Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1036: Unilateral slaughter

Once the five elements are released, it is equivalent to the end of the days of the masters of Xiao Dian. A **** killing is about to begin. All the masters present are destined to become the prey of Jiang Chen and become the soul of Jiang Chen.

The invisible field spreads like a tidal wave. It spreads hundreds of miles and merges perfectly with the whole scene. Now the battlefield is the field. The field is the battlefield. The force of the field is felt. Many people’s faces are completely changed.

As a powerful half-step man, a powerful nine-level grand priest, everyone has fields, and they often experience collisions between fields. They have a very good understanding of the field, so they have not put the field of Jiang Chen at all. In the eyes, in their view, if Jiang Chen used the field and they collided, more than one hundred masters were released, and the field of Jiang Chen was immediately crushed.

However, the facts are not as they think of them. The five elements of the field have really shocked them. No one has thought that Jiang Chen’s field has become abnormal to this extent.

"This is the power of the field. God, it is a superposition of five fields, and it is a five-line field that is alive and well. How is this possible?"

"No, this is absolutely impossible. There won't be such a strong field between heaven and earth. How can a person have five fields of different attributes? The old man once saw that one person has two fields, and it is already very abnormal. What is the enchanting genius, is it that the immortals are not doing anything?"

“It’s terrible. The five different fields are superimposed, which makes me feel a little pressure. The invisible **** makes me feel very incomparable.”


Everyone in the field of the Five Elements couldn’t keep calm. The camp of more than 100 people was the first to panic. There was no way to calm down. I have never seen such a terrible field.

"Don't panic, we joined forces to kill him, tearing his field and letting him die without a place to die. I don't believe that he can resist the union of so many masters."

The second Taibao sounds so strong that the more powerful Jiang Chen is, the more uncomfortable his heart is. A genius, when he encounters a better genius than himself, the heart of the heart cannot calm down, let alone the two Taibao hate Jiang Chen. Into the bone.


Behind Jiang Chen, there is a pair of smoldering fire wings. The blazing fire wings are casually swaying. Jiang Chen’s body has begun to float and become somewhat illusory. It seems to disappear at any time, not waiting for more than one hundred masters to release a powerful Attack, Jiang Chen took the lead.

"Eternal fairy wind!"

The killing of the ring, Jiang Chen came up to display the eternal fairy wind, this powerful storm is the real group attack skills, the fairy wind blows, no one can be spared, in the entire field, everyone can not escape the fairy wind Strike, unless tyrannical means to counterbalance, but the eternal fairy wind is so easy to compete.

Xiao Dian, Nalan Hall, Shi Dian, Fire Hall, Dan Dian, each of them is their own enemy, Jiang Chen shot, there will be no bit of mercy.


The wind whistled. For a time, a powerful storm swept the entire battlefield. There were dragon-shaped storms everywhere. Every storm was wild to the extreme, with a deadly attack.

Ah, ah...

Almost at the moment of the eternal fairy wind, the sound of screams began. Some of the five elders of the Great Hall of the Five Great Halls entered the center of the storm, and with their cultivation, they could not resist the dust of the dust. Power, on the spot was blown into fly ash, tragic death in the field.

One, two, three, five, ...

In the blink of an eye, there are two or thirty nine-level grand priests. This kind of scene is simply shocking. It’s the masters who are in the battlefield. The people who watch the war outside are all scared, but they are powerful. Dasheng, now it is like being killed by ants, this scene is too scary.

"A terrible storm, with a hint of immortality inside, this is the wind of destruction, everyone is careful."

“Everyone immediately joined together to fight the storm.”

"No, this storm is too strong, we are a little hard to stop, the nine-level Grand St. can't resist, all the eight-level sacred genius and the nine-level sacred, all withdrawn."


Everyone is flustered, and there are half-step masters of the level to let the 9th and 8th sacred geniuses exit the battlefield. This battlefield is too horrible. The 9th Grand Saint is not qualified to come in and will die in an instant. Twenty or thirty ninth-level grand priests, if this continues, it will be enough. I am afraid that all the nine sacred sacred sacred ones will be tragic, and the loss will be too great, especially those eight-level sacred young people cultivated by Xiao Dian. Genius, everyone's growth has consumed a lot of resources in Xiao Dian, and death is a huge loss.

"Haha, now I want to quit. It’s already late. I said before that someone is going to die in this battlefield today. If you use your words, then one will not stay."

Jiang Chen screamed and laughed, and the eternal celestial wind that continued to spurt out from his body and rushed toward the battlefield. This is an all-round attack without a dead end. No one can be spared.

