Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1054: True Dragon Son

In the last three days, Jiang Chen closed himself in an independent space. The matter on the side of the Shengyuan continent has completely ended. He himself is going to pursue a higher plane, a higher cultivation, and a distance. The 100,000 dragon pattern is getting closer and closer. For him, three days is enough.

When Jiang Chen chose to retreat, Han Yan, monk, smoke and rain, and dancing bamboo all chose to retreat. In order to follow the footsteps of Jiang Chen, even if they are very talented, they have to pay a hundred times of effort. And the rhubarb dog will fly up in three days. If they don't work hard, the gap will get bigger and bigger. When they get to the fairyland, they will only become the burden of Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen's whole heart is placed on the top of the dragon. In addition to his body surface, a **** ancient dragon shadow is constantly lingering, and it seems that the essence will evolve at any time, and Jiang Chen will be able to set off the whole person.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is in a very wonderful state. It seems that the dragon is so full of the dragon, and the dragon's strips are automatically condensed. His air and sea space is constantly magnifying, doubled twice. Expansion, the innumerable dragons in the air and sea space are like countless real dragons lingering, constantly making a dull sound of dragons, and the scene is extremely spectacular. If such a scene moves to the reality, it can cause Shocking is absolutely unimaginable.

As the number of 100,000 dragons is getting closer and closer, Jiang Chen's understanding of Hualong is becoming more and more profound. With this profound understanding, Jiang Chen feels that this magical power is extremely profound and he has to explore. It is still very far away.

"The dragon is not the only one of the best in the world. When I first came into contact, I felt that the 100,000 dragon pattern was a great consummation, and I could reach the peak of the dragon. Now it seems that it is a big mistake, now it seems The 100,000 dragon pattern is nothing more than the initial great perfection of the dragon. The distance from the real peak is still a hundred thousand miles. However, the more the dragon is tyrannical, the greater the benefit to me, and the more My strength is still horrible."

Jiang Chen’s scorpion shines, and Hualong’s sorrow brings him more and more confidence. This method is too esoteric. The 100,000 dragon pattern is only a preliminary perfection. According to Hualong’s saying, 100,000 dragons The pattern can be used to make a dragon fly.

This is not a fake. Jiang Chen’s dragon has always been a half-dragon and a half-man. If the 100,000 dragons are perfect, then it will become a dragon, soaring in the sky, he is still a human being, but With the complete dragon blood, this is the first step of the dragon, the so-called true dragon, this is the case, Jiang Chen is the real dragon.

"After the 100,000 dragon pattern is completed, my cultivation will directly impact the early stage of the immortal. At that time, with the transformation of the dragon, I will get more benefits, and the repair will directly impact the mid-term. If there is no accident, the funeral will bring me more transformation. It is not impossible to directly impact the late stage of the immortal. If I am promoted to the late stage, even if I am in the fairy world, I will not be passive. To the point."

Jiang Chen mouth overflows with a smile, it is super confidence, this is also the experience since the cultivation of the dragon, the transformation of the dragon, and the baptism of the thunder, can let him raise two levels on the original basis This is beyond doubt.

If Jiang Chen’s ascent to the fairyland really reached the late stage of the immortal, it would be a miracle. You must know that the higher the cultivation, the more difficult it is to promote, and the promotion of the immortal is not so easy, like Jiang. The dust suddenly crossed two or three levels, and I didn’t know how many people to be shocked when I went out.

Three days of time passed away. On this day, Jiang Chen’s body suddenly burst into a roaring sound. At this moment, 100,000 dragon patterns were finally completed, and Hualong was initially completed.

"Haha, 100,000 dragons, dragons flying."

Jiang Chen suddenly laughed. At this moment, he felt that countless real dragons spewed out in his body. It was a very noble atmosphere. The bones of Jiang Chen began to change, and the blood on his body became more and more Sheng.


An earth-shattering dragonfly suddenly sounded from the ancient times and suddenly alerted everyone. Then, a huge storm was suspended over the ancients. Everyone saw that a **** dragon with a size of several dozen was suspended. Above the void, constantly twisting and circling his body.

The **** dragon is too strong, the body does not know how much energy is contained, and the unbeatable power is exhaled at will, and the void is crushed everywhere with cracks.

"A good dragon, is this the legendary dragon?"

"Dragon is a god, a supreme being, there has never been a real dragon in the history of the Continent. Occasionally, one or two dragons are already very scary. This blood dragon exudes a familiar atmosphere. It is Jiang. Dust's breath, Jiang Chen itself has a transformational skill, but it is half-long and half-human, I did not expect it to become a real dragon now, it is terrible."

"Dragon Dragon Son, this is the real dragon god, Jiang Chen is a rare and talented person, and it is a miracle."


