Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1074: Do not care

Yuan Chengjun’s faint killings could not overcome Jiang Chen’s perception. Looking at the disappearance of Yuan Chengjun, Jiang Chen could not help but frown.

"I hope you don't mess with me."

Jiang Chen said faintly, he didn't want to be upset with the people in the city's government, but if Yuan Chengjun really had no eyesight to provoke himself, then he would not be polite, and people who have provoked Jiang Chen have never been there. What is good to end.

A breeze blows out from the body of the river dust, the door is automatically closed, Jiang Chen continues to retreat, and efforts to refine the body's branding, this refining, directly to the evening, the moonlight shines through the window into the house, sprinkled in Jiang Chen's Face.

Jiang Chen slowly opened his eyes, and suddenly he was a little angry. I don’t know if it was affected by Yuan Chengjun during the day, so that his heart could not be completely quiet for a while. This situation is extremely rare in the history of Jiang Chen’s cultivation. .

Since it is impossible to meditate, there is no need to continue to retreat. Jiang Chen stretched out and stood up from the futon. He gently pushed open the door and a cool breeze blew, giving people a feeling of being relaxed and happy. .

Jiang Chen looked at the sky, the night tonight is not bad, the moon star, but he has a feeling of loneliness.

It is a loneliness from the heart. In the past life, he was obsessed with cultivation in his life. Although he was lonely, he never knew what is loneliness, promotion, he has loved ones, has lover, has brothers, has friends, and now these people are not around. The shape of a single shadow, the feeling of loneliness will arise spontaneously.

"I don't know where Rhubarb has gone, not in this area."

Jiang Chen shook his head. When there was a big yellow dog, he would never be lonely. Unfortunately, he was at the last moment of flying up the fairyland and the big yellow dog was gone. Now there is no news of the big yellow dog. In the fairyland, he can see each other. There is really no fixed point.

In addition, the repair is too weak, and the repair of others in the late stage of the fairy, even if there are wings, it is impossible to fly freely in the fairy world. Without the power to control the space, it is said that the world is in the world. It's hard to go out.

Looking at the night, silent, no one, Jiang Chen walked out of the city government, did not bother anyone, came to Yancheng for a few days, and never went out to walk, did not have time to look at the fairyland style, at this moment just bored, go out Maybe you can feel something.

Outside the gate of the city's main government, it is an alley leaning against it. Because the hutong is relatively narrow, even if it has a bright moonlight, it still looks dark. At this moment, a black shadow flashes and enters the interior of the hutong.

Jiang Chen is a master of the late immortal, his eyesight is naturally extraordinary. When he looked at it, he saw a figure in black standing on the side of the hutong, his shoulders leaning against the wall, and it is not difficult to judge from the body shape. A man should be a middle-aged man.

Although he could not see the man's eyes, Jiang Chen was sure that the man was staring at himself.

"Master Jiang, can you see it?"

The sound came from the hutong, exactly what the black man sent.

Jiang Chenyi, this person deliberately hides outside the city government, it seems that it has been a long-term plan. Now it seems that the other party is waiting for a certain goal. It is the goal of the other party. What is certain is that Jiang Chen I don’t know this person, the breath of the other person is very strange, he has never seen it.

However, this person is only the cultivation of the late Xianxian. Jiang Chen is naturally not afraid. It is said that it is the late stage of the immortal, even if it is a half-step fairy, as long as it is not a true fairy, Jiang Chen is not afraid, his current strength. Naturally, it is not a half-step opponent of the fairy, but the half-step fairy is still unable to fly, and he wants to escape is still very simple, the speed of the blazing fire, even the general fairy, can not catch up.

Without the slightest fear, Jiang Chen strode into the hutong and soon came to the black man. With the moonlight, Jiang Chen could clearly see the person’s face. The other person’s body was not majestic, but Not only thin, the face of the beard, looks like the age of forty, his repair has actually reached the peak of the fairy, only one step can reach half a step.

"Who is you? I don't know you."

Jiang Chen said.

"In the next Huang Xiong, it is the Yancheng Huang family, they all call me Liu Ye."

Huang Xiong reported his name, and the six brothers of Huangjiajia, this Huang Xiong is the lowest one. Although it is only the late Xianxian, his status in the Huang family is not comparable to that of ordinary people. Xiong has saved his name. He believes that no one in the Yancheng area will know the name of his six lords.

But it is a pity that Jiang Chen is the one who does not know.

"The people of Huangjia? What are you looking for?"

Jiang Chen asked, he had talked with Yancheng before, there are three major forces in Yancheng, this Huang family, is the one that is hostile to the city government.

