Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1073: Yuan Chengjun

"It turned out to be."

Jiang Chen nodded. The situation in Yancheng was similar to that of Tianxiang City. The Chamber of Commerce did not say that the competition between the city government and Huangjia was the same as that of Jiangjia and Murong.

Of course, Tianxiang City and Yancheng are in no way necessary. The original Jiang family and Murong family could not be compared with the big forces here. This is the fairyland, not at the same level.

Jiang Chen also understands why Yan Qingcheng tried to win over himself yesterday. The alchemy teacher like himself, if he was pulled over by the Huang family, would be a great blow to the city government. It may not be too obvious, but if the time is long, the gap between the two sides will show up. When it happens, it will be extremely overturned. For one party, it will be a fatal blow.

"Right, Jiang Da Ge does not know where it came from. With your talent and alchemy means, even if you go to the front door of the first line, you will definitely be valued and have a certain status. Why will it appear in our city government? And have the villagers of Hanjia Village come together?"

Yan Qingcheng asked, for the origin of Jiang Chen, she is very interested in the performance, there is no way not interested, such a prominent figure like Jiang Chen, appearing in Yancheng, itself is a bit abnormal.

"Miss Allure, this is a secret of mine. I hope that Miss will not be embarrassed. I can only say that my appearance will not be harmful to the city government."

Jiang Chen laughed and said that the identity of his ascendant had nothing to say, but because of the appearance of the brand, his identity became somewhat sensitive. Now the fairyland and the Northern and Southern Dynasties are definitely looking for their own traces, and the brand disappears. The Southern and Northern Dynasties are looking for themselves. The only clue is that the ascendant can easily find himself if he is locked in a region and a flying person at a certain time.

Therefore, the ascendant became the biggest secret after Jiang Chen went to the fairyland. He couldn’t say it anyway. If he couldn’t do it well, he would have a life-threatening worry and regret it later.

"Well, since Jiang is not willing to say that the city will not be reluctant."

Yan Dangcheng Road.

"Miss Allure, I am refining Liyang Dan, which consumes a lot of soul power. Now it takes time to recover."

Jiang Chen said extremely euphemistically.

"Well, although Jiang Da Ge is resting here, I will not bother. If there is any need, Jiang Da Ge will summon Allure at any time."

Yan Liancheng said quickly, then turned and left, I don’t know why, at the moment of stepping out of the gate of the other hospital, Yan’s city was a bit disappointing. She knew that she was afraid to see this talented young man. But it is a pity that the other party does not seem to feel about himself.


Yan Qingcheng sighed a lot, feelings, this thing can not be reluctant, everything goes with it.

Looking at the disappearance of Yan’s city, Jiang Chen shook his head helplessly. Yan’s feelings about himself were not felt by him. However, for this flying peach blossom, he only had respect and some feelings, and he could not afford it. He already has smoke and rain and dances, and he is not willing to provoke other women.

Moreover, Jiang Chen has just arrived in the fairyland, and many places do not understand it. He is now only thinking about improving his cultivation and letting himself stand in the fairy world. His goal is definitely not just a small Yancheng, nor this line. The sky is the region, but the whole fairyland.

After Yan Qingcheng left, Jiang Chen chose to retreat. He now has 200,000 dragons in his body, and the 12-story ancestral tower has also recovered to a complete state. Tiansheng sword is equivalent to the fairy of the human level, the general prefecture The machines are not comparable, these are the cards of Jiang Chen.

Now for Jiang Chen, the most important thing is to eliminate the branding of the body. That branding is like the thorn in the eye, so that Jiang Chen does not get rid of it.


The dragons have been running to the extreme. After the evolution, the dragons are not more horrible than before. This is also the place where Jiang Chen has the confidence to refine the brand, but the owner of this brand is too strong, with the current repair of Jiang Chen. In order to completely refine and refine Jiang Chen's brand, I am afraid it will take some time.

In the next two days, Jiang Chen was completely immersed in the process of refining and branding. This kind of dedication and refining has indeed achieved great results. In two days, the brand has been refined and re-elected by three-thirds. One or so.


The door of the other hospital was pushed open. Although Jiang Chen was in the house, his sensitivity was so sharp that he immediately felt it. He immediately took up the momentum. At this time, his room was pushed away. A figure reflected in the eyes of Jiang Chen.

This situation makes Jiang Chen very annoying. The most annoying thing in his life is that someone disturbs himself when he retreats. He wants to see the people before he does not worry.

