Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1068: Yandongliu

On the following day, many people gathered in the lobby of the city government office in the early morning, because today is a very important day. A young alchemy teacher came yesterday. Today, I want to compete with the city’s alchemy master Dong Linfu for the chief alchemist. position.

Those who can enter here, even in the city's capital, must have two points. The first is to cultivate, the minimum of the training is also the late stage of the immortal, the master of the half-step fairy level has several, the second is loyalty. The people here are absolutely loyal to the city government, at least to ensure that the secret of the cold poison in the city owner will not be revealed.

On both sides of the hall, many masters are sitting side by side. The first one is the alchemy teacher Dong Linfu. Whether he is a repairer or an alchemy teacher, he is the most qualified to sit in the first place.

The city owner has not yet arrived, Missy and Jiang Chen have not yet appeared, but the hall has already begun to talk about it. A small person in the late stage of a district, dare to come up and challenge the real alchemy master Dong Linfu, which is worth it. The matter of discussion.

"What kind of thing is that Jiang Chen? It’s too much to be too self-reliant. Little people, dare to challenge Master Dong, I really don’t know what gives him such confidence."

"That is, Missy has always been calm, and this time it is a bit unreliable. The city government is a big force in Yancheng. Not everyone can come here to chat, and a singer chats. Unheard of it."

"Don't underestimate the Jiang Chen. Yesterday, the old man saw Jiang Chen's alchemy outside the gate of the city's main government. His alchemy method is enough to describe it with shocking customs. At least the old man has lived for so long, and he has never seen such a terrible alchemy. ”

"Yes, this Jiang Chen is a heaven and a genius, can not be underestimated, its own combat power is also extremely horrible, although it is only the late stage of the immortal, but the master of the early Xianxian is not his enemy, can cross two The level defeats the opponent, such a means, we can't do it, but after Jiang Chen and the East Master have a great repair gap, wanting and challenging the East Master, it seems that it is not enough weight."

"Hey! I will see this person named Jiang Chen for a while, to see if he is not so powerful."


Many people are full of curiosity about this Jiang Chen. At the same time, they also feel that Miss Wang is so fond of Jiang Chen, so that they are very dissatisfied, quite complaining, but there are also a few people who have seen Jiang Dian Alchemy with Yan Qingcheng yesterday. I feel that Jiang Chen can get the location of the guest chat, it is also deserved, the scene of Jiang Chen Alchemy yesterday, enough to describe it with shocking customs, has left their impressions that can not be erased.

At this time, the two figures came in from the outside, a man and a woman, staring at it, there is a feeling of a genius, the person is not someone else, it is Jiang Chen and Yan Dangcheng, can let Missy personally accompany, enough to see Yan Allure has attached importance to Jiang Chen.

For a moment, many people’s eyes fell on Jiang Chen’s body. Many eyes were like knives. The sharpness of the hall made the atmosphere in the hall suddenly become tense. Many people were present for the first time. Jiang Chen really wants to, of course, have to observe it.

The presence of the masters, invisible has formed a pressure, all exerted on Jiang Chen's body, and for these pressures, Jiang Chen is still a face is relaxed and casual, as if he could not feel the same, he is full of hands and feet Self-confidence and indifference, young people can have such a heart, or many people are surprised. Some people rely on the first impression, the feeling of Jiang Chen has changed a lot.

"Elders, this is Jiang Chen. Today he wants to compete with Dong Shu for alchemy and refine Li Yang for my father. I believe this scene is worth seeing."

Yan Qingcheng said with a smile.

"Since Missy is so admired by this person, we also want to see if he has any ability to challenge the East Master."

Someone spoke up.

"Everyone will wait and see, my father has already gone out, and he and Yuan Shushu will arrive soon."

Yan Qingcheng said that almost her voice just fell, two strong winds suddenly came in from outside the hall, and then turned into two figures, two middle-aged men have entered the front of the hall, so horrible speed, Amazing.

Including Dong Linfu, everyone immediately stood up from the seat, treating the two of them, but they did not dare to be a little slow.

One of them, wearing a light yellow robes, is slender and graceful, with a strong face and a handsome face. A pair of scorpions are smeared with brilliance, and there is a noble atmosphere in his hands. There is a slight airflow fluctuation around him. It is a special symbol of the master of heaven.

In the fairy world, the fairy is a ridge, a large ridge, can become a fairy, can already obtain a certain position in many places, to reach the realm of the heavens, in order to truly control the surrounding airflow, and thus fly in the air.

This man with a strong face is not someone else. It is this Yancheng tyrant, the owner of the city government, Yan Dongliu, and repairing has reached the beginning of the fairy.

The other person, the momentum is equally tyrannical, repaired as not weaker than Yan Dongliu, his name is Yuan Hong, is the life and death brother of Yandongliu, the owner of the city government has a pivotal position, there are two masters in the city government, is the front These two.

"The head of the house, Yuan elder."

Everyone greeted me with respect and respect, and did not dare to be a little bit scornful.

"Well, let's go sit down."

Yan Dong waved his hand and gestured to everyone to sit down. Then he and Yuan Hong turned around at the same time, and his eyes fell on Jiang Chen.

"The son, this is the father, this is the elder Yuan Hong, they are all masters of the heavens, is the most powerful existence of our city."

Yan Qingcheng introduced.

"Jiang Chen has seen the master of the city and has seen the elder Yuan."

Jiang Chen held a fist to the two, not humble.

In the eyes of Yan Dongliu and Yuan Hong, I couldn’t help but reveal a trace of surprise. I want to know that in their own capacity, if they are ordinary people, they will see themselves in the late stage, they will be trembling and nervous. It will tremble, and Jiang Chen is so young with such a heart, it is rare.

"Jiang Chen, I heard that your alchemy is superb, and you can refine the complicated and cumbersome Liyang Dan with the cultivation of the late immortals."

Yandong runners, the words are full of doubts, if the young man is not recommended by his own daughter, in his capacity, I am afraid that I will not waste time on a person.

"If I am not mistaken, the cold poison in the urban master's body has already invaded the depths of the bone marrow. If it is not removed as soon as possible, even a hundred yangyang Dan can not fundamentally solve the problem of the urban master."

Jiang Chen did not answer the words of Yan Dongliu, but instead shifted the topic.

When this words came out, Yan Dongliu was really shocked. The look of Jiang Chen was also different. He had tried his best to suppress the cold poison in the body. If it does not show up, even if it exists in the same level, I couldn't see my abnormality, but Jiang Chen saw at a glance that his cold poison invaded the bone marrow. This eyesight made him have to be shocked.

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