"I heard that the city's main government came to a young alchemy master. I didn't expect it to be so young. I don't like ink. Huang Xiong doesn't like ink. Let's go straight to the mountain. I am going to find Jiang master today. I hope that Jiang master can leave the city government and trust us. Home, our Huang family will give double the benefits of the city government."

Huang Xiong said to the door.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen's face is unchanged, as if Huang Xiong's words are as expected in his own, but it is a pity that Huang Jia miscalculated the abacus, which is destined to be disappointed. He is not the kind of wall grass with two sides and three knives. .

More importantly, the strength of Xiaoyan Yancheng is really not worthy of his trust.

"I am not interested in the Huang family."

Jiang Chen said directly that there was no slogan for Huang Xiong.

Wen Yan, Huang Xiong obviously stunned, and he did not think that the other party was so refreshed, he refused himself. You must know that the status of Huang’s family in Yancheng is also loud, and he invited Huang Laoliu to personally invite him. No one dares to reject himself.

Even if it is a refusal, it cannot be rejected so directly. This is not just to give yourself a face, but not to give the entire Huang family face.

"Master Jiang, we Huang Jiake is very sincere to invite you, I hope Jiang master to think about it, presumably you should be clear, in this Yancheng, the strength of our Huang family is not weaker than the city government, what conditions Jiang master, though, Our Huang family will try our best to meet."

Huang Xiong still said that he did not give up.

"Okay, if you come to me for this matter, then don't say it anymore. I said, I am not interested in your Huang family."

Jiang Chen waved his hand and was already impatient with words.

"Hey! Jiang Chen, don't you want to toast and not eat fine wine."

Huang Xiong’s face changed and it was obviously angry.

"What? You want to kill me?"

Jiang Chen’s eyes are slightly stunned, and even in the dark, he still can’t stop the light from his eyes.

"Jiang Chen, you should be very clear. Our Huang family and the city government are not in the same position. Sooner or later, we have to divide a high. The so-called one mountain is not allowed. You have helped the city government, that is, the enemy of our Huang family, a superior alchemist. It is enough to affect the overall situation. If you return to our Huang family, the only thing I can do is to kill you, not to use it for me. Then completely remove it. I think you are very clear."

Huang Xiong murdered the machine. He had already thought about it before he came. If he could not win Jiang Chen, he would kill it and exempt him from the Huang family.

"I know, but I know better, you can't kill me."

After Jiang Chen finished, he turned his head and left.

"court death."

Huang Xiong was completely angry. The boy in the late stage of a fairy did not give himself a face. This is the first time. He has to admit that Jiang Chen’s courage is really great. Since it is not right, there is nothing. It can be said that only the killing of Jiang Chen can not be used by the city of the city.


An icy wind suddenly came from behind, and even if Jiang Chen didn't look back, he knew that Huang Xiong had shot it. The momentum of the late Xianxian was released, and it was indeed very embarrassing.

However, Jiang Chen had already prepared for it. When Huang Xiong moved, he also moved. The space was full of ways to match the shadow of the wolf, and a series of phantoms appeared in the hutong.


Huang Xiong broke the two phantoms of Jiang Chen. Before seeing it, Jiang Chen has disappeared. He only saw a figure entering the city government.

"Fast speed, impossible, how can there be such a terrible speed in the late stage of a fairy, although I am careless, but the kid of a late fairy, it is absolutely impossible to escape my palm."

Huang Xiong was shocked and stunned. Jiang Chen’s speed is fast. It can be said that his life is only seen. He must know that his cultivation is a powerful late immortal. Under such a huge gap, Jiang Chen easily escaped from his own. Attack, if it is not personal experience, he will not believe in killing him.

"This person is definitely a huge threat. I don't know where to come from a peerless genius. Not only is alchemy superb, but it seems that the cultivation talent is also extremely high. The whole Yancheng area can escape from my hands in the late stage." This is still the first one. It seems that we must try our best to get rid of this person. Otherwise, with his help, the overall strength of the city government will soon be upgraded. At that time, it is our Huang family. The end of the day."

Huang Xiong’s face was extremely dignified. Before he saw Jiang Chen, he did not put Jiang Chen in his eyes, but now he saw that he really felt a great threat. It was a threat to the entire Huang family. The owner gave him the matter, and he must remove the person for the Huang family.

Because of Huang Xiong's reason, Jiang Chen had no intention to continue to hang around, he returned to his own hospital again.

"It seems that there is a spy in the city's government. Otherwise, Huang Xiong will not come to the door so soon."

Jiang Chen secretly, how clever he is, he suddenly thought of the key. Huang Xiong came to find himself, and he must have heard about his refining of Liyang Dan, and Lieyang Dan and Yandongliu were invaded by cold poison. The news has always been closed, and Huang Xiong can know that there must be some whistle-blowing.

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