Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1061: Nosy

That brand is very difficult to refine, but Jiang Chen is not afraid, there are fairy marks in the body, at least to ensure that the other party will not notice themselves, and the dragon is more powerful than he imagined, this world, I am afraid There is no such thing as the immortalization of the dragon, and even this brand is the same. Jiang Chen is using the dragon to refine this brand all the time. I believe that it will take a long time to completely refine it.

At noon, there are a lot of people coming and going from Yancheng. Some of them are driving in the carriage. They are dressed in the same way as Han Chang. They are like Hanjiacun and come to Yancheng to exchange Xianyuan. Stone, in the Yancheng generation, like a village like Hanjia Village, I don’t know how many.

In order to enter the Yancheng City, most people have to pay some wealth. According to the regulations of the city government, every person who enters Yancheng must pay a lower grade stone. For some monks in remote villages, one The next product is Xianyuan Stone, which is simply drinking blood, so under normal circumstances no one will come to Yancheng easily, there is a lower grade Xianyuan Stone, I can use it for cultivation.

However, the obvious relationship between Han Changling and the guards of the city gate was not bad. The Xianyuan Stone was directly saved, and the city gate was successfully passed and entered Yancheng.

"Chairman, you are so powerful, I see that the guards are laughing at you."

Han Cong's incomparable worship looks to Han Changling.

"That is of course, our Hanjiacun has not known how much medicinal herbs have been given to the city government over the years. The village chief has this face."

Han Changling touched his own beard with his hand and said with pride.

Yancheng is very lively and the streets are quite wide. This is the first city that Jiang Chen came to the fairyland. However, he did not feel any interest in the scenery of Yancheng. After all, he was very knowledgeable, and the small Yancheng was actually There is nothing to watch.

Han Hancun’s men have come to Yancheng more than once, so they are not so excited, but Han Cong, from the moment they come in, look at it, and look at the cleverness, from the beginning to the end are elated.

"A Cong, don't wander around, let's go to the city's main government, and wait for these herbs to be changed to Xianyuanshi. I will take you to Yancheng in the village."

Han Changling said.

"Good village head."

Han Cong nodded.

The city's main government is located in the center of Yancheng. Han Chang leads the light road. Under his leadership, the group of people quickly came to the outside of the city's main government. The main hall of the city is full of lofts. The gate is magnificent and the door is directly wide. Square, this is the most prestigious place in Yancheng. Most people don't even dare to approach the gate. There are no idlers waiting to wander here, because it is disrespectful to the city government.

"I am so angry."

Han Cong came to the city's main government for the first time, and all his eyes burst into brilliance.

"A Cong, don't talk nonsense."

Han Lao Er reminded him that when he arrived at this place, he must be careful in every move. If the city government is not happy, Hanjia Village will not be mixed in the future.

Han Cong spit out his tongue and stopped talking to the crowd. Han Chang took a big stride to the gate of the city's main government and hugged his fist at the guard: "Brother, we are Hanjia Village, and come to send herbs." ”

"Well, you are waiting here, I will inform the general manager."

The guard said very coldly and proudly, then turned and walked toward the city seat. As the guard of the city government, it is also an honor. Naturally, it has the arrogance of the city government.

After a while, the group of people walked out of the city's main house. The one who led the team, dressed in a brocade suit, looked like a young man and a Korean sergeant. He had a big fat face and a rich face. His repairs were also followed. Han Changling is quite the same, and the same is a half-step immortal.

Behind this person, there are four or five guards wearing **** suits, one is not weak, and the worst is also in the middle of the man.

"You are Han Changling?"

The leader of the group looked at Han Changling, and his eyes were full of contempt.

"Yes, this is the medicine that we sent from Hanjiacun. It is the best medicine. Why didn't Wu General come out?"

Han Chang led the hug and did not dare to be a little bit sloppy.

"In the future, this little thing will be brought by me. My name is Huang Liu. I am the cousin of General Manager Wu. They all call me Huang."

Huang Liu shook his head and said, when the words are trembled on the face, plus his natural superiority and arrogance, it is typical that people feel very annoying when they look at it. At least Jiang Chen has a kind of ups and downs. The fat face of the fat left a pulse of the seventh shoe.

"It turned out to be the cousin of General Manager Wu. He was disrespectful and disrespectful, and he was not quick to get the medicine."

Han Changling said.

Several people in Hanjiacun rushed the carriage to the front, and the yellow stream pulled the cloth on the carriage, and the herbs inside were exposed. The weight of these herbs is still quite a lot, and it is indeed as Han Changling said. That's a good medicine.

