Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1067: Chief alchemist

Yancheng is not so calm on the surface. In addition to the city government, there are two giants that can compete with the city government. They have been vying for the resources of Yancheng. Now the city owner is infected by cold poison. It is still a secret, if it is public. The other two forces will inevitably not be tempted to make anything unfavorable to the city's government. But the paper can't help but the fire is broken. The city owner is injured and will be known sooner or later. So now it is imperative to eliminate the cold poison in the city. .

In the past few days, Yan Qingcheng has been sorrowful about this matter. She has seen the means of Jiang Chen, and maybe there is a way for Jiang Chen.


At this moment, the door of the other hospital opened, and the sound can be judged to be opened by people. In this city hall, some people dare to chat with the door. If the other party is not a fool, then it is Have a certain status, at least the status is not lower than Jiang Chen.

The coming is imposing, a total of five people, it seems that the age is 50 years old, these people's cultivation is extremely tyrannical, four of them have reached the late stage of the immortals, the leader is the most powerful, has reached Half step fairy.

These people's faces are full of pride that ordinary people can't have, that is noble, or just self-righteous.

However, the people who came here obviously did not think that Yancheng was also here, and the look was a glimpse. The arrogance of the original arrogance was also extinguished a lot. In this city, Yancheng has an absolute position, even if it is a half-step fairy. There is no master, nor dare to disrespect the Yancheng City. They are very clear that the city owner rarely manages things on weekdays. Everything in the city government is managed by the lady. In other words, the reason why the city government is It is the city's main government. The reason why it can stand in Yancheng is that Yancheng City has the greatest credit.

"Uncle Dong, how come you?"

Yan Qingcheng saw people coming, and there was some dissatisfaction between the words. It was dissatisfaction with the behavior of several people. The door was not mentioned. It was mainly to interrupt the question of Yan’s city. All her thoughts are now in her father’s cold. Above the poison, she and Jiang Chen just talked about the cold poison, and they were disturbed by these people. If they are not angry, it is fake.

However, the status of the comers is obviously not ordinary, so even Yan Yancheng, we must respect the three points.

"I didn't expect Missy to be here too. I heard that the city's main government has come to a young alchemy teacher. The alchemy is superb. It is only the late stage of the immortal, and it was the guest who was a guest." a bit."

The old man said, his eyes have fallen on Jiang Chen's body. When he noticed that Jiang Chen was only repaired in the late period of the immortal, his eyes suddenly showed disdain. In his opinion, a little man was late. Such a young junior, even if it is so powerful, can go wherever he goes, he has been studying for a lifetime in Alchemy, and he has made a great contribution to the city government. Now a small thief in the district has come up as a chatter. How good is his heart.

This point of Jiang Chen knows well, almost no need to think about it, the latter ones are the same mind.

"To introduce to you, this is Jiang Chengongzi."

After introducing Yancheng, I smiled and looked at Jiang Chen: "Jiang Gongzi, this is Donglin Fu elder, Yancheng is one of the best alchemy divisions in the city. It is also the chief alchemist of our city government. It is respected and its own cultivation has been Achieved a half-step fairy, only one step can reach the real fairy, and the rest of these are also highly respected alchemists, they are my father's friends, the city government can really stand in Yancheng, they There is no credit to be buried."

"Fortunately fortunate."

Jiang Chen held a fist to Donglinfu. He said that he did not need to introduce Yancheng. In fact, Jiang Chen had already guessed the identity of these people. He was an alchemy teacher. He was right. The alchemy teacher can still see it at a glance.

"How ordinary people would have thought that the people who were seen by Missy would be extraordinary. It seems that this is not the case."

"Yes, Missy, you are too much to take this person seriously. If you are young, you will be a guest, and it’s just a late stage. If it’s just because of his alchemy, let’s face the old guys. Where to put it."

"Missy is not an alchemy teacher. Naturally, she is not very familiar with alchemy. This alchemy is actually the same as practice. The alchemy is also greatly influenced by the cultivation. In the late period, the district is only the lowest alchemist. Even if the means are more sophisticated, and where is the go."


A few people came up to ask the sin to come. The existence of Jiang Chen and the way he entered the city government, and the status he got now, made them extremely dissatisfied. They even thought that Yanchengcheng might have looked at the little white face in front of him. They will do this, but they also understand the pride of Yan’s city. The average man can’t enter her eyes, and it’s impossible to look at the boy’s late son.