"God, what I saw, I spent my eyes, or I was dreaming."

"What is that means, it is too much against the sky, and the powerful nine-level grand priest is directly degraded, and the dead **** is not left."

"It’s too fierce, it’s just too fierce, and our military hall is really making the most sensible choice.”


On the ancient temple side, everyone has opened their mouths. Even those half-step people are shocked. They have never seen such a terrible means. It is easier to kill the nine-level sacred priest than to kill the chicken. When is the ninth level? The great change of the Holy Spirit is so vulnerable.

Of course, the most fortunate is the military temple. If it wasn’t for the captain’s smile, and Jiang Chen’s sorrow was to be combined with the ancient temple, the ending of the military hall might be the same as the other four temples. To be surrendered by Xiao Dian, now on the battlefield, There are more masters of their martial arts, and the consequences of Shang Jiangchen, there is only one, die.

Above the battlefield, the madness of the storm raged, and the screams continued. The nine-level sacred continually suffered losses. After hearing the half-step swearing, many ninth-level sacred priests were ready to withdraw from the battlefield, but they were shocked to discover. These five elements have become a cage. They are completely bound.

"Not good, the field is too strong, we are tied."

Someone exclaimed.

"There are a few half-steps of the people to tear open the field, and the other half-step people join forces to kill Jiang Chen."

The two Pacific Insurance recognized the situation and immediately made the best countermeasures. For a time, four and a half steps of the masters of the immortals joined forces to forcibly tear the field of Jiang Chen into a hole, and the other half-steps were sacrificed. The violent warriors, the dense attacking force hit the head of Jiang Chen.


The blazing flames behind Jiang Chen were shocked, and with the display of space, they disappeared instantly. He was like a fish, slipping out of the violent attack, so many half-step joint attacks. Jiang Chen naturally can't be stupid enough to go straight to the hard battle. It is estimated that he is strong and can't stand it.

However, the blazing fire wing and the space 遁 with the five elements of the field, enough to allow him to avoid a lot of attack power for a short time, plus these half-step people must also separate the mind to resist the eternal fairy wind, unable to concentrate the strength of the wind .

Through this violent attack, Jiang Chen came to the four half-steps of the people who were about to tear open the field.

The Tiansheng sword appeared in the hand and smashed the past against one person.


The half-step man had almost no room for rebellion, and was killed by Jiang Chen’s sword. The body was thrown into the Zulong Tower, and the other three reacted, but their reaction was comparable to Jiang Chen’s attack.

Three swords and three swords were thrown out, and three and a half steps were fallen on the spot. This is simply a unilateral slaughter. The repair of the seven-level Great Sacred Peak, plus ten times the dragon's combat power, these half steps. Ren Xian is not an opponent of Jiang Chen at all.

Killing four and a half steps, Jiang Chen all took their bodies into the Zulong Tower, and then locked a half-step man who was closest to him. The long sword swayed out and killed directly. As for the nine-level grand priest And the genius figures of the eight-level Dasheng level, Jiang Chen did not even look at it, their fate is dying and there is no residue left. Even if Jiang Chen does not shoot, they will die under the eternal fairy wind.

What Jiang Chen is going to do now is to break through and kill those half-step people one by one, preventing half-step people from joining hands to tear their own fields.

The five-line field is constantly running, it is not so good to tear, coupled with the limitations of the eternal fairy wind, Jiang Chen is like a duck in the water, with the big refining soul refining, who has a slight change, can be clearly perceived by him Chu.

Ah, ah...

The screams of screams have come one after another. The super lineup of more than 100 people is being greatly reduced. The masters will fall one after another. The nine-level grand priest will not say it. As the half-step people die in the hands of Jiang Chen, they unite. But it is also helpless to Jiang Chen. The outcome of this war seems to have been doomed. As the second Taibao said at the beginning, today is destined to be the most murderous unilateral massacre in the history of the Sacred Continent, only the object of his massacre. Upset, now it is not that they slaughter the three halls, but Jiang Chen kills them.

"Impossible, how could this be?"

The people in the five halls are all gray, especially those who have not shot in Xiao Dian. They are all ugly to the extreme. Xiao Dian’s original good situation is bound to rule the entire Shengyuan continent, but he did not expect it to be like this. As a result, if everyone here is dead in the hands of Jiang Chen today, it is unimaginable to wait for the loss. Even if the ancestors of Xiao Dian are savage, they must sneak a blood on the spot. .

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