Many people are exclaimed, no one is not shocked. The scene in front of the scene has not appeared in the history of the entire Shengyuan continent. Such a spectacle of the world is an eye for someone in the place.

The true dragon emperor came to the world, that is the auspicious sign, the appearance of such a character in the Shengyuan continent, the future will be auspicious and infinite, the holy Wu Dynasty will never die.

"The magical power of this little boy's cultivation is really mysterious. Now the real dragon has evolved. He now has a complete human and dragon blood, calling him a true dragon, not too much."

The rhubarb dog was also shocked. He was the only one who knew the secrets of Jiang Chen, but he could not think of the horror of Jiang Chen’s cultivation.

"The cultivation of Xiao Chenzi has now reached the beginning of the immortal, but he used the fairy mark to block the traction of the fairy tales, so he has not yet come to the thunder."

The monk said.

"His atmosphere is getting stronger and stronger, and the momentum is getting stronger and stronger. It seems that it is going to hit a higher realm. Maybe it is a direct impact on the middle of the immortal. It is really horrible."

Han Yan is also embarrassed. For Jiang Chen, this kind of alien, they really have nothing to say.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is in another mysterious state. He used the fairy marks to blind the heavens. The purpose of the situation is to use the transformation of the dragons and dragons to make their own cultivation impact to the middle of the immortals, and then to rob.

Jiang Chen is accepting the benefits and baptism brought about by the transformation of the dragon. After the initial success of the dragon, a new message is also pouring into Jiang Chen’s mind.

"When the dragon is promoted to the promotion, every time you promote a realm, you must gather 50,000 dragons..."

With the appearance of this information, Jiang Chen was shocked and turned his eyes. Every time he was promoted to a level, he had to gather 50,000 dragons. This is too frivolous. You must know that before each level, Only two thousand dragons have been condensed, and now one level is 50,000. This is a horrible promotion of the dragon's promotion. If you promote the promotion to Dacheng, you don't know how to condense in the air space. How many dragons are out.

"But this is also acceptable. After all, the gap between Xianhe people is too big. Everything is a huge leap. Every level is a huge leap. It takes 50,000 dragons to understand. I am now accepting the transformation of the dragon. The benefits, the formation of 50,000 dragons is not a problem."

Jiang Chen secretly said that his current sea-air space is more than a hundred times larger than before. At this moment, the sea of ​​gas is like a real ocean. There are dragons everywhere, blood is everywhere, dragons are everywhere. The number is steadily rising at a rate of terror.

110,000, 120,000, 130,000, 140,000, 150,000!

Just a few minutes before and after, no tens of thousands of dragons condensed out like a tidal wave. Jiang Chen’s cultivation succeeded in breaking through the middle of the celestial being, reaching a point where mortals could not climb high.

"I am now in a state of change, still ten times the strength of the battle, and there is no improvement. This is a pity."

Jiang Chen couldn't help but sigh, the half dragon and the real dragon's combat power is the same, but ten times the combat power has been quite horrible enough to let him kill again in the dragon state.

There are a lot of secrets between heaven and earth that can improve the combat power for a short time. However, these secret techniques have certain damage to the monks themselves, and they need to pay a certain price. Even so, I want to find a secret that enhances the power of ten times. It is also impossible. The ordinary mystery can be doubled to three times. It is already very scary and rare in the world.

An instant like Jiang Chen will increase his combat power ten times, and he will not have a little bit of rebellion and influence on himself. It is an unimaginable miracle.


The ancestral tower also made a sound of whistling, and with the promotion to the immortal, the ancestral tower suddenly condensed into the twelve layers, the tower is simple, the ancient runes are clearly visible, and it is sturdy and unimaginable, as a powerful The defense artifact is simply invincible.

Tianshengjian was also promoted to the fairy, and later cooperated with the Zulong Tower, a main attack, a defense, perfect.

"Rhubarbs, come up and sneak up."

Jiang Chen opened a huge dragon mouth and said to the big yellow dog below.

"Wow, okay, enjoyable."

The rhubarb dog laughed and the majestic body rushed into the sky. His current cultivation was already in the early days of the immortal. If it was not because of the dust marks of Jiang Chen, he would have been dragged by the laws of the fairy tales.


Jiang Chen took the fairy marks up. Suddenly, the sky was thunderous. It was two thunders and two completely different clouds. Although Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were at the same time, they could not be in the same space. Otherwise, otherwise , Thunderbolt superposition, that power who can stand it.

[The sacred continent is a perfect one. In recent days, Cavanka has almost been depressed. Fortunately, the basic setting of the fairy tales has been completed. It can be restored in the last two days. What can be guaranteed is that the fairy tales will be More passionate, more bloody. 】

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