this reality. With his own strength, he would lose to a seven-level grand priest. Thoroughly, more importantly, the folding fan in his hand was made from the finest materials. It was his life-threatening warrior. He has always been invincible, but today he was damaged by Jiang Chen, which made his heart They are all bleeding.

it is good!

There is a good voice on the side of the Three Halls, especially the people in the ancient temple. Many of them have already jumped up in excitement. This scene is really exciting. Now even the powerful Second Pacific Insurance is not the opponent of Jiang Chen, let them I really saw hope. The pressure from Xiao Dian has always been too great, so that they can breathe. Today, Jiang Chen turns the tide, and it seems that one person has to turn things around. It is something they could not think before. .

"How could this be the case, this is where Jiang Chen is enchanting, and it is too perverted. It is only the repair of the seven-level Grand St., and even the two Taibao is not his opponent. Doesn't that mean, we have no more here? People can suppress Jiang Chen."

"This person is too horrible. I didn't kill it at the beginning. It is really raising a tiger. Today, I have suffered such a huge blow to Xiao Dian."

"Damn, if the second is defeated, how can the next battle be played? Is it because Jiang Chen will shake all of us back? It is too shameful."


Compared with the excitement of the Three Halls, the atmosphere of Xiao Dian has begun to become more and more suppressed. They have a large number of masters. They can be said to be the super-powers of the entire Shengyuan continent. Any force against them will only have a way to perish. However, now, this super giant, morale has been reduced to the top.

They could have madly dealt with the people in the three halls, so that Jiang Chen had some scruples. Unfortunately, Jiang Chen was ready in advance, and the five elements of the big array were enough to block everything, and they were countless masters, facing Jiang Chen’s one. At the time, there is no belief that there is a certain victory. This is not a mockery.

"Two Taibao, you are talking about who is killing people today?"

Jiang Chen said slowly.

"Jiang Chen, I admit that you are very powerful. I am not your opponent, but you should not be too proud. The foundation of Xiao Dian is not something you can imagine. Now the three halls are not allowed to come out in the big array, just rely on you. Even if it is so powerful, how can it resist the joint attack of so many half-step masters?"

The two Taibao sounds so strong that he has never suffered such a serious blow. The shame has made him unable to lift his head all his life, so he must kill Jiang Chen today. No matter what method is used, he can kill Jiang Chen. Recover face.

Not only that, Ertaibao deeply felt a great threat from Jiang Chen, which is a threat to the entire Xiao Temple. This person has grown too fast. If he continues to grow up, I am afraid that it will not necessarily come out. Can suppress it.

"Yes? If I want to kill you, you will die immediately. There is no chance of uniting at all. But now I am giving you the opportunity to unite. I have to look at it. If you unite, can you be my opponent?" ”

Jiang Chen’s arms are round and his face is full of self-confidence. He is now hoping that all the half-step masters of the Xiao Dian and even the masters of the nine-level grand priest will unite. In that case, he will have a grasp of the pot and will not give any A chance to escape, a real **** killing.

The battle of history has proved that it is impossible to deal with Jiang Chen and want to win by quantity. The reason why Jiang Chen gives them a chance to unite is to kill all the nets. If they break down, many masters can escape.

"Hurricane, Jiang Chen, you are too arrogant, since you are so arrogant, then wait for regret, all the Taibao, half-step masters, and the nine-level grand priest listen, immediately unite, block this piece Void, I will be trapped by Jiang Chen."

The second Taibao put away the worn-out folding fan in his hand and issued an order.


As the second Taibao voice fell, Xiao Dian suddenly moved up, Xiao Dian four and a half steps, plus four other temples, twelve and a half steps, a total of sixteen and a half steps, plus Ten Taibao, a total of twenty-six and a half steps, the power of the people.

In addition, the five halls are united, and there are dozens of nine-level grand priests. Together with a large number of eight-level sacred geniuses cultivated by Xiao Dian, each one is equivalent to the general nine-level grand priest. There are hundreds of people coming down, plus more than a hundred people in half a step.

Such a huge camp, such a terrible force, looking at the entire Shengyuan continent, I am afraid I can see it in front of me, and so many people unite to deal with one person, such a huge lineup, even in the history of the mainland, is also the first Once appeared, regardless of the outcome of today's war situation, Jiang Chen's name will be put into history.

More than one hundred masters joined forces together, and a huge battlefield was opened up. More than one hundred people were surrounded by Jiang Chen, and the surrounding air was not tight.


Everyone on the side of the Three Halls has a cold breath. This scene is really shocking, and his life is only seen.

In addition, everyone began to worry about Jiang Chen, more than one hundred and a half steps between the immortal and the nine-level Grand St., to deal with him a seven-level Grand St., where there may be life, even Jiang Chen In the past, but the two fists are hard to beat the four feet, such a huge camp, the consumption of Jiang Chen to death.

"Jiang Chen is really too big to give them the opportunity to unite. This can be difficult."

"Yeah, such a huge camp, even if Jiang Chen is going against the sky, I am afraid it is difficult to be an opponent."


The masters of the three halls are worried. Many of the masters of the half-step are all ready to help. Although they say that the number of their masters is relatively small, they can help them. More masters.

"Everyone should not panic. The little dust is enough to cope with it. He has encountered such a situation. The last thing that is miserable is the enemy. If you enter the battlefield, I am afraid that it will not help you too much, but it will also hinder your influence. The little dust is on display."

The monk quickly said that he was too clear about Jiang Chen’s means. The scene in front of him was exactly the same as when the Northern and Southern Dynasties attacked the Nebula. When the monk was present, he knew that Jiang Chen had a group of attacking skills called Eternal. Xianfeng, once the fairy wind is blown up, it is a doom for the enemy. It is a storm from the fairy world. It is too horrible. If the masters of the three halls help, Jiang Chen will display the eternal fairy wind. There is a lot of scruples, so it is better not to shoot.

After listening to the monk's words, those instigating half-step people stopped the movements in their hands. Although they did not know what Jiang Chen used to deal with the powerful masters, the monk would certainly not have a fake. Brothers of dust, monks will not harm Jiang Chen.

In the battlefield, the pressure is overwhelming, the void is crushed, the battle has not yet begun to fight, and the momentum that has erupted alone is enough to destroy the earth. The scene before it is indeed like the original nebula, but the power gap It is a world of difference.

"Okay, very good. It seems that you are all ready to die. If so, then I will fulfill you. Everyone on this battlefield today can't live, and all will die."

Jiang Chen's cold scorpion glanced around and smashed the world. It was a kind of discouragement that didn't put everyone in the eyes. It was the eyes of death.

"Jiang Chen, put away your arrogance, this situation, see how you resist, everyone should not waste time, shot."

The second Taibao shouted.

"Five elements in the field."

Jiang Chen also moved, and he showed up the five elements in the field. He wants to merge the five elements with this battlefield, and then kills them one by one.

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