"Yellow, how do you look at the herbs?"

Han Chang said with a smile.

"Well, not bad."

Huang Liu nodded, then said to the person behind him: "Give them the stone, and then get the medicine into it."

"Yes, the general manager."

A guard waved and threw a rough storage bag, which happened to fall in the hands of Han Changling.

"Thank you, Huang."

Han Chang’s lead was to hold a fist on the yellow stream, and then habitually opened the storage bag and looked at it. This was not a tight one, and his face changed instantly.

"Yellow, this is not right."

Han Changling said with an eyebrow.

"What is wrong?"

Huang Liu said impatiently.

"In the past, the same medicinal materials were all a hundred pieces of the next sacred stone. How come this time?"

Han Changling said.

"You have so many things, so go quickly."

Huang Liu was impatient and waved to Han Chang.

"Yellow General Manager, it’s not easy for us to come here. Before the general manager Wu gave a hundred senyuan stones, now it’s half lost. I can’t go back to the villagers and I can’t explain it. These herbs are the collective merit of the villagers.”

Han Chang’s heart was angry, but he did not dare to be angry.

"You don't pay attention to your business. Now these things are handled by me, that is fifty."

Huang Liu looked sneer.

"Huang, the general manager, who will send the medicine to the city government after you do this? I see the remaining 50, is it the rebate for you?"

Huang Cong first couldn’t stand it. He was young and frivolous, and he had to be angry on his face.

"Kid, what are you, a citizen, and dare to talk to the general manager like this, believe that this sentence will break you one leg."

A guardian of evil is talking to Han Cong.

Han Cong still wants to talk again, but he is firmly grasped by the two villagers. Here is the city government. If there is a trouble here, there will be their good fruit to eat. The situation is already obvious. This new The general manager who came is obviously to deduct their Xianyuan Stone, but they can only swallow their voices and dare not resist because they have no rebellious capital.

"He is a monk? What are you? I think you are just a pug."

At this moment, a sound that was not salty or not light suddenly remembered. When the words came out, let’s not say that the people in the city’s capital were stunned, even the people in Hanjia Village were stunned. Everyone’s eyes fell at the same time. On a person's body, that person is talking, it is Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen is a person who knows the truth. The people in Hanjia Village have their own kindness. He can watch the people in Hanjia Village being bullied by others. These villagers have worked hard to get these herbs, and they can imagine their cultivation. Difficulties, now in exchange for some Xianyuan stone to be deducted half, this fat-headed guy, really a jerk.

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

The guard looked at him with a big eye, and it seemed that he would immediately rush to give Jiang Chen a corpse.

"Jiang Brothers, don't talk nonsense, let's go."

Han Chang was shocked and quickly pulled Jiang Chen. Here is the city government. It is simply the existence that they can't afford. Jiang Chen is a soaring person. If he is provoked by the city government, there will be days in the future.

"The village head, some animals are not fed enough. You will endure this time, and there will be another time. Although Hanjia Village is not strong, it also has its own dignity."

Jiang Chen said that some idle things can be ignored, but some idle things must be managed. Moreover, the affairs of Hanjia Village are no longer a hassle for him. They are afraid of the city government. He is not afraid of Jiang Chen. In this world, there has never been Jiang Chen. The existence of fear.

"Kid, who do you say is a beast?"

Huang Liu was also angry. The body that had already been twisted back was returned again. It was going to rebel. In this Yancheng, no one ever dared to insult himself.

"You can't even hear that you can't hear it. It seems that your IQ is also a problem."

Jiang Chen’s words are not half-polite, and such people, he never knows what is polite.

"court death."

A man in the middle of the squad strode to Jiang Chen's front, and lifted his palm against the face of Jiang Chen.


The incomparably crisp slap sounded, but there was a horrifying scene. The fan was not the Jiang Chen, but the escort. Even if the gathering was so close, Han Changling did not see how Jiang Chen shot, one person The mid-term master has been slapped to the ground.

"As for your grade, I dare to start in front of me and roll."

Jiang Chen kicked the guard on the body and kicked it a few feet away. The guard screamed on the ground and his face was swollen.

"Jiangda brother is very good."

Han Cong’s eyes immediately lit up, not only him, but also the faces of other people in Hanjiacun’s face were incredible. This is the first time they saw Jiang Chen’s shot, although Jiang Chen was able to absorb the ghost poison. It is very poisonous, but that is completely different from the combat power. At best, it can only be regarded as a special skill. But now, Jiang Chen has simply turned over the middle of the immortal, so that they are completely obsessed with Jiang Chen.

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