Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1037: Taibao died

Horror, it’s too horrible!

The **** scene of the whole scene was shocked to the extreme. The entire eternal temple of thousands of people, each person’s face showed a horrible color. Then killing, that death, is enough to describe it with earth-shattering, not dead. How much is a person, but the importance of a dead person.

Those who are half-step masters are the masters of the pyramids. In the hearts of countless people, they are all gods. Now they are successively fallen, so shocking scenes, that is dreaming. I can't imagine it.

Ah, ah...

The sound of miserable sounds constantly, the masters of Xiao Dian are getting less and less, and the fighting power that can be united is gradually weakening. This weakening is terrible. It is not only the weakening of combat effectiveness, but the key is confidence. Even the arrogant and powerful Second Pacific Insurance is full of fear for Jiang Chen. There is no fighting spirit. Everyone has already seen it clearly. If you continue to fight, I am afraid there is only one result, that is, death, everyone will die, one Can't live.

“How could this be? How could this be?”

The two Taibao eyes are red, full of blood, and the situation in front of him is completely different from what he imagined. So many supreme masters can't beat a Jiang Chen. The fire flame behind Jiang Chen is too powerful. Moreover, they have fallen into the field of Jiang Chen, and they have been restrained. The powerful attack combined has no effect on Jiang Chen’s body, but Jiang Chen is as smashed as ghosts and continues to die.

As for those nine-level grand priests, the eternal fairy wind alone is enough for them to receive, and nothing can help.

"Second brother, can't stop it. This person is too strong. I will inform my ancestors quickly. If the ancestors don't shoot again, we will all die."

A Taibao shouted at the second Taibao, and the people of Xiaodian’s ancestors were in deep space, and they simply ignored the outside. Even the crucial battle of Xiao Dian was still not concerned because they were too confident. In their view, if the huge camp of Xiao Dian can't do anything about the ancient temple, it would be too inferior, and this is also impossible. Xiao Dian's ancestors have almost concluded the ending, confident enough to even Fight not to take a look.

In fact, the trend of fighting has not been carried out according to the wishes of the ancestors. The outcome is the opposite. If the ancestor sees such a scene in front of him, I am afraid that I will immediately become angry and desperate to give Jiang Chen Killed and killed, Xiao Dian has risen for so long, and has never suffered such heavy blows and losses.

"Well, I will send a letter to the ancestors, or the big brother will take the shot."

The second Taibao said that as a proud person, his self-confidence has never weakened by half, but today, all his confidence has been broken by Jiang Chen. Now, he has to let his ancestors shoot, although this It was an extremely shameful thing for him, and this kind of shame would accompany him for a lifetime, so that he could not raise his head for a lifetime, but compared with the future of Xiao Dian, his honor and disgrace is nothing, he can’t watch it. It’s an incalculable loss to see all the masters who have worked so hard in Xiaotang’s life.

The two Taibao palms, a golden charm suddenly appeared, but he just took out the charm, and did not have time to send a message, it was always taken away on the spot, not the others, it is Jiang Chen.

"Asshole, return the charm to me."

The second Taibao smashed up and spurted a blood on the spot. This dust in the field of the Five Elements is just like a duck. It can be anywhere, anytime, anywhere, and the moment of the spirit, Jiang Dense is still dealing with the fire hall. Step by step, the ancestors of the ancestors, this charm has just been smashed out, and was robbed by Jiang Chen.

"Oh! Two Taibao, today you will die, even if your ancestors are coming, I will not want to save your life from my hands. In this field, Jiang Chen is the absolute master, you are all destined to be The object that I dominate."

Jiang Chen has a strong voice and simply does not put Ertai Bao in his eyes. As he said, in this five-line field wrapped in the eternal fairy wind, he is the absolute master, and the two Pacific Warrants want to release in his field. It’s undoubtedly a idiotic dream, and Jiang Chen will not allow the news here to reach the ancestors of Xiao Dian.

How hard is Jiang Chen, the battle here has not seen the ancestors of Xiao Dian for so long, it can be seen that the ancestors of Xiao Dian have been very confident about the two Taibao, confident that even the battlefield is not concerned about the slightest, in this case, he Jiang Chen Let Xiao Dian bear the most heavy price.

If it is a general messenger, Jiang Chen may not care at all. It has been closed by the field and the information cannot be transmitted at all. However, the message of the letter in the hands of the two Taibao is created by the immortals, and the effect is completely different. Jiang Chen is also without a bit of grasp.

We must know that when Jiang Chen’s past life was the most powerful, it was only the 9th-level sacred peak. At that time, because of the shackles of the world law, there was no such thing as a half-step of the entire sacred continent. So Jiang Chen’s higher realm like the immortal, that I don’t know anything at all, and naturally I don’t dare to take risks.

