Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1409: Fate

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at the sound, and saw a ragged old man entangled with the guard before the gate. The old man looked very thin, completely undressed, unshaven, and scattered.

"A bunch of dog-eyed guys who know people are low. Do you know who Laozi is? When I was in the middle of the year, when you were in the East, you haven’t been born yet."

The old man was squatting, and an old man was very arrogant.

"Get out of the way, old liar, don't let Laozi see you here, do you know where it is? Your old liar here is simply affecting the image of Futian Villa."

The guard waved his hand and looked very impatient, but did not shoot the old man. Obviously, in this guardian's view, he is a very noble person. It seems that the smell of this mountain village is very noble, noble. People and low-lying people go to general knowledge, that is, they lost their identity.

"The dog's eyes look low, hehe!"

The pickled old man looked very angry. He turned his sleeves and turned away. Obviously this is not the first time he tried to enter the mountain. Unfortunately, every time he failed, it is good to say that the guards here are good. There is no violent old man.

"Hey, old hairy, if you want to come in, you can take out ten top grade stones."

Another guard yelled at the back of the old man, and then several guards began to laugh, they just let the old man play on the spot, knowing that the old man could not come up with ten top grades.

"Just kidding, the old man wants to go wherever he wants to go, who dares to pay for Laozi."

The old man is still a very arrogant look, but the reality is that he really can't get ten top grades.

Jiang Chen did not put this little episode in his heart, striding toward the gate of the villa. At this time, the old liar happened to see Jiang Chen, and immediately revealed a smile that he thought was very kind, and he welcomed the fart. Come up, see, Jiang Chen couldn't help but frown. He just went to Dong Xuan, but he didn't want to bother. This old guy looks like a trouble.

"The son, this son looks at the distance from afar. If the old man did not guess wrong, the son should be the first time to come to the East."

The old liar is holding his beard with his hand, and he looks like a good man.

"Oh? How do you see that I am coming to Dongxuan for the first time?"

Jiang Chen stunned, couldn't help but look at the old man. He didn't intend to take care of the old liar, but the other party even saw his own reality, which made Jiang Chen could not help but be interested, at least ask Clear.

"The old man, I know the geography under the astronomy. There is nothing in this world that I don't know. I see that your Yintang is black, and you will be troubled in the future. If you can take out a hundred top grades, the old man will Help you crack the crack and help you solve the unknown troubles."

The old liar said.

Wen Yan, Jiang Chen could not help but rolled his eyes, and then no longer care about the old liar, striding to continue to the gate of the villa.

"Hey, don't go, don't go a hundred, you just need to bring the old man in."

Seeing that the flicker is not successful, the old liar quickly catches up with Jiang Chen, and finally encounters a new one, naturally it cannot be missed.

"roll roll roll!"

Seeing that Jiang Chen was entangled, a guard suddenly greeted him, grabbed the arm of the old liar and threw it outward.


The old man seemed to be unable to withstand the strong, and could not help but step back two steps, but these two steps, so that Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog looked at the old liar eyes have changed.

"Little dust, this old man is not simple."

The rhubarb dog is voiced to Jiang Chen. They are all eyes of a unique generation. The old man’s performance is only an early stage of the immortal. This kind of cultivation is almost at the bottom of the Eastern Xuan domain, and it is incomparably surviving. Difficulties, but the old man has lived so much old age, and more importantly, the old man has been doing a deceitful act but has not been killed.

This is not the most crucial. The key is that this guard is the mid-day cultivation of the fairy, the early stage of the immortals and the middle of the fairy. The gap is unimaginable, and the guards throw it vigorously, but only let the old man retreat two steps.

This is very abnormal. The only explanation is that the old man deliberately concealed his own cultivation. The early stage of the immortal is not his real cultivation. With the eyesight of Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog, he can’t see the old man’s realism. What is it?

"The son does not pay attention to this old liar, this old man is often abducted here, the trick is that you have just come to the East Xuan domain, and now the trade fair will be carried out soon, this old liar thinks to mix in, do not look at this is Where is it, he is a pickled person who can go in casually."

The guard said that the tone of Jiang Chen is still very good. After all, Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog are powerful masters of Jin Xian. The big yellow dog is a half-step Xian Wang level. He is a fairy, even if he thinks he is a cow. Forced, do not dare to be in front of Jin Xian master.

"Trade Fair?"

Jiang Chen’s glimpse, it seems that this Futian Villa is going to have a trade fair, no wonder there are so many people.

