Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1055: Deadly attack


In the blink of an eye, the scene of Jiang Du and the big yellow dog robbing at the same time is really too spectacular. Compared with the slaying of Qinglian’s ancestors three days ago, it is not a grade. One is super enchanting, one is It is the blood of the beast, and every thunderbolt is much stronger than the average monk.


The rhubarb dog is bathed in the thunder, the majestic body is constantly hovering, and the momentum is brave to the extreme. The horrible thunder is on his body, just like scratching it, and it is completely impossible to cause a little damage to the rhubarb dog.

"Wow, cool!"

The rhesus dog is extremely excited. This day is very exciting and memorable for any monk. Breaking through this step, it will fly into the sky and become a real butterfly.

Tianlei quenching body, bathed under the thunder, is a good thing for the people who are robbing themselves, especially the blood of the beasts like the big yellow dog, experienced the tempering of the catastrophe, the body will strengthen the cross, the battle The force will be even more horrible.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen’s thunder robbery does not know what it is. From the point of view of power, at least the rhubarb dog is twice as horrible as it is. Every thunder is pouring down, and it has the momentum to destroy the earth and the earth. They are completely annihilated.

Jiang Chen’s huge dragon body circling constantly, allowing Ray Guangyi to inflict the slightest harm to him. For a long time, Jiang Chen has experienced many robberies. For the robbery, he has already belonged to himself. The experience, and the power of lightning in the body has accumulated a lot, for the thunder, has produced an antibody.


The Tiansheng sword hovered around Jiang Chen. At this moment, the Tiansheng sword has been completely transformed into a dragon sword. The gods have reached the extreme, and the swordsmanship that is exiled at will is enough to tear the void. The Tiansheng sword itself is the river. The dust of the life war soldiers, the past and present are accompanied by Jiang Chen, and now with the promotion of Jiang Chen Xiu, the Tiansheng sword has also been promoted to the fairy, although it is only a fairy of the human rank, but its degree of horror, it is also unimaginable It’s gone.

"It’s so good, Jiang Chen’s thunder robbery is at least ten times more horrible than the thunder of Qinglian’s ancestors three days ago. So horrible thunder, I am afraid that Jiang Chen can attract it, and only him like this. The enchanting can resist in such a robbery. If it is replaced by us, I am afraid that it will die under the thunder sea on the spot."

"Yes, I have seen my ancestors robbed, but compared with Jiang Chen, whether it is power or scenes, it is a small sorcerer. Jiang Chen is a unique genius. The future achievements are bound to be limitless, even It’s the fairyland, I’m afraid it won’t be the average person.”

"That is nature, this person has the air transport, this kind of air transport, will accompany his life in the midst of it."


No one is not surprised, especially those ancestors who are half-step-level people. They are closer to the cultivation of the immortal, so the sentiment is also more profound. The powerful thunder of Jiang Chen is enough to illustrate Jiang Chen’s Horror, these geniuses with air transport, even to the high fairy, will still not be mediocre.

At this moment, Jiang Chen is carrying out a different sublimation under the Thunder. The Tiansheng Sword and the Zulong Tower are all improving, especially the Zulong Tower. The powerful devouring power can directly swallow the power of the Thunder. Transformed into energy, it looks like, after the end of the thunder, the twelfth floor of the Zulong Tower can also be completely condensed.

With the help of thunder, the repair of Jiang Chen is also constantly improving, and the dragon pattern in the body begins to madly condense.

160,000, 170,000, 180,000, 190,000, 200,000!

The Thunder continued for twenty minutes, and Jiang Chen was completely robbed. The body's dragon pattern reached 200,000, and the repair directly affected the late stage of the immortal. With his current cultivation as the ascendant, even if he encountered any dangers. Can also be resolved.

At the same time, the thunder of the big yellow dog was over, and the sky once again showed a clear color. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog stood together. They did not land, but looked at the crowd below.


"Dust brother."

"Little dust."


At this moment, everyone is nervous, Jiang Zhenhai, smoke and rain, Wu Ningzhu, Han Yan, monk, Wu Jiu, Yu Zihan, Nangong asked the heavens, these Jiang Chen to the dear ones, all look dignified, they know The moment of Jiang Chen’s ascension is coming.

Jiang Chen is not an indecisive person, nor does he want to be too immersed in this kind of parting emotional sadness, so he immediately put away the fairy marks.


At the moment when the fairy marks were collected, the fairy world immediately sprinkled a golden beam. It should be two beams of light. The Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were shrouded separately. The two men’s bodies began to fade. It was a flight to the fairy world. aisle.

"Hey, the child is not filial, Xiao Yu, Ning Jie, A Yan, Monk, Anan, I am waiting for you in the fairy world, the holy Wu Dynasty, I will hand it over to you."