"You have not seen Jiang Gongzi's alchemy with your own eyes. Naturally, I don't know the wisdom of Jiang Gongzi's alchemy. I believe that if you see it with your own eyes, you will not be so against Jiang Gongzi. It can be said that Jiang Gongzi's alchemy means is me. Life is only seen, it can be described as magical."

Yan Qingcheng said, this is a fact, but she also deliberately said that a savvy woman always knows how to use the opportunity, Jiang Chen is not accepted by the alchemy at the scene, and she is expected, she is now It is to take advantage of this opposition.

"Oh? Life is only seen? Missy's meaning, this kid's alchemy, is it above me?"

Dong Linfu’s face was instantly ugly, and he was compared with a younger son in the late stage of the fairy. If he did not say it from the mouth of Yan’s city, he would have to worry about it immediately.

"The city does not mean this, but the alchemy of Jiang Gongzi can indeed be described as shocking."

Yan Qingcheng continued.

"Well, since Missy is so uplifting this person, the old man will try to compare with him. If this person's alchemy can match me, the position of the chief alchemist, the old man will give up."

Dong Linfu immediately said that in fact, in his heart, such a character as Jiang Chen did not have the qualification to compete with himself. It is an insult to himself that he and a small person in the late Dan are more likely to try Dan. However, Yan’s words have completely stimulated his dignity, and he has to compare with Jiang Chen.

"Uncle Dong, this is not very good, you are all people in the city's main government, now they are all working for the city government, don't hurt."

Yan Dangcheng Road.

"Because it is all for the city government, it is necessary to separate a high level. There are a lot of alchemists in the city government. There must always be a chief. Moreover, I also want to see if he has the qualification for the city government. ""

Dong Linfu has made up his mind that he must compete with Jiang Chen and humiliate him.

"Since the East Elder is so interested, I will accompany you to play."

Jiang Chen had a smile on his face. He knew very well that he had to fight. Only in this way can he establish his position in the city government. Moreover, when Jiang Chen was so provocative, some people stretched their faces. Let you play, don't fight, don't give up face too much.

"Well, since the two are better than each other, then you know that my father was infested with cold poison. The situation is very bad. I have already obtained the medicine for refining Liyang Dan. It is better to use this as a I will let my father go out and let the father personally come to the referee tomorrow. What do you mean by the two?"

Yan Qingcheng said with great solemnity that she had already prepared the medicine of Liyang Dan. She was also prepared to let Donglin Fu refining. I didn’t expect Jiang Chen to appear today, just let the two try. If it really can If the refining of the strong yangdan is made, the cold poison of his father will not be a problem.

"Okay, then I will try it out tomorrow, and together I will refine the Lie Dan, Jiang Chen. This is the difficulty of refining the Liyang Dan. You must be very clear, but it is not comparable. If you feel that you can't do it. If you admit defeat, the province will waste the medicinal materials of Missy, and know that it is extremely precious to refine every medicinal herb of Liyang Dan."

Dong Linfu looked at Jiang Chen with a sneer.

Upon seeing it, Jiang Chen smiled lightly and his face was full of self-confidence: "The refining process of Liyang Dan is indeed very cumbersome, because this medicinal medicine needs seven to seventy-nine flavors to just yang to smelt the medicinal materials. The key is to extract the positive and the strong ones out of it, and use it to eliminate the cold poison in the urban master. It is unfortunate that I have the experience of refining Liyang Dan."

As soon as this statement came out, Dong Linfu and others immediately stunned. Looking at Jiang Chen’s look, there was a subtle change. Liyang Dan was a superior medicinal herb. The general alchemists did not dare to try it. Although they did not I know that Jiang Chen can refine Liyang Dan, but Jiang Chen can smoothly say that Liyang Dan's refining methods and medicinal properties have also surprised them.

"Oh! So, let's see you tomorrow."

Dong Linfu snorted and then turned away with a few alchemists. Although Jiang Chen could tell the method of refining Lieyang Dan, it could not be the reason for him to look at Jiang Chen. From beginning to end, He did not give Jiang Chen a heart at all.

"Jiang Gongzi can be sure of refining Liyang Dan?"

Yan Qingcheng looked at Jiang Chen, and said very seriously, it was related to his father’s injury, she did not dare to play.

"Missy, I am assured that I will succeed in refining the Lieyang Dan and completely eliminate the cold poison in the urban master."

Jiang Chen said with great confidence. In fact, it is too simple for him to deal with the cold poison in the main body of the city. However, since Dong Linfu wants to test, he uses Liyang Dan to help the city owner. Yang Dan is enough to lay his position in Yancheng.

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