Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1065: 200,000

Ignoring the surprise of everyone, Jiang Chen is calm and refining the alchemy. The quality of the medicinal materials determines the grade of the medicinal herbs. The medicinal materials that Hanjiacun has found are basically the best medicinal materials, because they are sent to the city government. The inferior medicinal materials are also incapable of taking out.

However, most of these herbs are also the most common, so they can only refine ordinary elixir, but the more common the elixir, the more widely it is needed, and the same is produced by different alchemists. Dan medicine, the grade is not the same, with Jiang Chen's means, the big refining soul refining and the Thunder's fire and the dragon's fire fusion, refining the medicinal herbs, that is definitely the best in the upper class.


There is a constant humming sound in the sea of ​​fire, and the medicinal materials are melting rapidly. It is easy and casual to see Jiang Dian's alchemy technique. It seems that there will be no possibility of failure.

No one talks in the whole scene. Everyone’s eyes are staring at Jiang Chen. All their energy has been attracted by Jiang Chen. In their view, it is a miracle to be able to see such an alchemy method. It is a kind of enjoyment.

General Wu has climbed up from the ground, and many guards have also climbed up. They are also attracted by Jiang Chen’s actions, seemingly forgetting the pain.

Yan’s eyes are already obsessed. She doesn’t know if Jiang Chen’s alchemy can really succeed in the end, but such a means really makes her obsessed.

A few minutes later, Jiang Chen suddenly took off the sea of ​​fire and inhaled all the flames. At the same time, a strong medicinal scent filled the air and made people feel the spirit in the place.

In front of Jiang Chen, there are dozens of medicinal herbs floating in the air, constantly emitting exquisite light, and the fragrant scent is extremely rich. These dozens of medicinal herbs are divided into several kinds, colorful, and 煞 is beautiful, each An remedy has the size of a thumb, the surface is smooth and traceless, and the exquisiteness is at its peak.

"It became."

"My God, I have produced dozens of medicinal herbs in such a short period of time, and there are several kinds of medicinal herbs. If I don't see them with my own eyes, I won't believe it if I kill them."

"I didn't expect that there would be such an alchemy technique between heaven and earth. Jiang Da Ge is really amazing. You see no. Each of these medicinal herbs is as shiny as jade, and the quality is superior in the upper class."


Hanjiacun’s people are wide-eyed and can’t believe what’s happening in front of them. Not only they, but the people in the city’s main house are all the same expressions. Everyone’s mouth is horrified, and Yan’s beautiful eyes fall on those The floating medicinal herbs can no longer move.

Yan Dingcheng grabbed it, and a medicinal herb fell on her jade hand. Yan Qingcheng carefully watched the color of the medicinal drug in his hand and praised it: "There is no impurity in the interior of this sacred yang, all the medicinal essences of all medicinal herbs are Extracted out, created a peak of Xuanyang Dan, this single Xuanyang Dan, the value is in the next two thousand yuan stone."

"Yes, this essence of Xuanyang Dan, has never seen, two thousand lower grade Xianyuan stone is only conservative, there are a total of ten Xuanyang Dan, the value is more than 20,000."

"That is the suspension Dan, which has great benefits for the monks. The grade is so high that it is not under the Xuanyang Dan. The value of one is also above two thousand. There are ten in total, worth more than 20,000."


The elders and guests of the city’s main government were surprised. Jiang Chen’s refining was all familiar with the medicinal herbs. With their eyesight, they can naturally see the preciousness of this medicinal drug. There are six kinds of medicinal herbs here. Each type has a lot of value. The value of dozens of medicinal herbs is more than 100,000. It can be seen that Jiang Chen’s opening of 100,000 yuan of Xianyuan stone is not at all. The letter is open.

"Liu elder, you immediately go to take 200,000 yuan of the next fairy stone."

Yan Qingcheng said to an elder who was next to him.

"Yes, Missy."

The elder of Liu didn't dare to be a little slow, and immediately disappeared outside the gate of the city's main house. Before leaving, he did not forget to look at Jiang Chen, and the anger in his eyes disappeared, and he was replaced by respect.

For Yan’s practice, none of the people present felt that something was wrong. The value of these medicinal herbs was not bad, but it was not worth 200,000 yuan. But Yancheng did not hesitate to take out two. 100,000, in the heart of Yan Qingcheng, even for the city government, the existence of Jiang Chen itself is a huge treasure. How many Xianyuan stones can't be measured. What they need to do now is to draw Jiang Chen. An sorcerer of such an alchemy must be drawn to the city government. If such a person is taken over by other major forces in Yancheng, it is not simply a loss for the city government.