Jiang Chen left the last sentence, and then disappeared with the big yellow dog, completely disappeared on this piece of sky. This time, they are really gone, but the glory they left in the Shengyuan continent is forever Unable to cover up, Jiang Chen’s name is destined to become a symbol and history of the perseverance of the Shengyuan continent.

After Jiang Chen left, Han Yan did not say anything extra, and immediately chose to retreat, hitting the fairyland, is their next goal. Without Jiang Chen’s days, it is too boring. They are all people who like passion, calm. Life will give them a feeling of madness, so they will continue to follow Jiang Chen’s footsteps and go to the fairy world to create a world.


Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog seem to have entered an imaginary space-time tunnel. They did not deliberately control their bodies and let their bodies continue to soar.

"I don't know what the fairy world is? I really look forward to it."

Jiang Chen’s eyes are bright, and he is really full of expectations for this unknown fairyland.

Since entering the passage to the fairyland, the rhubarb dog has suddenly become a bit dull, as if it has fallen into some deep memories.

"Rhubarb, what are you thinking about?"

Jiang Chen patted the dog's head of the big yellow dog.

"Nothing, suddenly recovered some memories, things about the fairy world, you want to listen."

The rhubarb dog has a big mouth.

"Do you know what the fairy world is?"

Jiang Chenyi, although this dog has a complete blood of the beast, but it is also like himself, never entered the fairy world, how can you know the things of the fairy world? Is it difficult for this guy to have the memory of the fairy world?

However, Jiang Chen did not ask much. He is indeed very curious about everything in the fairy world. He wants to listen to the big yellow dog. When he was in the Shengyuan continent, he was a strong rebirth and could control everything, but now he is in the fairy world. Then he is a rookie, a real newcomer.

"The fairyland is too big, too big to be unimaginable. In the fairy world, the immortality is only the lowest existence. Because of the reason of the fairy law, the people of the fairyland can easily hit the realm of humanity. You and I are now entering the fairy world as a fairy, and there is basically no place to speak."

The rhubarb dog said incomparably.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen is also a shocked face, did not expect the existence of a first-class in the Shengyuan continent, to the fairy world, can only be the most common mortal, this is indeed a psychological blow for a flying up.

"On the top of the immortals, there are also the powerful existence of the immortals, the immortals, the gods, the golden fairy, etc. It is coming to an end, and I will explain it to you within the fairy world."

The rhubarb dog said, suddenly the channel swayed violently, and there was a bright brilliance in front, and the passage to the fairyland was about to end.

At this moment, an extremely dangerous atmosphere suddenly rose from the bottom of Jiang Chen’s heart. He saw that a white brilliance suddenly fell from above. The brilliance seemed to be a sharp blade, an invincible blade, even a space. The passages were cut off on the spot, and Guanghua seemed to have a certain goal. The goal was Jiang Chen, who came directly to Jiang Chen.

"Not good, rhubarb is going."

Jiang Chen was shocked. He felt the extremely dangerous atmosphere from that brilliance. Even if he was trained in the later period of the celestial being, he could not resist it. Under the glory, he felt as if he was as small as an ant.

He is now integrated with the channel of the big yellow dog. If he is attacked, the big yellow dog can't be spared. Jiang Chen immediately stretches out and forcibly strips the channel of the big yellow dog. In the blink of an eye, the big yellow dog It disappeared.

"I am a slate board, is this something going on?"

The rhubarb dog screamed, but the passage was separated. He could not see the shadow of Jiang Chen now, but he knew that Jiang Chen at the moment was suffering from unprecedented disasters and sinister dangers, but he could not help.

On the other hand, Jiang Chen has been locked by that brilliance and cannot escape.

"Mother's, who is going to kill me? I haven't been to the fairy world yet. Is there an enemy?"

Jiang Chen’s depressed direct niece, this shows that some people want to kill themselves, and they are waiting for themselves to fly. They can’t think too much. Jiang Chen directly sacrificed the 12-story ancestral tower and put himself up and down. They are all shrouded.


The brilliance fell on the ancestral tower, and the indestructible ancestral tower was broken. At the same time, that brilliance attacked Jiang Chen’s body.


Jiang Chen squirted a blood on the spot, the broken dragon tower, coupled with the attack of Guanghua, caused him an unimaginable injury, which is unprecedented damage.

Jiang Chen only felt that the soul was about to tear, and there was the possibility of dying at any time. After Guanghua entered Jiang Chen’s body, he did not kill him directly, but instead became a brand to stay in the depths of his soul.

"This is the brand of the soul. It seems that the other person is not trying to kill me. I just want to seriously hurt me, but this soul brand can let him find my position at any time. That is, as soon as I get to the fairy world, I will be immediately taken by this person. To find out who is it?"

How clever is Jiang Chen, he suddenly thought of the key.

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