"Asshole, I am fighting with you."

San Taibao also issued a sigh, and he felt a little desperate from his barking. Now even the news can't be passed away. They can only let Jiang Chen kill casually. Although the three Pacific Guards are strong, they rank third in the Pacific Insurance. But it was the most temperamental, the most unsettled one, and immediately the soldiers in their hands went to the crazy attack of Jiang Chen.

"Hey! What are you doing, let me take it with me, die."

Jiang Chen snorted, and the Tiansheng sword was just a glimpse. The dragon sword's prestige spreads like a sea of ​​oceans, roaring and deafening, and the three Taibao warriors collided together. The three Taibao warriors flew on the spot. Going out, the power of terror shattered the hands of San Taibao and turned into a **** fog.


Jiang Chen’s action was too fast, and the long sword rushed out again and again. He slammed the head of San Taibao with a bang, and the powerful San Taibao died on the spot. Under the attack of Jiang Chen, there was no counterattack.

"Ah, third brother!"

The eleventh Taibao also smashed up, and the feelings between the 13 Taibaos were still very good. At this moment, there are people who are constantly dying in the hands of Jiang Chen, and the natural anger is unstoppable.

"You don't have to call, you can die together."

Jiang Chen had already stunned his eyes. From the moment he released the field of the Five Elements, he was not prepared to let go of a person, especially the Twelve CPIC, and everyone would die.


The blazing flames shook, Jiang Chen held the Tiansheng sword in the blink of an eye to the eleven Taibao near, the horrible swordsman instantly smashed down, it was a horrible sword net, the 11th Taibao was shrouded on the spot.


The eleventh Taibao hit a chill, and an extremely dangerous breath started from the bottom of his heart. He personally fought against Jiang Chen and realized the horror of Jiang Chen. He wanted to resist, but it was already late. It is an irresistible force.

"Stop, Jiang Chen."

The two Taibao's heartbreaking screams, and the other Taibao also yelled, but unfortunately could not save the life of the 11th Pacific Insurance.

Jiang Chen ignored the anger of these Taibao, and killed the eleventh Taibao with a sword. He sealed his body and threw it into the Zulong Tower.

"Stop, Jiang Chen, do you know what you are doing? You are playing with fire."

The second Taibao shouted loudly.

"Playing with fire? It’s your Xiao Dian playing with fire, your fire, playing too much, burning it to yourself."

Jiang Chen's cold scorpion looked at the second Taibao, and his murderousness did not converge.

"Jiang Chen, tell you, the foundation of our Xiao Dian is not something you can imagine. What you are doing now is in the road of self-destruction. You will regret it. I advise you to stop immediately. I promise to keep it for you. A glimmer of life."

Said the second Taibao.

"Your heritage, I know clearly, kills you today, and kills your ancestors in the coming days, so that you can completely destroy the temple."

After Jiang Chen finished, Tianshengjian swept out again and went to other Taibao. As for the second Taibao, he wanted to kill at the end. He wanted to let the two Taibao look at himself and how they destroyed them. Xiaodian’s plan How ridiculous is in front of yourself.

"What? Do you know that we have a fairy in Xiao Dian?"

The second Pacific Insurance was really shocked. Xiao Dian had a fairy, and no one knew that Xiao Dian had never revealed a half point to the outside. Jiang Chen should not have known such a big secret, but now he said it, let How the second Pacific Insurance is not shocked.

Ah, ah...

Jiang Chen did not pay attention to the doubts of the second Taibao, the madness of the killings, the twelve Taibao one fell under the sword of Jiang Chen, but only a few minutes before and after, except for the two Taibao, all the Taibao died, so The picture, the second Pacific Insurance is simply going crazy.

Xiao Dian cultivated the Thirteen Taibao not knowing how much effort he spent, and the century-old plan, now destroyed in the hands of Jiang Chen, the Thirteen Taibao just had to show the edge, and completely died, this loss to Xiao Dian is too Big, too big to bear.


Many of the nine great saints can not withstand the invasion of the eternal fairy wind, and the tragic deaths have turned into blood fog. Until now, there are only twenty or thirty camps for more than one hundred people. Most of the masters have died, and the rest are only lingering, full of fear, and have completely lost their fighting spirit. In their eyes, Jiang Chen is a madman, it is too horrible.

"It’s over, it’s over, we’re completely gone, no one can save us anymore, Jiang Chen is terrible.”

"I didn't expect that I would die like this, and I will die in the hands of a seven-level grand priest, sad, sad."


The end, it seems that everything is doomed.

[Sitting a train for a day, tired, and today, I will start to return to normal tomorrow. I owe a total of four more and slowly make up. 】

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