Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1408: Futian Villa


The powerful air waves erupted from the body of Jiang Chen like the tide. It must be said that the blood of Kirin is too strong, and directly helped Jiang Chen to hit the late Jinxian, millions of dragons, and the momentum is noisy.

"The metamorphosis of the guy, in his current state, even if he does not display the dragon change, can also kill the sky cloud, Kirin is the heaven and earth sacred beast, one of the five elements of the beast, I am afraid that only this perverted guy can easily unicorn The blood is absorbed. If it is replaced by an ordinary person, it will not be able to withstand such a powerful blood pulse. The whole person will explode and die."

The rhubarb dog is awkward, but he knows Jiang Chen is not a day or two. He is familiar with Jiang Chen’s tyranny and divineness, so it’s not too surprising. If you let outsiders see it, it will definitely be shocking.

At this moment, the fire unicorn is still wilting in other space of the ancestral tower. If you know that Jiang Chen has absorbed his own blood in the fart of this fart, I am afraid that a blood will be sprayed on the spot, and then I will faint and suffocate. .

"Small dust, you cultivated to go further, reaching the late Jinxian, even if you do not display the dragon change state, you can have a place in the East Xuan domain."

The rhubarb dog said happily.

"Yes, the blood of Qilin is really strong. It is not the normal blood of the beast. I am not only improving it now, but the foundation is also very rich. The million dragon pattern is not afraid of consumption."

Jiang Chen is full of momentum, and his hands and feet show a strong self-confidence. It is a natural king's temperament, from the confidence in the bones.

“Is there a magical power to get Kirin?”

The rhubarb dog asked in the tone of expectation.

"Of course."

Jiang Chen’s mouth overflowed with a hint of lightness. He held out a finger and a red-red flame suddenly appeared at his fingertips, jumping back and forth, full of sacred breath.

"Kirin Holy Fire, haha, your dragon is really against the sky, even the unicorn holy fire has absorbed, now you have three kinds of flames in the body, everything between heaven and earth can be refining, any monsters and ghosts must be restrained by you. Dead and dead, and the three kinds of anti-sky flames can constantly temper the body in your body, it is invincible."

The rhubarb dog is so good at Jiang Chen’s praise, even if he has to admit that Jiang Chen is the most horrible genius he has ever seen, and it is not too much to describe it with the sky.

"This is just a holy fire. I also got a magical power, you can see the rhubarb."

Jiang Chen said, sticking out his left arm, and a powerful force of flooding suddenly spewed out. Then, Jiang Chen’s arm began to change and became extremely strong. It was covered with golden scales and had a unicorn at the top of the fist. The virtual shadow floats.

"Kirin arm."

The rhubarb dog exclaimed, and it was completely unbelievable. It was completely shocked. After Jiang Chen absorbed the blood of Qilin, not only did he get the holy fire, but he also evolved the unicorn arm. This is a miracle. .

"I feel it. The power of this unicorn arm is very powerful. Once it is displayed, it can exert double power when I am in the same body. If it is displayed in a dragon-changing state, the Kirin arm can still The combination of the dragon and the arm exerts a more powerful combat power. What's more, the Kirin arm is a kind of supernatural power. It will continue to enhance as my cultivation progresses."

Jiang Chen said with a smile, this time absorbing the essence of Qilin's essence, it is a very lucky thing, and got the unimaginable benefits, first of all, the breakthrough of cultivation, then the fusion of the holy fire, and now there are more Qilin gods. This powerful skill of the arm is really a bad luck.

"It's amazing, it's too powerful. With our current cards, even if we reach the East Xuan domain, we will not be passive everywhere. We are also the ones that ordinary people can't afford."

The rhubarb dog smiles, the more Jiang Chen is, the more he is naturally happy. After all, the East Xuan domain is not comparable to the first-line sky. Here, the masters are like clouds, and they are strong everywhere. If they don’t have the skills, they can even show their opportunities. nothing.

"Now we have reached the boundary of the East Xuan domain, and the fire unicorn will stay in the ancestral tower. Let's go out and see how this piece of Dongxu domain is vast."

Jiang Chen stood up, put away the momentum, and took the big yellow dog out of the ancestral tower. The mood of one person and one dog is very good now. Just getting to the East Xuan domain has such a huge advantage, naturally there is no Good reason.

Looking back at the mountains that were destroyed in the distance, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog smiled and then flew forward toward the front. The two arrogant guys still didn’t know how big the bucket was, and they killed the North and South families. The unicorn sacred beast is bigger than the mine that destroyed the Xuanyang sect in the first day.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog probably flew a thousand miles away, and finally found a place with some smoke. There is a huge manor in front of it. Even if it is far away, you can feel the rich atmosphere in the manor. The average person wants to enter this mountain village, it is simply impossible.

"My dog, I smelled the smell of flowers and wine. Let's go for so long, just enter the mountain to relax."

The rhubarb dog is very excited and has been on the itinerary for a month. It has already been ruined.

"Okay, go see."

Jiang Chen smiled and laughed. This mountain village looks so brilliant and magnificent. It must be a look. It has just entered the East Xuan domain. This mountain house is also the first stop.

Outside the villa, there are always pedestrians coming and going. It can be seen that the people who come in and out here are not rich and expensive. This can be seen from the dressing. Before Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog came to this villa, they saw the gate of the villa. There is a huge plaque hanging on it, with the dragon and the phoenix dancing with four characters: Futian Villa.

The four characters are extremely domineering, and the whole mountain is like a city.

"Fukutian Villa, the name is very blessed."

The rhubarb dog swayed his tail and said.

Before the gate of the villa, there are guards on the left and right. Anyone who enters the villa must pay a certain fee, and it is a very expensive expense. However, those who can enter here are local tyrants, and do not care about this cost. And they know who the owner of this villa is, and they don't dare to be here because of a little expense. This can be seen from the powerful Jinxian walking into the village. Here, except for the master of the king, it is not allowed to fly. .

"Get out of the way, how come you old dolls, know where this is? Where you come, you have a garbage to break your legs here."

At this time, there was a big drink outside the gate.

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