Dragon-Marked War God

Chapter 1419: shameless

The beauty is like a wave, and the people who are watching all kinds of styles are dazzled. Some people are about to emerge in the eyes. People who have had exchange meetings know that this is specially arranged by the Futian son. These women are used by them for fun. Here, in the Futian son, these women are tools.

"These women are not normal, they are all controlled by some special method."

The rhubarb dog whispered.

About thirty glamorous women, went to the table, kneeling on their knees, with a sly smile on their faces.

"Haha, I knew that the Futian son was full of springs here, and today I saw it well."

A genius character in the early days of the fairy king laughed, and then naturally faced the woman next to her, and put her hands directly into the women's clothes, kneading up and down on her chest. The woman was tender and did not resist. Let the other person touch and touch on himself.

Others are naturally not idle. They understand in their hearts that this is a gift given to them by the blessed son, that is, for them to enjoy, and most of the people who come here are also coming for fun, although this exchange will be There is a trading baby, but enjoyment is also very important. It is not a decent person to come here. Naturally, it will not be polite.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were stunned by the women. Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog were fine. The old liar was not welcome. He put the woman in his arms, but the action of the old liar was limited to this. I didn’t touch the woman like everyone else.

The woman next to Jiang Chen was there and motionless. Jiang Chen did not move her, she was quietly there, with a constant smile on her face.

Jiang Chen looked at the woman's eyes. The woman's eyes were deep, and she could not see the vitality. It was like a stagnant water. It was dead, Jiang Chen could even see the soul of the other side, a person whose soul was almost exhausted. That is the walking dead.

"The corpse Yinzong has a rare demento, which can control the soul of the people and completely control them. Their dementia is originally aimed at the dead. The corpse is good at using the body, and the bodies of some masters will be taken by them. Shipped back, and then used the secret method to make it a fight, fighting for them, but the Futian son merged the secret method of the corpse Yinzong into the demento, and dealt with the young and beautiful woman everywhere, controlling it and becoming himself. The slaves become their own playthings and tools."

The old liar voiced to Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog. You can feel that even a person like an old liar is angry when he says this. This is probably a reason why the old liar is embarrassed to play with the woman next to him. .

"The immortal slab, such scum, living is a scourge."

The rhubarb dog looked very angry, but did not show it.

Jiang Chen's eyes are slightly stunned, and the cold coldness is flashing. The coldness is extremely cold. For people like Futianzi, he really can't afford to have a good feeling. Such a person, no matter how strong the opponent is, how powerful the force is, Jiang Chen is destined. Will not be friends with it.

Futian's acting style reminds Jiang Chen of the original blood moon son. At the beginning, he just entered the Xuanyi Gate, screaming at the outer door, violently attacking the elders of the outer door, and later was sentenced by Xuan Yizhen to remove the bloodsucker and blood moon. The son, the blessing of the blessed son, is no different from the Gorefiend.

Although Jiang Chen is also a sultry generation, but it is all about his own enemy, he never kills innocent people, he even hates evil, has a real male blood, deep in his soul, has the most basic between heaven and earth. justice.

"How? Does the Jiang Chen brothers dislike?"

Futian’s son looked at Jiang Chen, and there was some dissatisfaction between the words. This Jiang Chen just came to work on his own site. Now he ignores his own woman. This is clearly not to give himself a face. You must know that people like Futianzi Is the most important face.

"Not dislike, not interested."

Jiang Chen said indifferently that the attitude toward Futianzi is not as polite as before. When you hate a person, it is difficult to talk to him well, even if it is disguised.

"Jiang Chen, pay attention to your tone."

One person couldn’t stand it anymore and sighed at Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen looked at the man coldly, his face indifference and disdain, and he chose not to care.

Being so disregarded by Jiang Chen, the man looked very angry, but he was just angry. He originally wanted to take a shot on Jiang Chen, and he was also in front of Futian’s son. Unfortunately, he and Wang Yao are the same. Half-step Xian Wang's cultivation, even if he gave him a courage, he did not dare to shoot Jiang Chen.

"Okay, don't affect everyone's mood because of some small things. Jiang Chen brothers are also today's VIPs. They have rare babies in their hands. I don't know what other good guys brought to me. I think everyone has come up with them if If you are interested, you can exchange."

Futian’s son said that he finally entered the topic.

