Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1062: Lion's big opening

The shock is shocked, but the people in Hanjia Village are more fearful. In their view, even if Jiang Chen is powerful, but here is the city government, there are countless immortals here, and there are thousands of masters sitting in the town, where they are wild, that is true. Looking for death.

Now that people have already played, I am afraid that it is impossible to be good, and the city’s government can’t get through, and the days after Han’s village have been passed.


Just after Jiang Chen took the man’s middle guard to fly, the other guards included the previous guards. When they slammed it, Jiang Chen was encircled. Everyone’s face showed anger and was incredible. Looking at Jiang Chen, in their view, the guy who didn’t know the height of the sky was dare to shoot outside the gate of the city’s government and wounded the guard of the city’s government. This courage is too big, so daring, in Yancheng It is still the first time.

"Jiang Brothers."

Han Chang was in a hurry. He didn't think that Jiang Chen, the young ascender, was so reckless. This Huang Liu was the head of the city's main government. It was not easy to get rid of it. Now Jiang Chen hit people, and the other party can be willing to give up.

"Chairman, you are on the side, today I will be fair to you, your car medicine, the value can be far more than a hundred pieces of the next fairy stone."

Jiang Chen’s face was indifferent, indicating that Han Chang’s collar should not talk more. Today, he has his own way of dealing with this matter.

"A good arrogant boy is simply eating a bear and a leopard, and dare to go to the city government to come to the wild. What is your name?"

The yellow flow is anxious, blowing his beard and blinking at Jiang Chen.

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen reported his name, and then said slowly: "Let you manage things out."

"Haha, okay, okay, I have finally seen the people today. The general manager does not know what makes you so courageous. But today, even if you have a hundred lives, you are not enough to die. Kill me. he."

Huang Liu first laughed, it was a mocking smile, and then gnawed his teeth and ordered.


The voice of the yellow stream just fell, and the surrounding guards immediately burst into a powerful momentum. The presence of the guards in the mid-term was not only in the middle of the season, but also the guards in the late stage of the immortals. The attack power was extremely powerful. Their position in the city government was not. Noble, but like Jiang Chen, who dared to beat people outside the gates of the city, he saw it for the first time. He must let this person know the consequences of the wilderness in the city government. That is not something that ordinary people can afford.


The shocking scene reappeared. The guards had just made the action, and they were forced to fly out by a force. They mourned each other and landed on the ground. They stood on the ground and stood again. Not up, even the **** of the late immortal, the ending is the same.

Looking at Jiang Chen again, he still stood there in the air, as if he had just shot him, the elite guards of the city's main government were so cleaned up by Jiang Chen.


This time, not only the people in Hanjia Village, even the yellow stream, could not help but exclaimed, and looked at Jiang Chen’s eyes completely changed. He carefully looked at Jiang Chen’s cultivation, but found his eyesight. I can't see it at all.

"Well, a flying ascendant who has just ascended up, how can he have such a powerful combat power, the master of the late immortal is not his opponent at all, there is no resistance in his hand."

Han Changling felt that he had to re-examine Jiang Chen. The immortals who generally rose up from the lower bounds were repaired in the early days of the immortals. In the early days of a fairy, even if they were so powerful, they could not be the late. The opponent's opponent, Jiang Chen's powerful, makes him no way not to be shocked.

"The village head, it seems that we have looked down on him before."

Han Lao Er whispered.

"Jiang Chen, I didn't expect you to have two more, but even if you are more powerful today, I would like to leave from this city government, and the general manager will kill you personally."

The yellow flow, the momentum of the half-step fairy has been completely released. Judging from the momentum alone, it is even more powerful than Han Changling. The repair of the yellow stream has reached the half-step Xianfeng, the distance from the real fairy. In the early days, it was only a step away, very terrifying.

It is a pity that this kind of horror is relative to others. In front of Jiang Chen, Huang Liu has no advantage, and the ending is the same as the escorts lying on the ground.


At almost the moment of the yellow flow, Jiang Chen also moved. His movements were more than a hundred times faster than the yellow flow. It was not a grade at all. The yellow stream only made an attack and lost the chance of a real attack. The dust of Jiang Chen's palm was buckled on the fat neck of the yellow stream.

"If you move again, I will kill you."

Jiang Chen’s tone suddenly became extremely cold and cold, and it was cold.

The imposing yellow stream, cold sweat flowed down in a flash, he saw Jiang Chen’s eyes, the ancient well has no waves, he can be sure that it is a pair of eyes full of killing, he does not doubt Jiang Chen’s words, as long as If you move again, the other party will kill himself immediately, even if it is the city government, it will not feel a little sense of security.