Standing at the door is a young man, dressed in a clean blue dress, a thick black hair, looks handsome, his instrument is extraordinary, looks very talented, and reached the late stage of the fairy. And Yan Yancheng is comparable, such a repair, in this entire Yancheng, that is the genius of genius, one of the best exists.

It is a pity that Jiang Chen did not know this person and never saw it.

"You are Jiang Chen?"

The voice of the person is not good, and his eyes are constantly looking at Jiang Chen, full of hostility.

"Do I owe you money?"

Jiang Chen didn't ask for a good gas. He didn't know each other. He came up with such tone and posture. He didn't owe you money. He put it on the door. Jiang Chen had this natural superiority. The self-proclaimed genius had an annoyance from the bones. .

"I am Yuan Chengjun, Yuan Hong is my sister."

Yuan Chengjun reported his name, and moved him out to show how noble he is in the city.

The son of Yuan Hong, the genius of the late immortals, such a young talent, is indeed very difficult to get, there is a fairy-level Laozi, no wonder so arrogant.

"I am not interested in who you are, but it is impolite to swear at my door. Have you not taught you what is polite?"

Jiang Chen’s tone is not good, but Mo is the son of Yuan Hong. Even if Yan Dongliu’s son is so against himself, he is still not awkward.

Jiang Chen’s words directly let Yuan Chengjun know, and he did not think that the other party would dare to speak with himself in this tone, and after listening to his identity.

You know, Mo said that in this city's main government, even in the entire Yancheng area, there are not many young people who dare to speak with themselves in this tone.

Moreover, Jiang Chen’s performance did not put himself in his eyes. The underestimation of contempt was undoubtedly stimulating his strong self-esteem.

"Jiang Chen, you are a small person, even dare to be so arrogant in front of this son, dare to be unreasonable to this son, believe it or not."

Yuan Chengjun was furious and didn't know why. He couldn't help but anger when he saw Jiang Chen.

"I advise you not to hang on to the dead words because you don't know the word is terrible."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, what else will you do in addition to alchemy? I will not care about you for the sake of the city's alchemy. But I remind you that it is better to stay away from the sister of the city, otherwise I will Definitely give you a good look."

Yuan Chengjun snorted and gave a direct advice to Jiang Chen.

Before he went out to practice, he didn't come back until yesterday. He immediately heard about Jiang Chen's deeds. What he couldn't bear was that Yan Qingcheng was so friendly to Jiang Chen, and he almost showed his embarrassment. How did he get it? The entire city government, who does not know that Yuan Chengjun has been pursuing Yancheng.

In the eyes of everyone, he and Yan Jiangcheng are the geniuses, they are a pair of heavenly creations, but in fact, Yancheng has always been cold and not hot to him.

Even so, Yuan Chengjun did not give up the pursuit of Yan Dangcheng. In his view, a top-notch woman was originally cold and proud, but Yan Qingcheng has never treated herself like Jiang Chen.

He came to see Jiang Chen today, mainly for two purposes. One is to threaten Jiang Chen, and the other is to look at the people who Yan Xiangcheng is watching. How good it is. Now it seems that he is very disappointed. In front of this Jiang Chen, in addition to alchemy, the appearance is not as good as himself, repairing is not as good as himself, the strength is not as good as himself, the charm is not as good as himself, compared with himself, there is simply no comparability.

If you are better than a genius who is better than yourself, then it is better, but now it is being compared with one person. It is simply a shame to yourself. He can’t imagine, the proud Yan’s city, his eyes turned out. Is such that.

But no matter what, Yan Qingcheng is his own, others can't think of it, if Jiang Chen wants to **** it, he will never be polite to Jiang Chen.

"My thing, it's not your turn to tell your fingertips. Who is like Yancheng? It's her own thing. I can't control it. If there is nothing else, please get out of the way and don't delay my cultivation."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and said impatiently. He understood Yuan Chengjun’s intentions, but he had nothing to do with himself. In this respect, he really did not have time to play with Yuan Chengjun. If he does not want to offend Yuan Hong, he is afraid. Has been unceremoniously shot, even if the other party is the master of the late Xianxian, Jiang Chen did not have a little fear.

"A good Jiang Chen, a small person, is so arrogant, I remember clearly in my words, I hope you will not provoke me in the future, in this city capital, provoke me Yuan Chengjun, how to end, you should be clearer than anyone else. ""

Yuan Chengjun rushed to the door and slammed the door. His eyes have already revealed a hint of killing, but he knows where it is. He also knows that Jiang Dian's alchemy has been recognized by Yan Dongliu, if he killed Jiang in the city government. If you are dusty, you will have trouble.

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