"This Futian son is also very black. It is also for the baby to hold this exchange. The presence of this person is not a simple character. There is no good baby and it will not appear here. Although the Futian son said that everyone's baby is coming out. Feel free to exchange, but if it is the baby he looks at, who dares to fight with him, and no one here will not give him face, as long as he looks at it, he will get it at the lowest price."

The old liar whispered, it seems that the situation inside is extremely clear.

Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog nodded. After seeing the real person of Futian's son, they expected it. It is impossible for such a trade fair to say that Futianzi has no plot.

"I came first. I once entered an ancient tomb. I didn't get it, but I got a body. I don't know how many years there have been, and there is no decay. According to my observation, at least one of the late kings The supreme master left it, this corpse is of no use to others, but for the Futian son, it is of great use."

In the early days of a fairy king, Juncai said, he took out a Qiankun ring in his hand. He called Huo Ying, but he was the genius of Huang Quanmen. Huang Quanmen was one of the eleven major forces, and he was not weaker than the corpse. Therefore, among these people, Huo Ying still has a certain status.

"Oh, really?"

Hearing the body of the late King of the King, Futian’s eyes couldn’t help but shine. As Huo Ying said, this body may not be useful to others, but it is very useful to him. This is what the corpse is playing. Futian Gongzi can use the secret method to make the body into a skeleton, a late king of the prince, which is the existence of value.

"I don't want to exchange this corpse, I will give away the Futian son directly, all as a personal feeling."

Huo Ying seems extremely bold, he had a good personal relationship with the Futian son, usually not to come to this mountain to enjoy, usually can be said to be the same type of person, can use a body to win the Futian son happy, it is quite cost-effective.

"Haha, Huo brother is so happy, since this is the case, my fortune is not welcome."

Futian's son laughed happily and looked very happy. He waved in his hand, and the squadron flew out from Huo Ying's hand and landed in the palm of Futian's son.

A **** thought penetrated into the Qiankun ring, and the smile of Futian's son was even more splendid: "It really is top grade."

"The body of Huo Xiong is a good thing. In this baby, it is extremely rare. Please see."

Someone stood up and spoke. There was a black old ginseng on his hand. The old ginseng was chilly, and it was three feet long. It has grown into a human form.

"This is a million-year-old cold ginseng. It is extremely beneficial to cultivate the Futian son. I also make a personal feeling today and give it directly to the Futian son. I hope that the son can see it."

In a word, a million-year-old cold ginseng was also given away, and the smile on the face of Futian’s son remained unchanged.

"The immortal board, a million years of cold ginseng, the best medicine, and so give away, Grandma's."

The rhubarb dog hates his teeth and feels a pity.

In the following time, some people in the place took out their own baby one by one, there are fairy soldiers, there are rare treasures, there are magical drugs, anyway, the baby that comes out of them, all of them are valuable, but What makes Jiang Chen and the big yellow dog stunned is that the babies of these guys are all directly given to the blessed son, and there is not even one to seek any reward, all of which are selfless dedication.

"Grandma is a bear. This is where the exchange is. This is the gift."

The old liar rolled his eyes and finally realized that he was not enough to understand this exchange.

"Dry, the dog lord, I finally know why the Futian son wants to hold this exchange meeting. I also know why the Futian son will send you an invitation letter instead of buying your Lingquan privately."

The rhubarb dog suddenly realized that this was not a meeting, nor a trade fair, but a tribute to the emperor. The Futian son, his emperor, was truly greedy and unsatisfactory.

With so many babies, Futian's son is naturally happy.

"Jiang Chen Brothers, everyone has come up with their own baby, you should also come up with your own baby?"

Huo Ying looked at Jiang Chen and said.

At this time, everyone's baby was taken out, but Jiang Chen did not take it out.

"I heard that the Jiang Chen brothers have an extremely rare spiritual spring in their hands. It is better to take it out directly, and the son can buy it or exchange it with the baby."

Futian Gongzi said with a smile.

The rhubarb dog couldn’t help but rush out and bite on the **** mouth of Futian’s son. This guy is too shameless. It’s obviously robbing, and what exchange or purchase is said. This is no different from directly reaching out. Just kidding, everyone else is giving away. If you want baby or wealth, then you don't give face to Futian, and you immediately become a target.

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