What makes Huang Liu feel horrible is that he is half-step-wise, and under the control of the other side, there is a kind of coldness from the depths of the soul. Under the invisible pressure of the other side, let alone counterattack. There is no ability to play with it.

Jiang Chen’s breath is like a mountain, he is breathless, it is absolutely powerful and suppressed.

"You, you dare to kill me? Here is the city government, kill me, you should know what is going on."

The tone of the yellow stream has already trembled a bit, but the backstage of the city government still gave him great confidence.

"You should be glad that this is the city's capital. Otherwise, people like you, you don't know how many times you die, but you better not challenge my majesty. If you want to die now, you can't live without it. One second."

Jiang Chen said coldly.

"Listen, let me speak out and see me."

Jiang Chen said, one foot squatting on the big belly of the yellow stream, and the yellow screaming, like a meat ball, flew out and fell inside the gate of the city government.

"Jiang Chen, you guy who doesn't know how to live, you wait for Laozi."

The yellow stream threatened, and even the roll crawl disappeared.

"Well, this is completely noisy."

Han Chang led the whole person to be arrogant. He didn't expect Jiang Chen to be so powerful. Even half a step is not an enemy of it. He doesn't know how powerful Jiang Chen is, but he can be sure, that is, no matter what. The Jiang Chen is so powerful that the city government is not a liable.

Jiang Chen was dressed in white and stood outside the gate of the city's main government. His mouth was slightly raised, with a hint of laughter and confidence.

In a short time, a large number of people rushed out of the city's main house. Each one was imposing. When it was first, it looked like 50 years old. It was majestic, but not fat. He was extraordinary, and there was a hint of twilight between the eyebrows. At first glance, it is not a good provoke to the Lord. What is even more terrible is that his cultivation has reached the beginning of the immortals and is the real master of the immortals.

The half-step of the immortals and the early days of the immortals seems to be a step away, but the gaps are not the same. The half-step immortals are only infinitely close to the level of the immortals, not the real immortals.

Next to this person, Huang Liu held his stomach in one hand. It was the place where Jiang Chen had just smashed. The other finger pointed to Jiang Chen: "Cousin, this person, he is Jiang Chen, mad, these people are It was him who played and also shot me."

The leader is the general manager Wu, who was mentioned in the mouth of Han Changling. Whether it is the Shengyuan continent or the fairyland, it is the strength of respect. The repair of Wu’s master is above the yellow stream, and the position of the city’s government is also above it. .

General Manager Wu looked at the guards who were still lying on the ground and mourning. The anger on his face also rushed out. He looked at Jiang Chen as if he was a knife. He said: "A good man, dare to run to the city government. Who is going to beat you, who is giving you such courage?"

"The general manager of Wu is angry and the Jiang brothers are taking it. It is really a last resort."

Han Changling quickly came forward and gave a deep ritual to Wu. He and Wu were also old acquaintances. Every time they sent medicinal herbs, they were all received by Wu.

"Han Changling, you Hanjiacun is so courageous, dare to go to the city government to come to the wild, I see you Hanjiacun do not want to mix in the Yancheng generation."

General Manager Wu said in a scornful tone.

"The general manager of Wu is angry. Every time we send the medicinal materials, there are a hundred celestial stones. This time, the yellow general manager has deducted half of it, only giving us 50 celestial stones. The Jiang brothers therefore collided with you."

Han Changling quickly explained.

"Hey! The matter of Xianyuan Stone is another. It is now Jiang Chen’s hit."

General Manager Wu snorted and immediately ignored Han Changling. He looked at Jiang Chen: "The kid, the mistake you made today, can't be forgiven. I want you to kneel down and give my cousin a sin. Maybe I can leave it for you. A whole body."

"Haha, it depends on you? It's ridiculous, yellow flow, I let you find someone who can talk, you find this old thing, may wish to tell you that today's car medicine, worth at least 100,000 products Xianyuanshi, it is best not to come out and throw people away."

Jiang Chen laughed twice. There were also many people who threatened to let Jiang Chen fall, but their final end was very miserable.


When the quantity was said, Wu and Guan Huang immediately widened their eyes. They even turned their heads and looked at the medicine on the carriage. The people in Hanjia Village also stunned. They knew that they did not send the medicine. Once or twice, the value of the medicinal materials is naturally clear. One hundred of the lower grades of Xianyuan Stone were opened by Jiang Chen to 100,000 yuan. This is too outrageous. I really don't know what Jiang Chen is thinking.

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