"Don't listen to this guard," said the first time you came to the East Xuan domain. It is still not clear about the Dongxu domain and the Futian Mountain Villa. The old man knows everything. There is nothing in the East Xuan domain that I don't know. As long as you go in with the old man, you want to know anything."

The old liar got together again. The typical faceless skin was pushed by the guards. He was not angry at all.

"Get out of the way, if you don't roll this old liar, don't blame me for being unwilling to take it."

The guard was obviously angry too, and it seemed that he was ready to shoot at the old man.


Jiang Chen raised his hand and showed some impatience. Then he directly threw it to the guardian thirty top grade stone.

"Let him come in?"

Jiang Chen said.

"Haha, this son is really big-eyed, unlike the guy who looks down on the dog eyes, as long as the old man follows you, you are the ten celestial stones, absolutely not white."

The old man laughed and looked very excited.

"This, son, do you really want to bring this scammer into it?"

The guard was a little embarrassed, and it was obvious that letting the old man enter was affecting the image of the villa.

"What do I have to do, do you still need to tell your finger?"

Jiang Chen took a look at the guard.

"Don't dare, please, son."

The guard made a gesture of asking.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog swayed into the interior of Futian Mountain Villa. The old liar followed closely, trotting all the way, revealing a row of front teeth. How does this image look wretched? If Jiang Chen feels that this old man may not In general, I regret that I came in with the old man.

"The son has a vision. The most eye-catching thing in Dong Xuanyu is you. I don't know how the son is called?"

The old liar asked.

"Jiang Chen."

Jiang Chen said faintly.

"Good, good name."

The old liar took another flattering.

"Right, you are not saying that you know something about Dong Xuanyu? Tell me about it?"

Jiang Chen looks at the old liar. Since this guy has been brought in, it is natural to know something valuable.

When I heard Jiang Chen ask about my own problems, the old liar suddenly came to the spirit. He gave a soft cough, and then said in a serious way: "To say Dong Xuan, the eleven major forces must know, the East Xuan domain is boundless, the region I don't know how big, the masters are naturally countless, the two great families, the three great empires, the six major Xianmen, the eleven major forces almost ruled the entire East Xuan domain."

"What are the forces?"

Jiang Chen curiously asked, so many big forces in Dong Xuanyu are not comparable to the first-line days, but this is enough to show that the area of ​​Dong Xuanyu is vast, and it is one of the most important areas of the fairyland.

"First of all, the two great families, Zhuge family, the north and south family, the two great families can compete with other empire and Xianmen, can imagine how strong the family is, there are strong Xianzun sitting in the town, say the three empires They are the Dagan Empire, the Dayun Empire, the Tianyu Dynasty, and the three empires have always been inconsistent. There are often battles between each other, and even a terrible war has erupted. In the end, the Six Great Immortals, the Promise Fairy, the exquisite land , Huaxian Valley, Shenxingmen, Huangquanmen, there are positive and evil in the six celestial gates of the corpse Yinzong, which are different."

The old liar introduced the 11 powers to Jiang Chen. It is really omniscient, but as a person in the East Xuan domain, knowing the eleven major forces, it is also a normal thing, I am afraid that it is casual on the street. Pulling a person can know this, if even the eleven major forces do not know, how to mix in the East Xuan domain.

"Dagan empire, the north and south family."

Jiang Chen’s eyes flashed a ray of light. The eleven major forces allowed him to immediately become interested in the Dagan Empire and the North-South House. When Yang Bufan left, he left a sentence saying that he had gone to the East Xuan domain. The Dagan Empire looked for him, so Jiang Chen remembered the Dagan Empire.

As for the north and south family, this surname is very rare, so Jiang Chen had to go with the North and South, and although Jiang Chen once killed the two divisions of the Northern and Southern Dynasties, Jiang Chen is almost certain that the deities of the Northern and Southern Dynasties must be in the fairy world, and It is quite horrible to cultivate, so this North and South family of Dong Xuanyu will have any relationship with the Northern and Southern Dynasties. Jiang Chen is really hard to say.

"Little dust, you said that the Northern and Southern Dynasties will not be in this north-south family. If they are, we will soon be able to meet again."

The rhubarb dog said that this is the enemy of life and death of Jiang Chen, from the Shengyuan to the fairyland.

"This is fate, I am looking forward to meeting him again."

Jiang Chen smiled. He and the Southern and Northern Dynasties were destiny. The enemies of the fate could not hide. Jiang Chen knew that he and the North and the North had a real confrontation. I am afraid that it has just begun, or that it has not yet begun. It’s always better than coming and getting away.

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