Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1064: Horror

Jiang Chen casually glanced at the Yancheng City, and then turned his gaze. He did not say a word. He was full of momentum, and his face was still full of self-confidence and radiance.

Yan Meicheng can't help but tremble, and there is a hint of surprise in the light. She is still very confident about her own appearance. Others don't say that in this whole Yancheng area, no man looks at himself. Looking like Jiang Chen is so dull, she can feel that Jiang Chen is really calm, not deliberately disguised.

There are only two explanations for this kind of situation. One is that the charm is not enough. The other is that Jiang Chen is very good. Yan Yancheng never doubts his charm. Then, it is rare for a young person with such a certain strength.

Coupled with Jiang Chen's later cultivation of the immortal, it is easy to defeat the early days of the immortals. It makes the Yancheng City even more shocking. It is also a rare genius. At the beginning of the immortal, it can fight against the half-step fairy, but if For the real master of the first immortal, it is not an opponent at all, let alone defeat the early masters of the immortals in a single move. In this respect, Yan Qingcheng feels that his talent is not comparable. This young man is in front of you.

In addition, Jiang Chen’s guts also made Yan’s city shock and convinced. In the late stage of a fairy, he dared to go to the city’s main house to scatter wilderness, and also injured so many people. If such a person had problems with his brain, then It is a certain card and confidence.

Seeing Jiang Chen’s appearance is not like a problem with the brain. Moreover, if a brain has problems, it is impossible to defeat the early stage of the immortal in the late stage of the immortal.

In this case, Yan Qingcheng is interested in the young man in front of her. She would like to see what kind of cards Jiang Chen has, and how confident she is to dare to hurt people here.

"Missy, the city's main government has never seen such a daring person, let the old man kill him, the majesty of our city, it is inviolable."

An elder in the middle of the land fairy said, he sneaked on his body, and as long as Yan Yan fell into the city, he immediately shot Jiang Chen to kill.

"No, I will handle it."

Yan Qingcheng said, her voice was soft and with a trace of fortitude, quite a kind of female hero.

"You called Jiang Chen?"

Yan Qingcheng took a step forward and asked Jiang Chen.


Jiang Chen’s tone is dull.

"I hurt you, I think you will give a good reason."

Yan Qingcheng smiled slightly, and this laugh, like her name, can be directly poured into the city.

"Because they got me."

Jiang Chen shrugged and said without hesitation.


When I said this, I wouldn’t even say that other people, even Yan’s city, was a short-lived horror. This is really a very reasonable reason. In fact, she has already known what happened here, and the cause and effect are known. Clearly, because Huang Liu did not dare to lie in front of her, because of the concealment of the fifty pieces of Xianyuan Stone, he lost his life. The Yellow Stream is not a fool, and naturally will not do it.

Yan Qingcheng originally thought that Jiang Chenhui had originally stated the reasons, but did not expect Jiang Chen’s reason to be so tyrannical. In addition, Jiang Chen’s body exudes a convincing momentum and let Yan’s interest in Jiang Chen become more and more Big.

"A good arrogant boy is really daring, it seems to be really looking for you."

"Missy, I think this person has been mad, don't talk nonsense with him, kill him directly, go to the city government to hurt people and see how many lives he has."

"Killing him, it’s too arrogant, a little man is late, I really think that I am a powerful person."


The people in the city's main house suddenly became excited, and they have seen arrogant, and they have never seen such arrogance. People can be arrogant, but this guy is arrogant to the end.

"Jiang Chen, I heard that you want to sell 100 yuan to Xianyuan Stone? Just rely on such a carriage of medicine?"

Yan Qingcheng ignored the anger of the people behind him and continued to ask.

Jiang Chen nodded secretly. It seems that this Yancheng City is a character, not a reckless generation, plus the identity and status of Yancheng City in the city government. Jiang Chen thinks that this character is enough.

"Only with the medicinal materials of this carriage is not worth 100,000 yuan, but I can turn these herbs into superior medicines in an instant, 100,000, or less."

Jiang Chen said in a leisurely manner that this is his real purpose. He has always been careful in his work, and he does not fight the unpredictable embarrassment. It can be seen from the villagers of Hanjia Village that the medicines are sent far and wide to see that in this fairy world, The identity of the alchemy teacher is still extremely honorable, especially in a small place like the first-line sky, Yancheng is even more to say.