Although Yancheng has a calm surface, it is also a dark tide. It is similar to the original Tianxiang City, but it is more chaotic than Tianxiang City. Although Yancheng is the master of the city, some forces can not be under the city government, even if it is The city's main government is also not qualified to manage them. The major forces are also fighting in the land of Yancheng.

After a while, the elder of the willows went back and returned. In his hand, he took a gray storage bag and sent it to Yan’s hand.

Yan Dangcheng went to Jiang Chen in a big way and said: "Jiang Chen Gongzi, the next person in the city government does not know that Jiang Gongzi is a respectable alchemy teacher. Before he was disrespectful to you, the city was here to pay for them. Here, there are 200,000 pieces of the next-class Xianyuan Stone, and these medicinal herbs refining by Jiang Gongzi will be accepted by our city government."

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen couldn't help but secretly nod. This Yancheng City is really a character. Not only does it know that it is crowded, but also has the responsibility for the next person. After seeing her own alchemy method, she did not say anything to those guards. Even if they are arrogant, they apologize for their noble lady. This kind of character is a peerless beauty, and naturally they will be loved by the following people, so that they are loyal to the city.

"My God, 200,000."

Han Cong has a feeling of fainting, not just him, the people in Hanjia Village are the same, even the well-informed village head Han Changling is nothing, for a small village like Hanjia Village, two What is the concept of 100,000 yuan of Xianyuanshi? This number alone has left them with no concept.

"200,000, if we have these celestial stones in Hanjia Village, the strength will inevitably advance by leaps and bounds, and it will take a long time to be able to rise in the surrounding villages."

"What do you think? These fairy stones are the brothers of Jiang Chen. If there is no such thing, we will not even have a life. A Cong, you saved the Jiang brothers this time. It is really a good thing." ”

"The Jiang brothers have such a terrible alchemy division, and there is such a terrible battle. The future achievements must be limitless. Today, Miss Yan Qingcheng personally wooed him. From then on, the status of Jiang brothers in Yancheng, that is any People can't replace it, A Cong, the Jiang brothers are your role models, you know?"


The people in Hanjia Village are all excited. Although the figures of 200,000 are scary, they also have self-knowledge. They know that these medicinal herbs are not related to them. The reason why Yancheng is so generous and directly gives out 200,000 yuan. Yuan Shilai, it is all to draw Jiang Chen.

"If that's the case, then I'm welcome."

Jiang Chen smiled a little, and he was not polite with Yancheng. He immediately took the storage bag. He just went to the fairyland. Xianyuanshi is also the most lacking of his most needed. Now that 200,000 is delivered to the door, he will naturally be welcome. And he has a good impression of Yan Qingcheng, who has just ascended up, and if he can make a big deal with the city government, it is also a good choice.

Seeing Jiang Chen’s result of the storage bag, Yan’s face suddenly showed a smile. The most feared thing is that Jiang Chen does not accept it. After all, like the alchemy teacher like Jiang Chen, it’s all with their own pride. The guards of the city's main government did not sin against him. If Jiang Chen did not accept his sincerity, it would be normal.

At this moment, Wu and Huang Liu have been completely frightened. They stood there and fought, and they didn’t even dare to put one. They knew in their hearts that today they provoked one of the most unreasonable and most unpleasant existences. Identity, to get an alchemy teacher with such superb means, the brain is really sick.

In such an instant, all their hatred of Jiang Chen disappeared in an instant, and even Jiang Chen had a feeling of gratitude and virtue, because even if Jiang Chen directly killed them before they were killed, they were also white, and the city’s government would not Their death is going to be an enemy of a powerful alchemy.

Jiang Chen God read a move and opened the storage bag, which was filled with dense and dense Xiyuan Stone. When Jiang Chen was about to divide it into two halves, 100,000 yuan of Xianyuan Stone was directly sent to the Zulong Tower. The influence of the law, only a powerful master of the gods is likely to initially control the power of space, connect the sea of ​​gas, store things in the sea of ​​air, under the gods, store the baby is to use the storage bag or the Qiang Kun ring, etc. This is the same as the Shengyuan Continent, but Jiang Chen is different. His ancestral tower has already condensed twelve layers, and now it has completely recovered. There is a lot of storage space inside, and there are many more celestial stones. Can be loaded.

Subsequently, Jiang Chen took the storage bag and came to Han Changling. The direct Jiangchen storage bag was handed over to Han Chang’s collar: “The village head, here is the 100,000 yuan of Xianyuan Stone, which you should get from Hanjia Village. ""

Upon seeing it, Han Chang’s face was sincere and fearful. He looked at the storage bag in front of his eyes and did not dare to reach out.

"Jiang Brothers, this is too much. This is your own. It has nothing to do with our Hanjia Village."

Han Changling did not dare to accept it.

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