Since the identity of the ascendant can't be used, the identity of the alchemist must be taken advantage of. With his own alchemy, it is easy to refine these herbs into the drug in the shortest possible time. After learning that he is an alchemy teacher and seeing his own alchemy method, it is almost imaginable how to receive himself. If you don’t know how to grasp the alchemy teacher like yourself, it can only show that the city government is stupid. And a fool is obviously impossible to rule Yancheng for so long.

Sure enough, after listening to Jiang Chen’s words, the look of Yan’s city was suddenly changed.

"You are an alchemy teacher?"

Yan Yancheng is even brighter.

"of course."

Jiang Chen’s tone is still bleak. He pays close attention to the people in the main city of the city. After hearing that he is an alchemy teacher, everyone’s eyes are different, and the anger and killing of the talents are less. Some, added a trace of respect.

Jiang Chen instantly understood that it seems that he still underestimated the status of the alchemy in the fairyland, especially in the first-line region. In this case, his own treasure will be taken right, a fine alchemy teacher, the average person can not afford it. Injury to those who don't have long eyes, it is also white, the wrong is not Jiang Chen, but they, only blame them for colliding with the distinguished alchemy division.

"The mouth said nothing."

Yan Dangcheng Road.

Jiang Chen’s face was smiling. He grabbed his hand in the carriage and suddenly grabbed all the herbs on the carriage and flew over to Jiang Chen. Under the control of Jiang Chen’s soul, these herbs were automatically It was divided into several pieces and the whole process was completed in an instant.

Seeing the situation, the dawn of Yanchengcheng is even brighter. As the great lady of the city's main house, although she is not an alchemy teacher, she has more knowledge. She also knows some things on alchemy. She can see that Jiang Chen gave The classification of these herbs is incomparably precise. Each combination of herbs is a component of a drug.

This alone is enough to prove that Jiang Chen is an alchemy teacher.

"Oh my God."

Han Changling, who was on the side, was also amazed. He sent more medicinal herbs and naturally understood some of them. But he couldn’t think of it. One of the ascenders who saved halfway on his way turned out to be an alchemy teacher. The alchemy division had the weight in this generation. How big, he is too clear, a good alchemy teacher, even the urban master, but also to be gracious to his guests, do not dare to be a little slow, if Jiang Chen is really a strong alchemy, then do not hurt the owner There are so many people in the government, even if you kill a few, there is no big deal, who will miss a good alchemy teacher for several guards.

"No, Jiang brothers turned out to be an alchemy teacher. It is no wonder that he is so hard, and he has to sell 100,000 yuan."

"Haha, I really didn't expect it. Jiang Brothers is still an alchemy teacher. If he can really refine these medicines into medicinal herbs, he will definitely receive warm reception from the city government. When they are, Hanjia Village will not be dangerous. And will follow the benefits."

"Jiang Da Ge is really amazing. I know that he is so confident that he has a card."


The people in Hanjia Village were excited. Just now they were nervous and dying. They felt that they had completely offended the city government. Not only did Jiang Chen have to finish, but Han Jiacun had to follow the same, but did not expect Jiang Chen to have such a strong card. .


Jiang Chen's palm turned over, and a piece of fire suddenly rushed out. The gate of the city's main government immediately turned into a sea of ​​fire. All the herbs were covered by the sea of ​​fire. There was a buzzing sound, and the medicine began to be smelted.

"What? Where is this alchemy method?"

"Yeah, so many herbs, while melting, this is impossible, and the medicinal materials that can be rectified are also different. Does he have to refine several different drugs at the same time." ”

"Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Even the most powerful alchemy teacher can't make a variety of medicinal herbs at the same time."


The elders of the city's main government were shocked, and their faces were incredible. They were not alchemists, but they all saw alchemy alchemy. The reason why alchemists are rare is because their refining process is too cumbersome and troublesome. Can't control it.

Therefore, even the alchemy masters of the city government have to smelt a medicinal plant separately in the alchemy, and then merge it. Even so, there is a certain failure rate, let alone refining a variety of different medicinal herbs. It is.

Yan’s eyes are getting brighter and brighter, because she was shocked to discover that Jiang Chen’s understatement of alchemy, each of which was quickly smelted, and then began to fuse rapidly, and different herbs were fused into different medicinal herbs. It’s simply shocking that even the impact is not affected.

For Jiang Chen, this is really a simple matter. There is basically no difference between the medicinal herbs in the celestial world and the medicinal herbs in the sacred Yuan, but the scent is strong here, and the medicinal materials themselves are nourished. It is more advanced, so the refining medicinal herbs are naturally elixir. The same immortality, the sacred continent and the fairy world are two completely different concepts and levels.

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